PTA 132- cervical and trunk

  1. origin of sternocleidomastoid
    sternum and clavical
  2. instertion of sternocleidomastoid
    mastoid process
  3. actions of sternocleidomastoid
    bilaterally flexes the neck. unilaterally sidebends neck to same side and rotates to opposite side
  4. nerve of sternocleidomastoid
    spinal accessory nerve(cranial nerve XI) C2-C3
  5. origin of scalenes
    transverse processes of cervical vertebrae
  6. insertion of scalenes
    1st and 2nd ribs
  7. actions of scalenes
    bilaterally assists with neck flexion. unilaterally sidebends neck to same side
  8. nerve of scalenes
    lower cervical nerve
  9. origin of rectus abdominus
  10. insertion of rectus abdominus
    costal cartilages of ribs 5-7
  11. actions of rectus abdominus
    trunk flexion and compression of the abdomen
  12. nerve of rectus abdominus
    T7-T12 intercostal nerves
  13. origin of external obliques
    lower eight ribs laterally
  14. insertion of external obliques
    iliac crest and linea alba
  15. actions of external obliques
    bilaterally trunk flexion and compression of abdomen. unilaterally sidebends trunk to same side and rotates to opposite side
  16. nerve of external obliques
    T8-T12 intercostal nerves, iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerves
  17. origin of internal obliques
    thoracolumbar fascia, iliac crest, and inguinal ligament
  18. insertion of internal obliques
    ribs 10-12, abdominal aponeurosis
  19. actions of internal obliques
    bilaterally trunk flexion and compression of abdomen. unilaterally sidebends trunk to same side and rotates to same side
  20. nerve of internal obliques
    T8-T12 intercostal nerves, iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerves
  21. origin of transverse abdominis
    thoracolumbar fascia, iliac crest, inguinal ligament, and last six ribs
  22. insertion of transverse abdominis
    abdominal aponeurosis and linea alba
  23. action of transvese abdominis
    compression of abdomen
  24. nerve of transverse abdominis
    T7-T12 intercostal nerves, iliohypogastric, and ilioinguinal nerves
  25. origin of erector spinae
    spinous processes, transverse processes, and ribs from the occiput to the sacrum and ilium
  26. insertion of erector spinae
    spinous processes, transverse processes, and ribs from the occiput to the sacrum and ilium
  27. actions of erector spinae
    bilaterally trunk extension. unilaterally sidebend trunk to same side
  28. nerve of erector spinae
    spinal nerves (specifically posterior 1 degree rami)
  29. origin of quadratus lumborum
    iliac crest
  30. insertion of quadratus lumborum
    transverse processes of L2-5 and 12th rib
  31. action of quadratus lumborum
    trunk sidebending
  32. nerve of quadratus lumborum
Card Set
PTA 132- cervical and trunk