
  1. stressor vs stress response
    • stressor is the event that creates the demand
    • VS the stress response is the person's reaction to the demands.
  2. psychosomatic?
    Actual problems with the body, but psychological factors excarbate the physical problems (psychological factors affecting medical conditions).
  3. what role does the hypothalamus have in stress?
    It is the center of arousal and fear- activates the Autonomic Nervous System (network of nerve fibers that connects central nervous systems with all other organs ) and endocrine system (systems of glands throughout body that controls important activities such as growth and sexual activity)
  4. what happens when we face a dangerous situation? 1st pathway
    hypothalamus excites the sympathetic nervous system- special ANS quickens heartbeat... also influences organs like stimulates adrenal glands, especially adrenal medulla- releasing epinephrine and nor-epinephrine, which travel through the system producing arousal and fear. then a second ANS called the PARAsympathetic which returns body processes to normal.
  5. what is the second pathway for fear and arousal?
    hypothalamus signal pituitary gland, which releases ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone)- which stimulates the adrenal cortex, which releases a group of hormones- corticosteriods, most notably cortisals- hormones which travel to various organs to produce fear and arousal responses.
  6. Trait anxiety?
    • A person's general level of arousal and anxiety, bc it is the general level of anxiety each of us bring to an event.
    • Don't forget variations of anxiety and reaction of person to such a stressor are also dependent on situation, state and anxiety.
  7. what is a fundamental difference between anxiety disorders and stress disorders?
    in anxiety disorders, the anxiety is usually triggered off by something that most people would not find threatening.
  8. Acute stress disorder?
    fear and related symptoms are experienced soon after a traumatic event and last less than a month.
  9. PTSD
    fear and related symptoms are experienced long after a traumatic event
  10. DSM criteria for PTSD
    • 1) experienced, witnessed or even confronted with traumatic event.
    • 2) trauma is consistently re-experienced (intrusive memories, reliving experince, children display it in their play, flashback, stress when presented with a "traumatic cue"
    • 3) persistent avoidance of stimuli associated with trauma and not responsive (avoid talking about event, restricted affect, "sense of foreshortened future")
    • 4) increased arousal (difficulty sleeping, anger, hyper-vigilance, exaggerated started response).
Card Set
abnormal psych from chap 4-7