CH 14A Skeletal Nomeculture

  1. 1. _______ is the C-1 or 1st Cervical vertebrae, posseses no body, pedicles or laminae. Spinous processes are reduced to posterior tubercle. Bracecs Head.
    2. _______ is the C-2 or 2nd Cervical Vertebrae which also braces the head.
    3. _______ is the term relating the neck area or the first region of vertebrae of the spine.
    4. _______ is the ridge meeting between cervical vertebrae and occiput.
    5. _______ is the another name for tailbone, this is a small bone connected to the Sacrum's posterior body
    • 1. Atlas
    • 2. Axis
    • 3. Cervical
    • 4. Occiputal Ridge
    • 5. Coccyx
  2. 1. ______ or forehead, is the bone that covers the front of the skull. Also name for the Lobe that is behind this bone.
    2. ______ is the bone shaped like a minature mandible with two incisor teeth.
    3. ______ or Jawbone, located in front of the skull. Contains the teeth.
    4. ______ the fused bone about the jawbone above the mouth.
    5. ______ bone located at the back of the skull, covers the lobe it is name for that contains the center for visual input
    • 1. Frontal Bone
    • 2. Hyoid
    • 3. Mandible
    • 4. Maxillae
    • 5. Occiptal
  3. 1. _______ is a bony market and muscle attachment area and covers the lobe it is named for, governs somatosensory input.
    2. _______ one of the cranial bones, covers the sinus it is name for and is in the front of the skull.
    3. _______ Bone located above the Mandible and Mastoid Process, covers the lobe of the brain that governs auditory and olfactory area and wernicke's area.
    4. _______ or digits, is another name ofr the toes and fingers
    5. _______ another name for the great toe
    • 1. Parietal
    • 2. Spenhoid
    • 3. Temporal
    • 4. Phalanges
    • 5. Hallux
  4. 1. _______ are irregularly shaped short bone that slides minutely over the next bone to collectively provide motion and range of motion. Located in the Feet.
    2. _______ Five in each foot, they are superior to the tarsals, names with Roman numerals (I) the great toe to (V) or little toe. The length of these bones determine shoe size.
    3. _______ most superior pelvic bone in the pelvic girdle and resembles a broad blade.
    4. _______ most inferior and posterior part of the Pelvic Girdle
    5. _______ bone of the pelvic girdle that resembles a wishbone, each of the two bones making most anterior portion of the pelvis
    • 1. Tarsals
    • 2. Metatarsals
    • 3. Ilium
    • 4. Ischium
    • 5. Pubis
  5. 1. ______ shin bone is the most long, stout, straight bone in the body. Located in the leg
    2. ______ also known as the kneecap, largest sesamoid bone in the body and articulates with distal end of Femur.
    3. ______ bone located on medial or little finger side of forearm.
    4. ______ later forearm bone on the thumb side of the forearm.
    5. ______ also know as thigh bone, longest, heaviest bone in the body
    6. ______ bone located on the lateral side of the leg and is same length as Tibia.
    7. ______ triangular bone located betwen 2nd and 7th ribs, where in motion, floats against the posterior aspect of rib cage

    • 1. Tibia
    • 2. Patella
    • 3. Ulna
    • 4. Radius
    • 5. Femur
    • 6. Fibula
    • 7. Scapula
  6. 1. ______ relating to the wrist, complex completion of eight different bones that are proximal to the metacarpals of the hand.
    2. ______ just distal to the carpals, are also referred to as the hand bones, with 5 in each hand, numbered I to V
    3. ______ Each hand has 14 bones, each finger has three and each thumb has two.
    4. ______ Superior portion of the Tailbone, is located at end of Vertrbral Comlumn
    5. ______ The bones that make of the Spine and where the spinal cord is protected and goes through
    6. ______ name of the Segments between Tranverse Processes and the Vertebral Body of the bones of the spine
    • 1. Carpals
    • 2. MetaCarpals
    • 3. Phalanges
    • 4. Sacrum
    • 5. Vertebrae
    • 6. Pedicles
  7. Seven Gliding Joints
    1. ____ ____ joint, known as Facet Joints, located Spinal Column
    2. ________ joint, or TMJ, located in Face/Jaw
    3. ________ joint, found in Upper Neck
    4. ________ joint, or AC joint, located in Shoulder
    5. ________ joint, or SC joint, located in Upper Chest
    6. ________ joint, or Wrist joint, located in Wrist
    7. ________ joint, ot CM joint, located in Hand
    • 1. Invertebral Facet
    • 2. Temporomandibular
    • 3. Atlantoccipital
    • 4. Aromioclavicular
    • 5. Sternoclavicular
    • 6. Intercarpal
    • 7. Carpometacarpal
  8. Seven Gliding Joints
    1. _________ joint, or SI joint, both synovial and amphiarthortic joint, located in Low Back
    2. ____ ____ joint, located in Low back between L-5 and Sacrum
    3. _________ joint, located in the knee between Patella and Fermur
    4. _________ joint, or TM joint, located in Foot within tarsals
    5. _________ joint, located in Foot within tarsals
    6. _________ joint, located proximal in leg
    7. _________ joint, located in Posterior thorax
    • 1. Sacroiliac
    • 2. Lumbosacral
    • 3. Patellofemoral
    • 4. Tarsometatarsal
    • 5. Intertarsal
    • 6. Tibiofibular
    • 7. Costovertebral
  9. 1. ________ of the thumb is the only Saddle joint within the body.
