Mgt 320

  1. ethics
    principles of right conduct or a system of moral values
  2. Bennis and Goldsmith 4 qualities
    • vision
    • empathy
    • consistencty
    • integrity
  3. Values
    Generalized behaviors considered important by an individual; enduring beliefs that one mode of conduct is preferable to another mode of conduct
  4. Theory X
    a more pessimistic view of others
  5. Theory Y
    people are intrinsically motivated by their work
  6. Terminal Values
    • desired end states
    • 1. exciting life
    • 2. sense of accomplishment
    • 3. family security
    • 4. inner harmoney
    • 5. social recognition
    • 6. friendship
  7. Instrumental values
    • modes of behavior
    • 1. being courageous
    • 2. being helpful
    • 3. being honest
    • 4. being imaginative
  8. Moral reasoning
    refers to the process leaders use to make decision about ethical and unethical behavior
  9. Preconventional
    • self interest
    • can we avoid punishment or receive reward?
  10. conventional
    • others approval
    • guilt or honor, what do others think?
  11. postconventional
    • universal, abstract
    • greater good for all, should we behave morally
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Mgt 320