ZW CRJ-200 Limitations

  1. Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum RVSM
    • Autopilot must be operational
    • Altitude Alerting System must be operational
    • Altitude reporting transponder 1 must be operational
    • Air Data computers (2) Both must be operational
  2. Altitudes
    Manufacture max
    Air Wisconsin max
    Max takeoff and landing
    minimum takeoff and landing
    • 41,000
    • Man. Max
    • 37,000 AWAC Max
    • 10,000 Max takeoff and landing
    • -1,000 Minimum takeoff and landing
  3. Maneuvering Load Limits (G's)

    Flaps retracted
    Flaps extended
    Retracted= -1g to +2.5g

    Extended= 0g to +2.0g
  4. AWAC policy on side slip maneuvering
    Avoid unnecessary and large side-slip maneuvers during low speed operations.
  5. Temperature

    Takeoff minimum (ambient)
    Takeoff maximum (-1,000ft to sea level)
    Takeoff maximum (sea level to 10,000ft)
    Enroute maximum (sea level to 10,000ft)
    Enroute maximum (above 10,000ft)
    • Takeoff minimum (ambient) -40*c
    • Takeoff maximum (-1,000ft to sea level) +50*c
    • Takeoff maximum (sea level to 10,000ft) ISA+35*c
    • Enroute maximum (sea level to 10,000ft) ISA+35*c
    • Enroute maximum (above 10,000ft) ISA+30*c
  6. Flap Operating / Extended Speeds
    • Max operating speeds
    • 8= 200 Kias Awac (230 manufacture)
    • 20= 200 Kias Awac (230 manufacture)
    • 30= 185 Kias
    • 45= 170 Kias
  7. Landing gear max operating speeds
    Landing gear extension (Vloe)
    Landing gear retraction (Vlor)
    Max extension speed
    Landing gear extension (Vloe) 250kias

    Landing gear retraction (Vlor) 200kias

    Landing gear extended 250kias
  8. Turbulence Penetration Speeds
    Turbulence Penetration Speeds

    280 kias or .75 Mach
  9. Maximum ADG Airspeed operating Limitations

    Flight test and pilot training deployment

    Following automatic or manual deployment

    operationally necessary (windmill airstarts)
    Maximum Airspeed operating Limitations

    Flight test and pilot training deployment: 215kias

    • Following automatic or manual deployment
    • :250Kias

    operationally necessary (windmill airstarts):251 to 330 up to 12 min.

    Operational necessary: 331 o 335 up to 4 min.
  10. Which A/C do not have ADG speed limits?
    A/C 405-430, 434 and subsequent
  11. Tire Speed limit
    182 knots
  12. Windshield wiper operation

    220 kias
  13. Structural Weight Limitations

    Max weights
    Takeoff (MTOW)
    Landing (MLW)
    Zero Fuel (MZFW)
    Minimum Flight Weight
    Ramp: 53,250

    Takeoff (MTOW): 53,000

    Landing (MLW): 47,000

    Zero Fuel (MZFW): 44,000

    Minimum Flight Weight: 30,000
  14. Max persons allowed on cl-65

    • 50 seats
    • 3 lap children
    • 1 flight attendant
    • 2 pilots
    • 1 jumpseater
  15. Cargo Compartment Loading Limitations Max
    weight in cargo bin
    Manufacture is 3,500lbs

    AWAC installed 100 lb ballast

    AWAC limit is 3,400lbs
  16. Runway slope limitations

    minimum slope
    maximum slope
    • Min -2%
    • Max +2%
  17. Crosswind / Tailwind Limits

    Dry Runway
    Wet Runway
    Snow/Ice covered
    Max tailwind for takeoff or landing
    Dry Runway: 27knots

    Wet Runway: 24knots

    Snow/Ice covered: 15knots

    Max tailwind for takeoff or landing: 10knots
  18. Contaminated Runway Operations
    Maximum Depths for takeoff and landing.

