Left Sided Heart Failure
Blood backs up into the lungs
Right Sided Heart Failure
Systemic; Fluid backs up into the feet and legs
Mitral and tricuspid valves open (S1) "lub"
Closure of the aortic and pulmonic valves (S2) "dub"
Large heart
The nurse admits an elderly client who complains of severe shortness of breath and fatigue. The nurse auscultates crackles in the client's lungs. Which condition would the nurse suspect the client may be suffering from?
Left sided heart failure
the movement of air from the atmosphere through the upper and lower airways to the alveoli
The process whereby gas exchange occurs at the alveolar-capillary membrane
Upper Respiratory Tract
Nares, nasal cavity, pharynx, and larynx
Lower Respiratory Tract
Trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli, and alveolar-capillary membranes
The nurse is caring for a client with a temperature. What upper airway defense mechanisms would the nurse expect theis client to exhibit?
Increased nasal mucous and sneezing
alveoli collapse
The nurse is caring for an elderly client who was in an auto accident The respiratory rate is 10 and the CO2 saturation is 80. What conditions are this client suffering?
Hypoxia and hypoventilation
evelvated CO2; breathing too slow
An elderly cient with pneumonia is confused and agitated. Upon auscultation, the nurse notes no breath sounds in the bases of the lungs. Which is the best nursing intervention?
Check the client's CO2 saturation level
the percentage of blood that are erythrocytes
The nurse examines the client's lab work and notes a hemoglobin of 10 and a hemtocrit of 25. Which statement by the client might alert the nurse the client is hypoxic?
"Would you get those spiders of the ceiling please?"
Restrictive Respiratory Disorders
Muscle dysfunction, nerve dysfunction, skeletal abnormalities, decreased introthoracic space, and changes in lung compliance
Obstructive Respiratory Disorders
Mucous, inflammation, infection, tumor, foreign body, constriction of the bronchi
Acute pharyngitis
sore throat
shrink mucous membranes
supress cough
loosen bronchial secretions
Glucocorticoids and Leukotriene Modifiers
reduce inflammation (lower)
kill bacteria (lower)
The nurse administers an expectorant to an ederly client with COPD. Which is the best nursing intervention?
observe the color of bronchial secretions
Bronchodilators used in the treatment of bronchial asthma/COPD?
Isuprel, Albuterol, Epinephrine, Atrovent, Theophylline. Side effects: tremors, elevated heart rate, and nervousness
The nurse administers Theophylline to a client with bronchial asthma. Which is the best nursing intervention?
Teach the client to avoid roducts with caffeine
The nurse administers albuterol to an elder who has heart disease. Soon after, the client tells the nurse his heart is racing. What nursing intervention is appropriate?
Take client's vital signs
Leukotriene receptor atagonists
reduce inflammatory stress
respiratory distress (rotten eggs smell)
struggling to breathe
Inaffective airway clearance
secretions present (pneumonia)
Impaired Gas Exchange
signs of hypoxemia (COPD)
Normal Bowel Elimination
- -3 times/day or 2-3 times/week
- -150gm/day
- -Brown in color
- -Soft and formed
- -Round in diameter
- -Pungent odor
- -5-35 sounds minimum
Gerontologic Considerations
- -GERD 1-2am
- -atrophy of gastric mucosa
- -May not get BM sensation
- -Salty and sweet decrease
- -Gums recede
- -Delayed absorption of fat soluble vitamins
Orange or Green Stools
Intestinal infection
Stools float
Narrow or Stringlike stool
Colon cancer or IBS
Clay or White stool
Obstruction in gallbladder or liver-cirrhosis or stone
Streaking stool
Hemorrhoids or fissures
Blood imbedded in stool
Lower GI bleed
Black or tarry stool
Upper GI bleed
Factors Promoting Normal Bowel Elimination
Routine schedule, sitting position during defecation, high fiber diet, four servings of fruits and veggies, six to eight glasses of water, daily physical exercise, privacy
Side effects of Anticholinergics
dry mouth, photophobia, blurred vision, tachycardia, constipation, urinary retention
