Phys 2- Test 2 quick checks

  1. function of prostate
    • alkaline fluid
    • energy
  2. function of LH
    stimulates laydig cells to produce testosterone
  3. function of FSH
  4. function of inhibin
    • stops spermatogenesis
    • inhibits FSH
  5. testosterone as a metabolite
    • dihydrotestosertone- 5-alpha-reductase
    • estridiole- aromatase
  6. sertoli cells vs. leydig cells
    • sertoli cells- testosterone r/c for spermatogenesis, FSH receptor, nurses sperm
    • leydig cells- absent during childhood, LH receptors to make testosterone
  7. hormones influencing spermatogenesis
    testosterone, inhibin, and FSH
  8. erection vs. ejaculation
    point (parasymp) and shoot (symp)
  9. semen- fibrinolysis and clotting enzymes
    plug the uterus to the dont fall out! then loosens back up so they can swim
  10. gonadotropin production over a lifespan- LH vs FSH
    • fetus- high FSH
    • adult- high LH
    • old- high FSH
  11. function of mullerian inhibiting hormone
    allow male development
  12. diabetic neuropathy:
    c-peptide deficiency in type 1 diabetes
  13. if patiend has high blood glucose but UA is negative for ketones:
    type 2
  14. role of glucagon
    • hyperglycemic, increased blood glucose
    • made by alpha cells
  15. role of somatostatin
    • make by delta cells
    • inhibits glucagon and insulin causing increased blood glucose time in the blood
  16. IDDM vs NIDDM
    • IDDM= type 1, no insulin secretion, ketones
    • NIDDM= type 2, insulin r/c desensitization, no ketones
  17. why cardiovascular disease with DM?
    CHOL deposited in blood vessles
  18. lack of insulin- protein
    protein wasting-> AA -> blood
  19. polyol pathway
    • stimulated in high blood glucose
    • attaches glucose to protiens
    • causes cross-linking= malfunction
  20. 24 year old swimmer presents with chronic back pain

    extreme fatigue after practive and muscle weakness. reports increaed urination but also very thirsty. weight loss above 20 lbs in 1 month and wasnt trying. blury vision

    bp 110/70, pulse 60, respiration 22, decreased grip strength
    type 1 DM
  21. labs show positive ketones and glucose, low specific gravity.
    Fasting glucose >300
    type 1 DM
  22. 30 year old overweight female with chronic back pain.

    increased weight, irregular menses, cant get pregnant, poor diet.

    BMI= 34.3, BP 140/90, pulse 75, respiration 16, truncal obesity, hirsuitism noted chin, facial acne
    type 2 DM
  23. hormones that cause hyerglycemia
    • cortisol
    • GH
  24. hormones that cause hypoglycemia
  25. stimulation of beta cells
    glucose, Ca++
  26. insulin actions on CHO- liver
    • increase glycogen synthase
    • decrease glycogen phosphorylase
    • STORAGE!
  27. insulin actions on CHO- muscle
  28. insulin actions on fat
    storage, inhibits glycolysis
  29. insulin actions on protein
    • storage as AAs
    • increase protein synthesis
  30. class of insulin receptor? how does this lead to its function?
    • enzyme linked
    • phosphorylates glycogen
    • Fast!
    • transcription factors- slow
  31. 38 year old with back pain. weakness in legs, truncal weight gain.

    headache every day, increasing intensity.

    overweight, irregular menses. BP= 160/90. purple stria on flanks, acne on face and back
    cushings disease
  32. above patient has RA and has been taking steroids to maintain symptoms...still cushings disease??
    • no tumor
  33. 35 year old with headaches over past 6 months

    heart palpatations, intense anxiety and panic attacks, lost over 30 lbs in 3 months. BP 190/100, pulse 120 and irregular. face is pale.
    • medulla tumor of chromaffin cells
    • -increased norepi and epi

    need to make sure its not hyperthyroidism
  34. 64 year old with increasing hirsutism. increasing fatigability, left-sided abdominal pain. deeper voice, no weight loss. blood pressure 200/110
    tumor of adrenal reticularis causing too much androgen production
  35. a patient presents with alkalosis, hypertension and hyperglycemia. which hormone binds to which receptor to cause this?
    cortisol binding to aldosterone r/c
  36. role of ACTH in aldosterone production
    • maintains cholesterol synthesis in zona glomerulosa
    • minor aldosterone regulation
  37. role of ANP in aldosterone
    regulation of blood pressure by inhibiting aldosterone
  38. role of K and aldosterone
    increase [K] stimulates aldosterone
  39. regarding cortisol and inflammation, which one doesnt belong?
    decreases leukotrienes
  40. cellular stimulation by cortisol
    cytoplasma to nucleus
  41. cortisol as diabetogenic hormone
    • antagonize insulin r/c
    • desensitized
  42. why does cortisol have mineralocorticoid activity?
    simular to aldosterone
  43. if a patient presents with Cushings and is hypergimented, what is the source of excess cortisol and why
    anterior pituitary tumor-> ACTH over stimulation
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Phys 2- Test 2 quick checks
Phys 2- Test 2 quick checks