    Standing water
    Wet Snow
    Dry Snow
    Standing water: .50"takeoff .75"landing

    Slush: .50" takeoff .88"landing

    Wet Snow: 1.00"takeoff 1.5" landing

    Dry Snow: 3.0" takeoff 3.75" landing
  19. Rotation Rate and pitch attitude
    set bug for 10* pitch up

    no more than 3* per second pitch to 10* pitch climb
  20. If cargo is being hauled how close to an airport must we be?
    within 45 minutes
  21. When must crew headsets be worn?
    anytime below FL180
  22. Cold weather operations

    When must a tactile check of the wing during preflight be accomplished?
    The OAT is 5*c or less; or

    The wing fuel temperature is 0*C or less; or

    The atmospheric conditions have been conducive to frost formation.
  23. Air Conditioning / Pressurization
    Max differential pressures:

    During taxi, takeoff, and landing
    • Positive:
    • 8.7psi

    Negative: -.05psi

    During taxi, takeoff, and landing: .1psi
  24. Auto-Flight

    Restricted Modes
    Restricted Modes

    PITCH for climbs (except takeoff)

    DES mode during an approach is prohibited
  25. Auto-Flight

    Minimum altitudes for use
    Cannot use below 600ft AGL except when:

    visual and non-precision approaches can go to 400ft AGL

    For precision approaches, the minimum autopilot use is 80 ft AGL

    at 50ft below the approved minimum descent altitude or DH

    In RVSM the auto pilot must be coupled to the appropriate transponder.
  26. What type of APU is in the crj-200
    Garrett GTCP-36-150RJ
  27. APU Limitations

    Max operating altitude
    Max APU start altitude
    Max altitude for extracting APU bleed air
    Max altitude for engine starts using APU bleed air
    Max operating altitude: 37,000ft

    Max APU start altitude: 30,000ft

    Max altitude for extracting APU bleed air: 15,000ft

    Max altitude for engine starts using APU bleed air: 13,000ft
  28. At what Altitude can APU oil foaming occur?
    at and above 20,000ft.
  29. APU max EGT*c

    Max APU RPM%

    APU EGT Starting *c

    107% RPM

    974*c then no higher than 743*c
  30. Air Conditioning in flight from APU bleed air is not permitted above...?
  31. Engine Start during ground operations
    • No bleed air extraction limitation.
    • Each engine ,ay be started using the APU as a bleed air source.
  32. Engine start during flight
    • During single engine operations, APU bleed air extraction for an engine start is not permitted.During
    • double engine failure conditions, APU bleed air extraction for engine
    • starts is permitted; however APU bleed air extraction is limited to
    • 13,000ft and below.
  33. What is the Max permissible load on the APU generator in flight is ___kVA
  34. Minimum ambient temp. for starting a cold-soaked APU on the ground?
  35. APU start cyclesstart 1,2,3,4
    • 1: 15sec(GPU) 30sec(Batt.) then 2 min off
    • 2: 15sec(GPU) 30sec(Batt.) then 20 min off
    • 3: 15sec(GPU) 30sec(Batt.) then 2 min off
    • 4: 15sec(GPU) 30sec(Batt.) no further start attempts for at least 40 minutes
  36. Bleed Air System
    • 10th stage valves must be
    • closed for takeoff and landing if the engine cowl and / or wing anti-ice
    • systems have been selected ON.
  37. ELECTRICAL AC system loads must not exceed
    0 to FL350
    Above FL350 to FL370
    Above FL370
    • AC system loads must not exceed
    • 0 to FL350:Main generators 30kVA APU gen 30kVA
    • Above FL350 to FL370main GEN 25kVA APU GEN 30kVa
    • Above FL370main GEN 25kVA APU gen 0kVA
  38. DC system load must not exceed...In Flight:
    Ground Operations:
    • In Flight: max of 100amp per TRU
    • Ground Operations: To protect the CRT displays DC power only for 5 mins. or less while on ground
  39. Flaps are prohibited when?
    Enroute and or above 15,000ft
  40. Flight Spoilers LimitationsAWAC:
    • AWAC: Flight spoilers must not be extended in flight below an altitude of 1,000AGL.Must not be extended in flight at airspeeds below the recommended approach (Vref+5) or maneuvering (Vref+10) speeds plus 17kias
    • Manufacture: bellow 300ft AGL
  41. Stall protection
    The stall test must be accomplished before the first flight of the day.Both stall protection system switches must remain on for all phases of flight.
  42. Integrated Standby Instrument and a back course approach....
    it is prohibited to use the ISI because it will only reverse sense.
  43. when setting DH/ MDA altitude if the altitude is 185 and the knob sets only 10 increments, what MDA do you set?
    190. You set the next highest 10ft if it is not on an even 10ft.
  44. Operational Fuel Limitationstakeoff with a fuel load of 500lbs in the center tank is prohibited unless there is a total off _______ in each wing tank
  45. Minimum fuel for a go-around
    450lbs per side (900lbs) with a pitch of 10* nose up.
  46. Maximum Permissible Fuel Imbalance
    800lbs between the wing tanks
  47. Pressure fueling will give us a total of _______lbs of fuel
    14,518 lbs
  48. Lowest engine fuel temperature for takeoff
  49. Crossflow Restrictionspowered (auto) crossflow and gravity crossflow must be turned ____ for takeoff
  50. Lowest engine fuel temperature for takeoff
  51. Icing condition Definition
    Visible Moisture Definition
    • In flight at a TAT of 10*c or below, and visible moisture in any form is encountered (such as clouds, rain, snow, sleet, or ice) except when SAT
    • is -40*c or below.

