DNA Synthesis

  1. Semiconservative
    one parental & one daughter goes to each daughter cells
  2. Bidirectional
    two replication fork are iniatated at the origin and as synthesizing move away from another
  3. Template
    DNA strand that is copied into complementary strand of DNA
  4. Primer
    DNA polymerase can only add nucleotide to an existing primer of DNA
  5. Fork

    the site of two strands are replicated

  6. semidiscontinous
    the top strand must be discontinously replicated in short stretches
  7. Leading Strand
    the strand that continously synthesize
  8. Lagging Strand

    the strand that discontinuously synthesize
  9. Ozaki Fragment
    short segment of RNA/DNA
  10. Origin Binding Protein
    bindsĀ & partially denatures the origin DNA while binding to another enzyme helicase
  11. Helicase
    unwind double strand DNA
  12. Single Stranded DNA Binding Protein (SSB)
    enhances the activity of helicase & prevents the unwound DNA
  13. Primase
    synthesize RNA primers required for iniating leading and lagging strand
  14. Processivity Factors
    help load the polymerase onto the primer template while anchoring the polymerase to DNA
  15. Topoisomerase
    removes the positive supercoils that form as the fork is unwound by helicase
  16. RnaseH
    removes RNA portion of Ozaki framents
  17. Ligase

    seals the nicks after filing the gaps left by DNA polymerase
  18. Telomerase
    extends 3' end
  19. DNA Polymerase
    recognized the RNA primer & extend them 5' to 3'
  20. Replisome
    to iniate, replicate DNA replication require enzyme which assemble into large complex
  21. The Four inhibitors of Replication
    Substrate Analogs, Intercalating Agents, DNA Damaging Agents, Topoisomerase Inhibitors
Card Set
DNA Synthesis
DNA Synthesis Exam 3