Literary Terms 3

  1. metaphysical conceit
    a comparison, often elaborate, extended, or startling, between objects which are apparently dissimilar; a type of extended metaphor

    • ex. Oh stay! three lives in one flea spare
    • Where we almost, yea more than married are
    • This flea is you and I and this
    • Our marriage bed and marriage temple is
  2. metonymy
    reference to something or someone by naming one of its attributes

    ex. We await word from the crown.
  3. non sequitur
    a statement that does not logically follow another

    ex. If you get hit by a car when you are six, you will die young. But you were not hit by a car when you were six, thus you will not die young.
  4. oxymoron
    placing two ordinarily opposing terms adjacent to one another

    ex. Festina lente (Make haste slowly)
  5. paradox
    a statement that is self-contradictory on the surface, yet seems to evoke a truth nonetheless

    ex. What a pity that youth must be wasted on the young.
  6. pastoral
    refers to the quality of literary works that deal with the pleasures of a simple, rural life
  7. polysyndeton
    employing many conjunctions between clauses, often slowing the tempo or rhythm

    ex. and, and, and, and
  8. satire
    ridicules human folly or vice with the purpose of bringing about reform
  9. soliloquy
    a speech in which a character, alone on the stage, addresses himself or herself
  10. sonnet
    • a poem of 14 lines, normally iambic pentameter
    • English/Shakespearean-ABABCDCDEFEFGG
    • Italian/Petrarchan-ABBABBA
  11. spoonerism
    the transposition of initial or other sounds of words, as in a blushing crow for a crushing blow
  12. stream of consciousness
    narrative that presents the private thoughts of a character without commentary or interpretation by the author
  13. syllogism
    a deductive system of formal logic that presents two premises; first major, then minor, then conclusion

    • Ex. everything that lives moves (major)
    • no mountain moves (minor)
    • no mountain lives (conclusion)
  14. synecdoche
    a whole is represented by naming one of its parts

    • Ex. Listen, youve got to come look at my new wheels
    • A vehicle is referred to in terms of some of its parts, "wheels"
  15. synethesia
    imagery that involves the use of one sense to evoke another

    Ex. loud color, warm gesture
  16. villanelle
    a 19 line poem consisting of 5 tercets rhymed aba and a concluding quatrain phymed abaa
  17. zeugma
    a general term describing when one part of speech (normally the verb) governs two or more other parts of a sentence

    Ex. He missed his wife and the train
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Literary Terms 3
Literary Terms