Bulk Forming Laxatives (natural, least irritating)
- -absorbs water from the GI tract
- -stretches wall causing peristalsis
- -adverse reactions: nausea, vomiting, cramps, intestinal/esophageal obstruction
- -not immediate result
- -also given for diarrhea
Surfactant Laxative
- -Prevent straining at stool
- -No laxative effect
- -decreases tension of fecal mass allowing water to penetrate into stool
- -makes stool easier to expel
- -Clients with CHF should not take these
- -Do not give within two hours of other laxatives
Lubricant Laxatives
- -Increase passage of stool
- -coats outside of stool preventing fluid absorption
- -Can interfere with absorption of fat soluble vitamins-
- -Do not give within two hours of meal
- -Do not take lying down
- -Not good for aspirating clients
Saline Laxatives
- -Stimulates peristalsis
- -If used more than a week lose muscle tone in bowel
- -Do not give to cardiac, poor kidney functioning, or Crohn's patients
- -Strongest and most abused
- -Irritates GI mucosa and puls water into bowel lumen
- -Watery stool eliminated
Client Teaching
- -Never take w/acute abd pain, nausea, or vomiting
- -takes 2-3 days of normal eating for normal bowel movement
- -frequent use can cause dependence or electrolyte imbalance
Perceived Constipation
State in which a person self-prescribes dail use of laxatives, enemas, and/or suppositories to ensure a daily BM
Things that cause Flatulence
Cabbage, beans, beer, carbonated beverages, dairy, chewing gum, sucking through straw, eating rapidly
Nursing Interventions for Flatulence
- -NG tube
- -Rectal tube: secured in place, no more than 20 minutes at a time, reinsert every 2 or 3 hours
- -Harris flush enema-drains back into container, repeat until no bubbles returned
A 22 year old college student presents to the emergency room at 0200 with severe episiodic abdominal cramping and stated, "I have diarrhea. I think I got it from eating at a restaurant tonight." What information does the nurse need to elicit from this client in order to plan care?
- -When did the diarrhea start
- -Frequency of stools
- -Any recent travel
Nursing interventions for Reducing Diarrhea
- -discontinue solid foods
- -avoid milk products, fat, whole grains, fresh fruit and veggies
- -gradually add semisolids and solids
- -30ml or 2 tabs q 1/2 hour to 1 hour, up to 8 doses in 24 hours.
- -Avoid in clients with hypersensitivity
- -Interferes with coagulation
- -Opiate
- -4mg initially, 2mg after each stool to maximal dose of 16mg
- -most common used
- -No CNS effects
- -Decrease intestinal mobility and peristalsis
- -Increase chance for constipation
Lomotil-atropine sulfate
- -RX
- -2.5-5mg bid or qid prn
- -Derivative of Demerol
- -Side effects: tachycardia, respiratory depression
- -Decreases abdominal cramping and reduces loss of water and electrolytes
Nursing Interventions for Replacing Fluids and Electrolytes
- -Increase fluids to equal approx amount of fluid loss
- -Encourage liquids at room temperature
- -Explain effects of diarrhea on hydration
Client Instruction-Bowel
- -Instruct client to seek medical care if blood in stool, fever of 101F, diarrhea lasts longer than 3-5 days
- -Stop antidiarrheal drugs when diarrhea is controlled
Normal Patterns of Urinary Elimination
- -Frequency: 6-8 times/day
- -Volume: 150-200mL
- -Bladder control: urgency and frequency common; older adult-enlarged prostate and weakened pelvic floor muscles
- -Yellow, straw or amber color, clear, pH-4-8
Abnormal Patterns of Urinary Elimination
- -Dysuria
- -Anything less than 30mL indicative of renal failure
- -Blood in urine indicative of cancer, infection, or calculi
- -Bright red blood-bleeding in urethra
- -Dark blood-bleeding in the kidneys or ureters
Acute Urinary Incontinence
- -Delirium or confusion
- -Infection
- -Atrophic vaginitis
- -Pharmacologic therapy
- -Psychlogical problems
- -Restricted mobility
- -Stool impaction
Functional Incontinence
- Inability of usually continent person to reach toilet in time to avoid unintentional loss of urine. Loss of urine before or during attempt to reach the toilet.
