3 Priorities based on mission statement; activity
- 1. Mental prepare for emergency response-be ready
- 2. Direct prep for emer resp.-training;preplans;prepare apparatus
- 3. application of efficient organizing skills-reports,records, admin duties
Delegation of tasks
- 1. allows employee to select method of accomplished task
- 2. Promotes team spirit; employee feels valued/empowered
- 3. Works well in emerg response when workers are experienced and sup confident in their ability
- 1. Company-composed of 3+ people and assigned to apparatus
- 2. Workgroup-groupings of people w/ the common purpose of completing objectives; line and staff
- 3. Team building- overcoming individual differences to think in groupps of teams
5 Development stages of teams
- 1. Forming- uncertain about roles; as relationships grow trust develops and members start to see themselves as part of the group; diversity training; leader directive
- 2. Storming- conflict; success depends on minimizing time in this stage;leader supportive
- 3. Norming-est norms and values; members become close, cohesive; leader a team member;shares leadership
- 4. Performing-group a true team w/ leadership shared by all; leader monitors progress,behaviors,attitudes; treat each other as equals; involve all members in activities
- 5. Adjourning-acknowledge group's accomplishments and individual members
What is the 4 step method of counseling?
- 1. Describe current performance;do so positively,specifically state required behavior and details
- 2. Describe the desired performance-state in detail what action is expected
- 3.Gain a commitment-ask employee to agree to meet new level of perf; can be a contract
- 4. Follow up the commitment-observe employee for signs of improvement; schedule further mtg's, kick up to next level if no improvement
What are the 3 keys to mentoring?
- 1. Enhance management skills; productivity and encourage diversity
- 2. Should be voluntary on both ends
- 3. Sups. can provide role models; guidance in career choices,get specialized training, provide outside resources,make challenging work assignments, monitor achievement
What is coaching?
- 1. Informal process of giving motivational direction,positive re-inforcement and constructive feedback
- 2. Feedback needs to be positive, immediate direct and frequent
- 3. Help establish goals, determine how to achieve and provide suggestions