    2. ________ joint, or No-No joint, Pivot joint located in Upper Neck
    3. ________ joint, Pivot joint proximal between radius and ulna at Elbow
    4. ________ joint, Pivot joint distal between radius and ulna at Wrist
    5. ________ joint, or scapohumera (shoulder) joint, Ball and Socket joint located at shoulder
    6. ________ joint, or Hip (Coxal) joint, Ball and Socket joint located at the Hip
    • 1. Carpometacarpal
    • 2. Atlantoaxial
    • 3. Radioulnar
    • 4. Radioulnar
    • 5. Glenohumeral
    • 6. Iliofemoral
  10. 1. ________ joint, or TMJ, located in Face/Jaw
    2. ________ joint, or Humeroradial (elbow) joint, located in Elbow
    3. ________ joint, or Knee Joint, located in the Knee
    4. ________ joint, or Ankle joint, located in Ankle
    5. ________ joint, or IP joint, located in Fingers and Toes
    6. ________ joint, PIP joint, located in Fingers and Toes
    7. ________ joint, DIP joint, located in Fingers and Toes
    • 1. Temporomandibular
    • 2. Humeroulnar
    • 3. Tibiofemoral
    • 4. Talocrural
    • 5. Interphalangeal
    • 6. Interphalangeal (proximal)
    • 7. Interphalangeal (distal)
  11. Four Ellipsoidal Joints of the Body

    1. ________ joint, TMJ, located in Face/Jaw
    2. ________ joint, Wrist joint, located in Wrist
    3. ________ joint, or MCP joint, located in Hand
    4. ________ joint, or MTP joint, located in Foot
    • 1. Temporomandibular
    • 2. Radiocarpal
    • 3. Metacarpophalangeal
    • 4. Metatarsophalangeal
  12. The 8 Carpal bones in the hands
    1. Proximal Row from Medial to Lateral ________, ________, _________ and _________.
    2. Distal Row from Media to Lateral ________, _________, _________ and __________.
    • 1. Pisiform, Triquetrum, Lunate, Scaphoid
    • 2. Hamate, Capitate, Trapezoid, Trapezium
  13. 1. __________ air-containing spaces in the skull and face that lighten the head, provide mucus, and act as resonance chambers for sound.
    2. __________ the space located behind the Frontal Bone
    3. __________ the space located behind the Sphenoid Bone
    4. __________ the space located behind the Ethmoid Bone
    5. __________ the space located behind the Maxillae Bone
    • 1. Sinuses
    • 2. Frontal
    • 3. Sphenoidal
    • 4. Ethmoidal
    • 5. Maxillary
  14. What are the Eight Bones of the Cranial Vault?
    • 1. Frontal Bone
    • 2. Parietal Bones (2)
    • 3. Temporal Bones (2)
    • 4. Ethmoid Bones
    • 5. Sphenoid Bone
    • 6. Occipital Bone
  15. 1. ___ _____ also known as the os coxa, coxal bones, hip bones, or innomiate bones. Each bone is made up of three embryonic bones, fused at puberty.
    2. ________ are 24 long, individual slender curved bones that articulate posterior with the thoracic vertebrae
    3. ________ or SP, are projections of Vertebrae that attach muscle and ligaments
    4. ________ or TVP, or Costal point where lamina joins pedicle lateral projection
    5. ________ also known as chest bone
    6. ________ thin plates of the vertebrae
    • 1. Pelvic Girdle
    • 2. Ribs
    • 3. Spinous Processes
    • 4. Transverse Processes
    • 5. Sternum
    • 6. Laminae
  16. 1. ____ ____ are the three pairs of ribs that attach to the sternum by borrowing costal cartilage of 7th rib
    2. ____ ____ are the first seven pairs that costal cartilage is articulated to the sternum.
    3. ________ also known as synarthrotic joints, have very little movement exists and are located anywhere cranial bones join.
    4. ____ ____ synarthortic joint that joins two Parietal bones
    5. ____ ____ synarthortic joint, shaped as a corona, or crown around the head, seperates frontal and parietal bones.
    6. ____ ____ synarthortic joint, seperates parietal bones from occipital
    7. ____ ____ synarthortic joint, seperates parietal and temporal bones
    • 1. False Ribs
    • 2. True Ribs
    • 3. Sutures
    • 4. Sagittal Suture
    • 5. Coronal Suture
    • 6. Lambdoidal Suture
    • 7. Squamosal Suture
  17. 1. ____ ____ diamond shaped and is the largest of all the Fontanels. These spaces membrane-covered spaces allow the head to be compressed during delivery. Ossifies at 18 to 24 months
    2. ____ ____ located where the sagittal and lamboidoidal sutures. Closes by the time infant is 2 months of age.
    3. ____ ____ is ligament that connects the spinous process of C7 to L5 and offers strength and stability.
