vocab4_possessive pronouns.txt

  1. Mine
    Taku, toku, taku
  2. Yours
  3. his/ hers
    tana, tona, tana
  4. I/ We (me/ us but not you)
    • 2 people: maua
    • 3 people: matou
  5. We (together)
    • 2ppl: taua
    • 3ppl: tatou
  6. You
    • 2ppl: korua
    • 3ppl: koutou
  7. Them
    • 2ppl: raua
    • 3ppl: ratou
  8. saying 'and' for 3 people
    name, ratou ko name, ko name
  9. saying 'and' for 2 people
    name raua ko name
  10. Who is the father of Gianna?
    Ko wait e papa o Gianna?
  11. Who is the child of Carel?
    Ko wai te tamaiti a Carel?
  12. Grant is Gianna's dad
    Ko Grant te papa o Gianna.
  13. Rylee is Carel's child
    Ko Rylee te tamaiti a Carel
  14. Roy and Rita are the grandparents of Antonia and the others
    Ko Roy raua ho Rita nga tipuna o Antonia ma.
  15. Lloyd, James and Mark are the grandchildren of Rita.
    Ko Lloyd ratou ko Kames, ko Mark nga mokopuna a Rita
  16. How are they (2)?
    Kei te pehea raua?
  17. They (2) are well.
    Kei te ora raua.
  18. How are Indira and Chris?
    Kei te pehea a INdira raua ko Chris?
  19. Indira and chris are well / They are well
    Kei te ora raua / Kei te ora a Indira raua ko Chris.
  20. How are they (3)?
    Kei te pehea ratou?
  21. How are we (including you 3)?
    Kei te pehea tatou?
  22. We (2 excluding you) are just the same
    Kei te pera tonu maua.
  23. How many?
    E hia?
  24. How many of your pens?
    E hia o pene?
  25. I have 3 pens
    E toru aku pene
  26. How many tables are there?
    E hia nga tepu?
  27. One table
    Kotahi te tepu
  28. How old are you?
    E hia o tau?
  29. How old is he?
    E hia ana tau?
  30. How old is your child?
    E hia nga tau o to tamaiti?
  31. I am twenty four years old
    E rua tekau ma wha oku tau.
  32. My child is one year old.
    Kotahi te tau o to tamaiti.
  33. How many (for people)?
  34. How many children are there?
    Tokohia nga tamariki?
  35. How many older siblings of the same sex do you have?
    Tokohia o tuakana?
  36. There are twenty five children
    E rua tekau ma rima nga tamariki
  37. I have three older siblings of the same sex.
    Tokotoru oku tuakana
  38. I have no...
    Kaore aku...
  39. S/he has no...
    Kaore ana...
  40. There are no...
    Kaore he...
  41. What is this here?
    He aha tenei?
  42. What is this there by you?
    He aha tena?
  43. What is that over there?
    He aha tera?
  44. What are these here?
    He aha enei?
  45. What are those by you?
    He aha ena?
  46. What are those over there?
    He aha era?
  47. This here is a cell phone
    He waea pukoro tenei
  48. That over there is a bird
    He manu tera
  49. These by you are books
    He pukapuka ena
Card Set
vocab4_possessive pronouns.txt
possessive pronouns and examples