Origin of the name of the state
Land of Louis, LaSalle, King Loui XIV
State nicknames
Pelican State
State seal
blue and gold with a mother pelican feeding her babies
State Flag
blue and gold with a mother pelican feeding her babies
Number of flags flown over the state
Name of governmental units within the state
Number of governmental units
Date admitted to the union
April 30, 1812
Governor of Louisiana
Bobby Jindal
Highest Point
Driskill Mountain - 533 fet (48th)
Lowest POint
New Orleans, 8 ft. below sea level (2nd)
Largest River
Mississippi River
State colors
Blue, white and gold
State motto
Union, Justice and Confidence
State song #1
"Give Me Louisiana"
State song #2
- "You are my Sunshine"
- Govenor Jimmy Davis
State Capital
Baton Rouge
State bird
Eastern Brown Pelican
State dog
Catahoula Leopard dog
State wildflower
Louisiana Iris
STate fossil
Petrified palmwood
State freshwater fish
White perch, crappie
State musical instrument
Diatonia accordion
State professional football team
New Orleans Saints
State amphibian
Green tree frog
Area of the state
50,000 square miles
Most famous festival
Mardi gras
First American govenor
WCC Clayborn
5 coutnries who have owned Lousiana
France, Spain, England, US, Confederates
State Pledge of Allegiance
"I pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the State of Louisiana and to the motto for which it stands: a state, under God, united in prupose and ideals, confident that justice shall prevail for all those abiding here."