
  1. Confirmatory factor analysis of schizophrenia symptoms reveal what?
    • Lenzenweger and Dworkin 1996
    • 3 factors: negative symptoms, reality distortion, disorganization with fourth possible premorbid social impairment
  2. factor analytic studies of schizotypic signs and symptoms reveal what?
    • solutions that are broadly consistent with those of schizophrenia:
    • Raine (1991): 3 factor model consisting of cognitive/perceptual, disorganization, interpersonal
    • So, phenotypically, schizotypes not only seem like attenuated sz, but the latent organization appears similar.
  3. How can you assess schizotypic psychopathology?
    • 1. signs and symptoms
    • 2. devince on reliable laboratory measures
    • 3. first degree biological relative diagnosed with schizophrenia
    • Lenzenweger, 1998
  4. Meehl's theory of schizotypy
    • influenced by Rado (1953, 1960)
    • etiologic framework that encompasses genetic factors, social learning influences and clinical symptomatology.
  5. According to Meehl 1990, schizophrenia occurs because of:
    • 1) a schizotaxic brain which is characterized by hypokrisia resulting from the presence of the schizogene
    • 2) environmentally mediated social learning experiences
    • 3) Polygenic potentiators (other genetic factors separate from the schizogene that, given the presence of the schizogene, raise the probability of clinical decompensation)--example, introversion, anxiety sensitivity, hypohedonia.
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