- -Etiology: altered environment, mobility deficit, diminished bladder cues and impaired ability to recognize bladder cues, decreased bladder tone
What would be an appropriate intervention for functional incontinence?
-reduce environmental barriers
Nursing Interventions for Functional Incontinence
- -reduce environmental barriers
- -provide bedside commode
- -Offer toileting every 2 hours
- -dress in easy to manipulate clothing
- -provide dressing aids
- -refer to OT for evaluation
- -provide means for summoning assistance
- -increases bladder capacity and decreases frequency of voiding in clients with neurogenic bladder
- -Side effects: dry mouth, drowsiness, blurred vision, constipation, urinary retention
Stress Incontinence
- -Experiences an involuntary passage of rine of less than 50ML occuring with increased intra-abdominal pressure
- -Most common incontinence in women
- -dribbling of urine with increased inta-abdominal pressure
Stress incontinence may be contributed to which of the following?
-Weak pelvic muscles and structural supports
Stress Incontinence Etiology
- -degenerative changes in pelvic muscles and structural supports associated with aging or multiple pregnancies or prostate surgery
- -high intra-abdominal pressure
- -incompetent bladder outlet
Which intervention would the nurse perform first for incontinence?
-Limit coffee, tea, and alcohol
Stress Incontinence-Nursing Interventions
- -Pads
- -Toilet every 3 hours
- -Kegal exercises 15 reps 3 times/day for 6 weeks
- -bent knee situps
- -avoid anything increasing intra-abdominal pressure
- -lmit coffee, tea, and alcohol
- -encourage fluid intake of 1500-2000ML/day
Commonly used drugs that can influence bladder function
Antidepressants, antipsychotics, sedatives/hypnotics, diuretics, caffeine, anticholinergics, alcohol, narcotics, alpha-adrenergic blockers, alpha-adrenergic agonists, beta-adrenergic agonists, calcium channel blockers, ACE inhibitors
Common medications Used to Treat Urinary Incontinence
- -Pseudoephedrine: decreased estrogen and increases chance of stress incontinence. 15-30mg TID
- -Vaginal Estrogen Cream: 0.5 to 1g QHS
- -Make sure with Detrol and Ditropan no underlying eye issues
Urge Incontinence
- -Involuntary passage of urine soon after a strong sense of urgency to void
- -Inability to suppress detrusor muscle contractions until reaching an appropriate receptacle
- -Urinary urgency
- -Urinary frequency
Urge Incontinence-Nursing Interventions
-Incontinence pads, clothes adapted for quick removal, toilet every 2 hours, gradually increase intervals between voiding to every 4 hours, kegals, regulate fluid intake
Urinary Retention
- -Incomplete emptying of the bladder
- -Commin in males with enlarged prostate
- -Absence of urinary ouput over several hours, distended bladder, 100mL or more residual urine, sensation of pressure, discomfort, tenderness over symphasis pubis, overflow incontience/dribbling/dysuria, restlessness, diaphoresis
- -Quad patients can die from this
Urinary Retention-Etiology
- -Obstruction of urine flow
- -Alterations in motor sensory
- -Inability to relax external sphinchter
- -Use of medications with urinary retention as adverse response
Medications that may cause Urinary Retention
-Benzodiazepines, Antocholinergics, Antiparkinson agents, Tricyclic Antidepressants, Antipsychotics, Narcotic Analgesics
Medications to Treat Urinary Retention
- -Alpha Blockers-watch for orthostatic hypotension, decreased semen, effect on retina
- -Anti-Androgens-decreased prostate, not immediate, hormone, enlarged breasts and decreases libido
- -Parasympathomimetics/Cholinergic
Urinary Retention-Nursing Interventions
-help client to assume normal position to void, stimulate reflex voiding center, remove blockage if possible, catheterize with intermittent or indwelling catheter, teach client and family about medications if precribed
UTI Risk Factors
