Reproductive Intro & dieases

  1. Reproductive organs that produce reporductive cells and hormones
  2. Hypogonadism Classes
    • Estrogens
    • Progestins
    • Androgens
  3. Estrogens Generic Drugs
    • Conjugated Extrogens
    • Extradiol
  4. Progestin Generic Drugs
    • Medroxyprogesterone
    • -Provera
  5. Androgen Generic Drug
    • Testosterone
    • - Depo-Testosterone
    • -Androderm
  6. Drug Classes for Female Infertility
    • Ovulation Stimulation
    • Gonadortopins
  7. Drug for Ovulation Stimulant
    • Clomiphene
    • -Clomid
  8. Drug for Gonadotropin
    • Follitropin-alpha
    • -Follistim AQ
  9. Drug Class for Endometriosis
    Gonadotropin Analogs
  10. Generic Drugs for Gonadotropin Analog
    • Goserelin
    • Leuprolide
  11. Class and Drugs for Erectile Dysfunction
    • Phophodiesterase Inhibitors
    • Sildenafil
    • -Viagra
    • Vardenafil
    • -Levitra
  12. Chlamydia
    • Most common STD
    • Can lead to infertility
  13. Gonorrhea
    2nd most common
  14. Trichomoniasis
    Infects urogenital tract
  15. HPV
    Cause of most cervical cancers
  16. HIV
    Develops into AIDS
  17. Acute Prostatitis
    • sudden inflammation in the prostate gland
    • caused by bacteria
  18. Chronic Prostatitis
    • Long-term inflammation of prostate gland
    • Bacteria
  19. Vulvovaginitis
    Infection or inflammation of the vagina/vulva
  20. What 2 hormones production decline during menopause?
    Estrogen and Progesterone
  21. What is Osteoporosis associated with?
    Declining levels of extrogen
  22. Amenorrhea
    absence or missed periods for 3 cycles or 6 months
  23. Primary amenorrhea
    lack of menstration prior to age 16
  24. Dysmenorrhea
    painful menstration
  25. Why would you want to block estrogen?
    cancer, endometreosis,
  26. Menses phases
    • 1. menses
    • 2. Proliferative phase
    • 3. Ovulation
    • 4. Secretory phase
  27. Menses Phase
    Endometrial lining sloughs off and menstruation begins
  28. Proliferative Phase
    • FSH causes follicles to develop and mature
    • Uterus begins to thicken
  29. Ovulation Phase
    • Follicle ruptures
    • egg released travels tube
    • body temp rises
  30. Secretory Phase
    • LH causes follicle to become corpus luteum
    • Progesterone completes thickening of uterus
  31. What is Progesterones role in Uterine Cycle
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Reproductive Intro & dieases