P.E Chapter 9-Chronic Adaptation to Training- Anaerobic Training

  1. What are the chronic adaptations to anaerobic training?
    • Muscular hypertrophy
    • Increased muscle stores of ATP and CP
    • Increased glycolitic capacity
    • Cardiac hypertrophy
  2. Explain Muscular hypertrophy
    • Increase in nuber of Fast Twitch 2B fibres which are larger than other fibres
    • Increase in number of myofibrils and myosin and actin myofilaments
    • Leads to greater stength
  3. Explain increased muscular stores of ATP and PC
    • Lined with muscular hypertrophy
    • Body has been training using this system
  4. Explain inceased glycolytic capacity
    • Increase in muscle storage of glycogen and glycoitic enzymes
    • Results in enhance aerobic capacity
  5. Explain cardiac hypertrohpy
    • Ventricle walls become thicker
    • Allows for a more forcefull contraction without change in SV (volume stays the same)
    • Blood is pumped out quicker
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P.E Chapter 9-Chronic Adaptation to Training- Anaerobic Training
P.E Chapter 9-Chronic Adaptation to Training- Anaerobic Training