    Visible moisture includes, clouds, fog with visibility of 1 mile or less, rain, snow, sleet or ice.
  52. When must wing and cowl be on during flight
    When ICE light is on or when in icing conditions and speed below 230kias. Cowl must be on when temp is below 10*c and in icing conditions.when on ground wing must be on when temp is below 5*c

    On ground cowl is on when temp is 10*c or below and visible moisture is present
  53. Red Strobe Lights are used for
    used for ground recognition purposes only and must not be used as anti-collision lights
  54. taxi lights must be off when
    whenever the aircraft is stationary in excess of 10 minutes. light may burn through the plastic if not complied with.
  55. Engine type
    2, General Electric CF34-3B1
  56. Maximum Continuous Thrust limits
    • RED 900*c, 874-900*c after 30 seconds
    • Amber 874-900*c 0 to 30 seconds
    • Green 0 to 874*c
  57. Maximum Transient oil PSI after a cold start
    • 156psi.
    • 130psi at idle for 10 minutes max
    • Engine must remain at idle until it reaches normal range
  58. N2 split max
    • 2% max split between engine.
    • If N2 is 57% or less with an OAT of -20*c or greater, DO NOT ACCELERATE ABOVE IDLE.
  59. Engine warm up and cool down
    Engines must run at idle for 2 minutes before takeoff thrust and 2 minutes before shutdown
  60. define cold soaked aircraft
    • First flight of the delay when plane sat in temp of -30*c or below for more than 8 hours:
    • N1 fan rotation must be verified before introducing fuel for engine start.Thrust reverses must be actuated and stowed in a 5 second cycle
  61. Continuous Engine IgnitionRequirements for use
    • takeoff and landings on contaminated runwaystakeoffs with high crosswind components (15+)
    • Flight through mod or heavier intensity, Rain, Turbulence
    • Flight in the vicinity of thunderstorms
  62. when must thrust reverser be used
    when LAHSO operations or when landing on runways less than 6,500ft.

    When landing on a contaminated runway.

    Abnormal or emergency procedures

    When the crew feels the need to
  63. Starter cranking LimitsStart 1,2,3,4
    • 1: 1 min on 10 seconds off
    • 2: 1 min on 10 seconds off
    • 3: 1 min on 5 min off
    • 4: 1 min on 5 min off
  64. when must the starter not be used?
    when indicated N2 RPM exceeds 55%
  65. When can thrust levers be moved from off to IDLE?
    On groundIn flight
    On ground when ITT is below 120*

    In flight when ITT is below 90*
  66. What is dry motoring
    When the thrust levers are off (no fuel flow) and the starter button is on
  67. Dry motoring limitations start cyclesstart 1,2
    • 1: 90 seconds ON 5 min off
    • 2: 30 seconds ON 5 min off
  68. Flexible Thrust Operation
    When can we NOT FLEX
    if the normal takeoff fan speed is less than 85% N1.

    If wing and or cowl anti-icing bleeds are in use

    On contaminated runways

    When warnings of wind shear or downdrafts have been forecast
  69. HYD 3 B AD states
    The hyd 3b pump switch must be selected On instead of Auto for all phases of flight
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ZW CRJ-200 Limitations
ZW CRJ-200 Limitations