Marking Brevity

  1. Blind
    No visual contact with friendly aircraft/ground unit. Opposite of VISUAL.
  2. Burn
    EO / IR illuminator is being used to provide illumination of surfacepoints of interest.
  3. Captured
    • Specific surface target / object has been
    • acquired and is being tracked with an on-board sensor.
  4. Pulse
    Illuminate / illuminating an enemy position with flashing IR energy.
  5. Rope
    • Circling an IR pointer around an aircraft to help the aircraft identify
    • the friendly ground position.
  6. Snake
    Oscillate an IR pointer about a target.
  7. Sparkle
    • 1) Mark/marking target by IR pointer. 2) Platform is IR point
    • capable.
  8. Steady
    Stop oscillation of IR pointer.
  9. Stop
    Stop IR illumination of a target
Card Set
Marking Brevity
Marking Brevity