    4. _________located in posterior region of the neck, attaches from occipital bone at the external occipital bone at the external occipital protuberance to all the Spinous Process of Cervical Vertebrae
    5. ____ ____ last two pairs of ribs do not attach to the sternum at all.
    • 1. Anterior Fontanel
    • 2. Posterior Fontanel
    • 3. Supraspinous Ligament
    • 4. Nuchal Ligament
    • 5. Floating Ribs
  18. The Bone that acts as a brace to hold the arm away from the tops of the thorax, medial end articulates with the sternum, lateral articulates with the Scapula
    What is the Clavicle?
  19. Arm Bone, which is also known as the funny or crazy bone. The sensation of pain is caused by stimulation of the ulna nerve. Proximal end articulates at Scapula, Distal ends articulates at radius and Ulna.
    What is the Humerus?
  20. What are the 14 bones of the Face?
    • 1. Vomer bone
    • 2. Nasal Bones (2)
    • 3. Zygomatic bones (2)
    • 4. Lacrimal bones (2)
    • 5. Inferior nasal concha bones (2)
    • 6. Palatine bones (2)
    • 7. Fused maxillae - above the mandible (2)
    • 8. Mandible
  21. What are the Five Effects of massage on Connective Tissues?
    • 1. Reduces Keloid Information
    • 2. Reduces Excessive Scar Formation
    • 3. Decreases Adhesion Formation
    • 4. Releases Fascial Restrictions
    • 5. Improves Connective Tissue Healing
  22. Also known as joints, these are connections between the bones, provides a space where one bone joins with another for transfer and weight and energy.
    What are Articulations?
  23. The Five Regions of the Vertebral Column
    1. _______ region is first region of seven vertebrae, close to the skull curves anteriorly, most possess bifid spinous processess and transverse foramina
    2. _______ region is second region of next twelve vertebrae, close to Thorax and Sternum, curves posteriorly possess demifacets for articulating ribs
    3. _______ region is third region of next five vertebrae, between thoracic and Sacrum, curves anteriorly, large vertebral bodies
    4. _______ region is fourth region of 5 fuses vertebrae, triangular in shape and curves postiorly
    5. _______ region is fifth region of 4 fused vertebrae at the end of the sacrum, curves postiorly and is tail shaped
    • 1. Cervical
    • 2. Thoracic
    • 3. Lumbar
    • 4. Sacrum
    • 5. Coccyx
  24. Connective Tissue Structures of the Knee
    1. _____ _____ Tendon attaches the quadriceps femoris muscle to the patella, the entire patella is embedded in this tendon, which continues to the tibia as the patellar ligament.
    2. _____ _____ Ligament between the patella and the tibia
    3. __________ (medial and lateral) Each concave is composed of half-ring fibrocartilage attaching to the tibia
    4. _____ _____ Provide external support and help prevent side-to-side movements. Medial (MCL) connects with Femur to the tibia. Lateral (LCL) connects the femur to fibula.
    5. _____ _____ Provide internal support and help prevent front and back movements. Anterior (ACL) ofter torn in knee injuries. Posterior (PCL) anchor the tibia to femur.
    • 1. Patellar Tendon
    • 2. Patellar Ligament
    • 3. Meniscus
    • 4. Collateral Ligaments
    • 5. Collateral Ligaments
  25. Nine Vertebra Components.
    1. ________ body - Joint Formation
    2. ________ attachment - attaches arch to body
    3. ________ processes - muscle attachment
    4. ________ disks - Cartilage between vertebral bodies. Contains annulus fibrosus and nucleus pulposus
    5. ________ canal - Passage for Spinal Cord
    6. ________ facet - Superior and Inferior joint formation
    7. ________ groove
    8. ________ Foramen - passage of Spinal Roots
    9. ________ Process - Muscle Attachment
    • 1. Vertebral
    • 2. Pedicle
    • 3. Transverse
    • 4. Intervertebral
    • 5. Vertebral
    • 6. Articular
    • 7. Lamina
    • 8. Intervertebral
    • 9. Spinous
  26. 1. The ______ _____ is circle of bone that extends out from the body of the vertebra which is formed by the pedicles and the laminae on either side.
    2. The ______ process projects laterally, the ______ process projects posteriorly.
    3. Between each vertebral body is a fibrocartilage disk called ______ _____. They function to maintain joint spaces.
    4. The disk has two parts: ______ _____ is outer ring for shock absorption and _____ ______ is soft, gel-like center that adjusts to weight distribution throughout column
    5. Posterior to intervertebral disk is a large central hole, or canal, for the spinal cord to pass called the ______ ______.
    6. Each vertebrae articulates to other vertebrae by _____ _____
    7. As vertebrae are stacked as a column, opening created is called ____ ____
    • 1. Vertebral arch
    • 2. Transverse / Spinous
    • 3. Intevertebral disk
    • 4. Annulus Fibrosus / Nucleus Pulposus
    • 5. Vertebral Canal
    • 6. Articular Facets
    • 7. Invertebral Column
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CH 14A Skeletal Nomeculture
Anatomy Terms