Dodd Frank Title X Subtitle H

  1. Sec. 1081.
    Amendments to the Inspector General Act.
  2. Sec. 1082.
    Amendments to the Privacy Act of 1974.
  3. Sec. 1083.
    Amendments to the Alternative MortgageTransaction Parity Act of1982.
  4. Sec. 1084.
    Amendments to the Electronic Fund TransferAct.
  5. Sec. 1085.
    Amendments to the Equal Credit Opportunity Act.
  6. Sec. 1086.
    Amendments to the Expedited FundsAvailability Act.
  7. Sec. 1087.
    Amendments to the Fair Credit Billing Act.
  8. Sec. 1088.
    Amendments to the Fair Credit Reporting Actand the Fair and AccurateCredit Transactions Act of 2003.
  9. Sec. 1089.
    Amendments to the Fair Debt CollectionPractices Act.
  10. Sec. 1090.
    Amendments to the Federal Deposit InsuranceAct.
  11. Sec. 1091.
    Amendment to Federal Financial InstitutionsExamination Council Actof 1978.
  12. Sec. 1092.
    Amendments to the Federal Trade CommissionAct.
  13. Sec. 1093.
    Amendments to the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act.
  14. Sec. 1094.
    Amendments to the Home Mortgage DisclosureAct of 1975.
  15. Sec. 1095.
    Amendments to the Homeowners Protection Actof 1998.
  16. Sec. 1096.
    Amendments to the Home Ownership and EquityProtection Act of 1994.
  17. Sec. 1097.
    Amendments to the Omnibus AppropriationsAct, 2009.
  18. Sec. 1098.
    Amendments to the Real Estate SettlementProcedures Act of 1974.
  19. Sec. 1098A.
    Amendments to the Interstate LandSales Full Disclosure Act.
  20. Sec. 1099.
    Amendments to the Rightto Financial Privacy Act of 1978.
  21. Sec. 1100.
    Amendments to the Secure and Fair Enforcement for Mortgage LicensingAct of 2008.
  22. Sec. 1100A.
    Amendments to the Truth in Lending Act.
  23. Sec. 1100B.
    Amendments to the Truth in Savings Act.
  24. Sec. 1100C.
    Amendments to the Telemarketing and Consumer Fraud and AbusePrevention Act.
  25. Sec. 1100D.
    Amendments to the Paperwork Reduction Act.
  26. Sec. 1100E.
    Adjustments for inflation in the Truth in Lending Act.
  27. Sec. 1100F.
    Use of consumer reports.
  28. Sec. 1100G.
    Small business fairness and regulatory transparency.
  29. Sec. 1100H.
    Effective date.
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Dodd Frank Title X Subtitle H
This is Dodd Frank Title X Short Title Subtitle H—Conforming Amendments