CLIN2 Final (pt 2)

  1. Active Range of Motion:
    • - Ct moves involved jt thru all planes w/o assistance from Th
    • - Indicates when/where pain/discomfort felt
    • - Often indicates mild injury/early stages in condition
  2. Passive Range of Motion:
    • - Th moves involved jt through all planes w/o assistance from ct
    • - Note any restriction/hypermobility
    • - Ct indicates position/location of pain
    • - End feel = gradual controlled pressure added to end-range of jt motion w/in plane
  3. All PROM testing:
  4. Type End-feel:
    • 1. Bony - sudden stop; can indicate osteophytes w/ DDD
    • 2. Soft - stopped by compression of ms ts btw opposing limb seg (ex: knee flex)
    • 3. Tissue Stretch - leathery feel; can indicate capsular fibrosis when inflammation NOT present
    • 4. Muscle Spasm - sudden stop w rebound pain; limited ROM
    • 5. Springy block - pathological caused by loose body w/in jt
    • 6. Empty - pain felt before true end feel attained
  5. Manual Resisted Testing (MRT):
    • - Isometric (test for ms strength)
    • - Allows isolation
    • - Performed in mid-range
    • - Tests CONTRACTILE TS (+ test = pain w contraction &/or during relaxation phase
  6. Cervical Spine ROM:
    • - Flexion: 45-50o (chin>chest)
    • - Extenstion: 75-85o (forehead>nose)
    • - Rotation: 90o (chin>clavicle)
    • - Lateral Flexion: 40-45o (btw eyes 1/2way>shoulder)
Card Set
CLIN2 Final (pt 2)
Clinical Integration 2