
  1. epicranius frontalis (frontal belly)
    raises eyebrows, wrinkles forehead
  2. epicranius occipitus (occipital belly)
    tenses and retracts scalp
  3. obicularis oculi
    closes eye
  4. zygomaticus
    retracts and elevates corner of mouth (smile)
  5. orbicularis oris
    compresses lips (kiss)
  6. buccinator
    compresses cheeks (whistle)
  7. masseter
    elevates mandible, moves jaw upward, shut mouth
  8. temporalis
    elevates mandible
  9. digastric
    depressed mandible (pulls mandible down), helps to move hyoid bone
  10. platysma
    depresses mandible and tenses skin of the neck
  11. sternocleidomastoid
    flex the neck, bends head up and face to opposite side
  12. external intercoastals
    elevates ribs for inspiration
  13. internal intercoastals
    depresses ribs for expiration
  14. diaphragm
    contraction expands thorax
  15. external obliques
    compresses abdomen/ flex, laterally rotate spine to opposite side
  16. internal obliques
    compresses abdomen/ flex, laterally rotate spine to same side
  17. transverse abdominus
    compresses abdomen
  18. rectus abdominus
    compresses abdomen/ flexes spine
  19. pectoralis major
    flexion, adduction and medial rotation of arm
  20. pectoralis minor
    protracts shoulder/ glenoid cavity moves inferiorly
  21. serratus anterior
    protracts shoulder/ glenoid cavity moves superiorly
  22. trapezius
    elevate, retract, depress, rotate scapula/ extend neck
  23. deltoid
    abduction or flexion or extension or rotation at the shoulder
  24. teres major
    extension and medial rotation at shoulder
  25. teres minor
    lateral rotation and adduction at shoulder
  26. subscapularis
    medial rotation at shoulder
  27. infraspinatus
    lateral rotation at shoulder
  28. supraspinatus
    abduction at shoulder
  29. rhomboid major
    adduct and inferior rotation of scapula
  30. rhomboid minor
    adduct and inferior rotation of scapula
  31. latissimis dorsi
    extension, adduction and medial rotation at shoulder
  32. erector spinae
    extension of spine (upright posture)
  33. tendons
    attaches mm to bone
  34. aponeurosis
    broad flat tendon
  35. origin
    stationary anchor/ proximal (close to the trunk)
  36. insertion
    attachment that moves during contraction/ distal end
  37. skeletal muscle
    striated, many nuclei, parallel fibers
  38. cardiac muscle
    striated, one nucleus, net like arrangement of fibers, intercerlated disc
  39. smooth muscle
    no striation, little spindle shaped, one nucleus
  40. superficial fascia (hypodermis)
    loose CT
  41. deep fascia (mysiums)
    dense/ coarse CT, wraps mm fibers
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