
  1. 51 helios
    • sun (Greek)
    • helitrope- plant which turns toward the sun
    • helium- light gas used in balloons
    • perihelion- closest point to the sun
  2. 52 sol
    • sun (Latin)
    • solar- pertaining to the sun
    • solarium- sun dial; glass enclosed sunroom
    • solstice- stopping or standing still of the sun
  3. 53 luna
    • moon (Latin)
    • lunar- of or pertaining to the moon
    • clair de lune – (French) moon light
    • lunation- 29 ½ days- a lunar month or the time from one new moon to the next
  4. 54 dia
    • Through, between, across, apart (Greek)
    • Diadem- bound across the forehead, a wreath or crown
    • Diagnosis- thorough knowledge
    • Diagonal- between two non adjacent corners in a figure of 4+ sides
  5. 55 trans
    • Across, over beyond, through (Latin)
    • Transport- carry across
    • Transfer- carry across
    • Transform- change over to a different shape
  6. 56 geo
    • earth (Greek)
    • geography- draw the earth
    • geographer- one who draws the earth
    • geology- study of the earth and its formations
  7. 57 terra
    • land (Latin)
    • territory- land under control of a government or owner
    • terrace- raised platform of earth
    • terrestrial- pertaining to the earth
  8. 58 dormio dormitun
    • Sleep (Latin)
    • Dormant- sleeping
    • Dormitory- place for sleeping
    • Dormouse- sleeping (hibernating) mouse
  9. 59 hypnos
    • sleep (Greek)
    • hypnology- study of sleep
    • hypnotic- tending to induce sleep
    • hypnophobia- fear of sleep
  10. 60 annus
    • year (Latin)
    • annual- yearly
    • anniversary- celebration marking the turning of a year
    • biannual- occurring twice a year
    • biennial- every 2 years
    • centennial- every 100 years
    • millennial – every thousand years
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EFRU English from the Roots Up 51-60 Ambleside Online AO4