Chapter 1 Vocabulary

  1. Science
    A way of learning more about the natural word
  2. Scientific theory
    An attempt to explain a pattern observed repeatedly in the natural world
  3. Scientific Law
    A rule that describes a pattern in nature.
  4. System
    a collection of structure, cycles, and processes are parts of a system.
  5. the study of living systems and the way in which they interact
    Life science
  6. the study of earth systems and the systems in space.
    Earth Science
  7. the study of matter and energy
    Physical science
  8. Technology
    the practical use of science, or applied science.
  9. a reasonable and educated possible answer based on what you know and what you observe.
  10. to draw a conclusion based on what you observe
  11. An experiment that involves changing one factor and observing its effect on another while keeping all other fators constant.
    Controlled Experiment
  12. Factors that can be changed in an experiment.
  13. Independent Variable
    The variable that is changed in an experiment.
  14. Changes as a result of a change in the independent variable
    Dependent Variable
  15. Constant
    The variable that is not changed in an experiment.
  16. Model
    Any representation of an object or event used as a tool for understanding the natural world
  17. Critical Thinking
    Combining what you already know with the new facts that you are given to decide if you should agree with something.
  18. Data
    Observations used in scientific investigations
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Chapter 1 Vocabulary
Chapter 1 vocabulary for Mrs. Archer's 6th period science class