25 Mental Health

  1. These are possible causes:

    Electrolyte imbalance

    Adverse drug reactions

    hint: DIE HHA
  2. Sx of cognitive, social, physical, or emotional e.g. paranoia, pessimism, sadness, selfdegration, difficulty concentrating or thinking, disturbances of appetite and sleep
  3. Subtypes of depression are
    • Major clinical depression
    • Adjustment disorder
    • Dysthymic disorder

    Grief and depression

    hint: MAD
  4. Broad range of sx, psychotic to life threatening; sad, depressed mood for over 2 weeks
    Major clinical depression
  5. Milder form; must last at least 2 weeks
    Dysthymic disorder
  6. Linked to specific physical / environmental stressors - nursing home
    Adjustment disorder
  7. Impairment of memory with at least one of the following during dementia
    • Aphasia - difficulty to recall words
    • Apraxia - loss of motor function
    • Agnosia - loss abilty to recognize objects
    • Disturbance in executive functioning
  8. Warning signs for delirium page 688
    Rapid fluctuation in level of consciousness (agitated to lethargic)

    • Unfocuse speech and disorganize think
    • Difficulty in maintaining attn span
    • Disorientation to place or time

    • Memory problems
    • Illusions and hallucinations
    • Strong emotional reactions

    hint: RUDD MIS
  9. Pathologies that may cause delirium are (page 688)

    hint: I watch death
    • Infection
    • Withdrawal
    • Acute metabolic
    • Trauma
    • CNS pathology
    • Hypoxia

    • Deficiencies
    • Endocrinopathies
    • Acute vascular
    • Toxins or drugs
    • Heavy metals
  10. The #1 Mental Health Problem for elderly
    Alzheimer's disease
  11. Medication for Alzheimers is
  12. Vascular dementia is often referred to as (page 703)
    Multi-farct dementia
  13. A condition of unknown etiology called _____ _____ _____ the HIV causing AIDS, a dementia associated with athe spirchete causing Lyme's disease, Parkson's / Huntington's disease is
    Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (page 704)
  14. Severe overreaction out of proportion to the stimulus is
    Catastrophic reaction
  15. The fastest growing segment of the U.S. population is what age?
    People over the age of 85
  16. Which of the following assessment tools for ACS/Delirium would be used to identify client's "at risk"?
    NEECHAM Confessional Scale pg. 689
  17. Elders w/ dementia are at increased risk for which of the folowing?
    Delirium pg. 688
  18. When using the acronym IWATCH to identify pathologies that may cause delirium, the nurse recognizes that the "W" represents
    Withdrawal from alcohol, barbiturates, or sedatives
  19. Process by which a person "knows the world" and interacts with it
  20. Loss of ability to recognize objects
  21. Difficulty or inability to recall words
  22. Loss of motor function
  23. Intentional efforst to cover up memory losses or gaps
  24. Multidimensional phenomenon incorporating changes in both cgnition and behavior
  25. Acute change in a person's LOC and cognition that develops during a short period
  26. Gradual onset of multiple cognitive changes in memory, abstract thinking, judgment and perception that often results in a progressive decline in intellectual functioning and decreased capacity to perform daily activities
  27. Client involvement in the therapeutic relationships
Card Set
25 Mental Health
Mental Health