
  1. Epidermis and Dermis
    • epi- top layew
    • dermis - bottom
  2. Avascular
    with out bood
  3. tendons
    muscle to muscle and bone to muscle
  4. neurons
    individual nerve cells
  5. 1st system to develope
  6. extrocepters
    • delevers sensations outside the body (CONTROLLED BY ENVIRONMENT)
    • sensations inside the body (AUTOMATIC)
  7. reflex Arc
    simplest form of responce
  8. survival needs
    • nutrients
    • oxygen
    • water
    • normal body temp
    • atmospheric pressure
  9. homeostasis
    ability to maintain stable internal conditions when outside world changes constantly
  10. negative feedback
    • output shuts off original stimulus or reduces its intensity
    • cause the variable to change in the opposite direction
    • returns to "ideal" value
    • ex. body temp
  11. positive feedback
    • enhances original stimulus
    • goes in same direction as inital disturbance
    • ex. labor contractions and blood clotting
  12. superior
    toward the head
  13. inferior
    away from the head
  14. anterior
    toward front of the body
  15. posterior
    toward the back of the body
  16. medial
    toward the middle of the body
  17. lateral
    away from the body
  18. proximal
    closer to the origin of the body or trunk of the body
  19. Distal
    away from the trunk of the body
  20. superficial
    toward body surface
  21. serous membrane
    part of membrane lining the ventral body cavity and outer surfaces of organs
  22. Epithelial
    -what does it do
    - characteristics
    • covers body cavities
    • protects, absorbs, filteration, sensory reception, excretion, secretion
    • avascular, close and tightly packed together
  23. squamous
    • type of epithelial
    • flat (iregular)
  24. cuboidal
    • type of epithelial
    • cube shaped
  25. columnar
    • type of epithelial
    • rectangular shaped
  26. connective tissue
    • most aboundant and widley distributed
    • supports and reinforces body organs
    • includes: cartliage, bone, and blood
    • char: extracellular matrix, consisting of ground substance and fibers
  27. mesenchyme
    what cells start out as and it turns into fibroblast, chondroblast, osteoblast, hematopoietic cell, and these turn into different kinds of connective tissue
Card Set
Anatomy Test