- -Indwelling urinary catheters
- -Bladder distention
- -Shorter urethra in women
- -Obstruction of flow of urine with stasis
- -Poor perineal hygiene practices
- -Increased urinary pH
S/S of Urinary Tract Infections
- -Upper UTI: fever/chills, nausea and vomiting, headache, malaise, hematuria, flank pain
- -Lower UTI: frequency, urgency, dysuria, incontinence
- -Most widely used for UTI, Bacteriostatic, Increased sensitivty to sunlight, drug fever, check for bleeding, take on empty stomach, drink 2000mL water per day
- -Used to treat E Coli
- -Increases antcoagulant effect
Urinary Tract Antiseptics
- -Bacterialcidal
- -Effective against most Gram-negative bacteria that commonly cause UTI
- -Adverse reactions:dizziness, headache, nausea, photophobia
- -Antacids decrease absorption
Urinary Tract Analgesics
- -Relieves symptoms of dysuria, burning, frequency and urgency
- -No anti-infective action
- -Turns urine orange-red
- -Contraindicated in renal insufficiency and hepatitis
- -Stains clothing
- -Does nothing for bacterial action
UTI-Nursing Interventions
- -1500-2000mL fluid/day
- -Avoid bladder irritating foods: tomatoes, spicy food, chocolate, carbonated beverages
- Persistant elveation of:
- -Systolic blood pressure greater than or equal to 140
- -Diastolic blood pressure greater than or equal to 90
- -Current use of antihypertensives
- -Systolic blood pressure 120-130
- or
- -Diastolic blood pressure 80-89
Isolated Systolic Hypertension
Systolic BP greater than or equal to 140 with Diastolic BP greater than or equal to 90
Etiology of Hypertension
Increased SNS activity, increased sodium retaining hormones and vasoconstrictors, Diabetes Mellitus, higher ideal body weight, increased sodium intake, excessive alcohol intake
Etiology of Secondary Hypertension
Coarctation of aorta, renal disease, endocrine disorders, neurlogic disorders, cirrhosis, sleep apnea
Risk Factors of Hypertension
age, alcohol, cigarette smoking, diabetes mellitus, elevated serum lipids, excess dietary sodium, gender, family history, obestity, ethnicity, sedentary lifestyle, socioeconomic status, stress
Lifestyle Modifications for Hypertension
- -less than 2.4g of sodium/day
- -men no more than 2 drinks/day women 1 drink/day
- -30 minutes of physical activity a day
- -avoid tobacco
- -Stress management
Nursing Diagnoses for Hypertension
- -ineffective health maintenance
- -anxiety
- -sexual dysfunction
- -ineffective therapeutic regimen management
- -disturbed body image
- -ineffective tissue perfusion
Isolated Systolic Hypertension
- -most common form in individuals over 50
- -systolic pressure at or above 140 and diastolic under 90
Hypertensive Crisis
- -severe abrupt increase in DBP
- -rate of increase in BP is more important than absoute value
- -occurs in patients with HTN who fail to comply with medications or under medicated
- -Hypertensive encephalopathy, cerebral hemorrhage
- -acute renal failure
- -myocardial infarction
- -heart failure with pulmonary edema
A new patient is seen at an outpatient clinic for a routine health examination. To determine the patient's baseline blood pressure accurately, the nurse will?
Have the patient sit with the arm supported at the level of the heart and measure the BP in each arm
The nurse obtains the following information about hypertension risk factors from a patient with prehypertension. The risk factor that will be most important to address with the patient is that the patient?
Gets no regular aerobic exercise
The nurse measures the BP of a 78-year-old patient and finds it to be 168/86 in both arms. The nurse will plan to teach the patient that?
It is important to address the increased BP
A patient with hypertension asks the nurse why lifestyle changes are needed when the patient has no symptoms from the high BP. The response by the nurse that is most likely to improve patient compliance with therapy is that hypertension?
