insurance designed to cover a policyholder for acts or omissions for which he or she may be legally obligated
medica malpractice
medical professional misconduct, which differs form negligence because it is performed by a licensed medical professional
risk management
the practice of consideriing the risk of actions taken and taking steps to minimize the risk associated with them
mental incapacity
a condition in which a person lacks reasoning faculties to understand ordinary concerns or to act completently
vicariously liable
legally obligated in place of someone else
respondeat superior
an employer is vicariously liable for the behavior of an employee working within his or her scope of employment
failure to act with reasonable and prudent care
one who has authority to act on behalf of another
due care
the duty to have adequate regard for another person
independent contractor
one who is self-employed, but working under someone for specific tasks
procedures manual
a reference handbook explaining the procedures to be followed when performing a task by which a legal right may be enforced.
standard of care
the degree of care that a reasonable person should exercise under the same or similar circumstances.
one who does not have training in a specific profession
reasonable person
a prudent person whose behavior would be considered appropriate under the circumstances.
statutes or statutory guidelines
legislative enactments defining legal rights and responsibilities
scope of practice
the boundaries of acceptable diagnosis and treatment by nurses, physicians, and a variety of mid-level medical professionals.
mid-lever prpvoder
a licensed medical professional who is not a physician, but rather one who extends the capability of a physician to provide care while providing limited diagnosis and treatment of patients
placement of a name on a list as qualified for a profession; may require special testing or training
a record of being qualified to perform certain acts after passing an examination given by an accredited professional organization