Damages the blood vessels leading to risk for heart attack, stoke, and kidney failure
ACE Inhibitors
- -Inhibits formation of Angio II and blocks aldosterone
- -Facilitates excretion of Na and H2O causing K to be retained
- -Meds end in "pril"
- -Side effects: cough, increased K, hypotension
- -Not for African Americans and elderly
Angiotensin Receptor Blockers
- -Similar to ACE Inhibitors, prevents release of aldosterone
- -Not for African Americans
- -Side effect: angioedema
Calcium Channel Blockers
- -Decrease calcium levels promoting vasodilation increasing muscle contraction and BP
- -Best for African Americans
- -Side effects: flushing, HA, dizziness, bradycardia, AV block
- -Do not drink grapefruit juice within 2 hours of these meds
Diuretics-Thiazides and related
- -works to get rid of Na, Chloride and H2O. Used to treat HTN and edema. A moderate decrease in BP in 2 to 4 weeks
- -Can not be used with patients in renal failure
- -Side effects: hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, hyperlipidemia, hypercalcemia, bicarb loss
- -inhibit body's ability to reabsorb Na, leads to retention of H2O in the urine, less effective for treatment of HTN
- -Potent in promoting diuresis
- -Fast effects
- -Lasix
- -Side effects: fluid and electrolyte imbalance, metabolic alkalosis, orthostatic hypotension
K Sparing Diuretics
- -works on facilitating Na and H2O loss and K retention
- -Not potent
- -Fast effects, not as fast as thiazides and loops
- -Side effects: hyperakalemia, decreased excretion of hydrogen, calcium, magnesium, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, rash, dizziness, headache, weakness, dry mouth
Aldosterone Receptor Blockers
- -Cause kidneys to get rid of extra salt and fluid help hold on to K because of this they are called K sparing diuretics
- -Potent
- -Fast
- -Side effects: hyperkalemia, nasuea, vomiting, leg cramps, dizziness
Beta Blockers
- -Lower BP by reducing the effect of excitement/physical exertion on heart rate and force of contraction, dialtion of blood vessels and opening of bronchi, reduce breakdown of glycogen
- -Not for African Americans, COPD, 2nd and 3rd degree AV block, CHF, and Bradycardia
- -Side effects: decrease HR and severe decrease in BP and bronchoconstriction.
- -Cannot discontinue due to rebound HTN
- -shooting or burning pain in extremity
- -present near ulcerated areas
- -produces loss of pressure and deep sensations
- -injuries often go unnoticed
Peripheral Arterial Disease
-thin, shiny, taut skin, loss of hair on lower legs, diminished or basent pedal, popliteal, or femoral pulses, pallor, reactive hyperemia, pain at rest
Risk Factors for PAD
- -smoking
- -hyperlipidemia
- -hypertension
- -diabetes mellitus
Treatment of Superficial Thrombophlebitis
- -Upper extremity caused by IV
- -Lower extremity caused by varicose veins
- -Elevate extremity
- -Hot therapy
- -ASA, NSAID, Tylenol
- -Use compression stockings
- -May have no symptoms
- -Homan's sign not reliable
- -PE and Chronic venous insufficiency most serious consequence
Prevention and Treatment of DVT
- -Early ambulation
- -Dorsi-flex feet and rotate ankles
- -OOB 3 times/day
- -TED hose
- -Elevate, warm compresses
- -elastic compression hose for 3 to 6 months
Meds for DVT
- -Heparin
- -Coumadin: takes 48-72 hours to start working. Vitamin K is antidote. Can give oral with IV
Interferes with Anticoagulants
ASA, NSAID, Dilatin, Barbiturates, Vitmain E, Alcohol
During an assessment of a 63-year-old patient at the clinic, the patient says, "I have always taken an evening walk, lately my leg cramps and hurts after just a few minutes of walking. The pain goes away after I stop walking, though." The nurse should?
Attempt to palpate the dorsalis pedis and posterial tibial pulses
The nurse performing an assessment with a patient who has chronic peripheral arterial disease of the legs would expect to find?
Prolonged capillary refill
The nurse identifies the nursing diagnosis of ineffective peripheral perfusion related to decreased arterial blood flow for a patient with chronic PAD. In evaluating the patient outcomes following patient teaching, the nurse determines a need for further instruction when the patient says?
"I will use a heating pad on my feet at night to increase the circulation and warmth in my feet."