Chapter 16: Male Reproductive System; Diagnostic Terms

  1. anorchism
    absence of one or both testes
  2. balanitis
    inflammation of glans penis
  3. cryptorchism
    undescended testicle; failure of a testis to descend into the scrotal sac during fetal development; it most often remains lodged in the abdomen or inguinal canal, requiring surgical repair
  4. epididymitis
    inflammation of the epididymis
  5. hydrocele
    hernia of fluid in the testis or tubes leading from the testis
  6. hypospadias
    congenital opening of the male urethra on the undersurface of the penis
  7. erectile dysfunction (ED)
    failure to initiate or maintain an erection until ejaculation because of physical or psychological dysfunction
  8. Peyronie disease
    disorder characterized by a buildup of hardened fibrous tissue in the corpus cavernosum causing pain and a defective curvature of the penis, especially during erection
  9. phimosis
    narrowed condition of the prepuce (foreskin) resulting in its inability to be drawn over the glans penis, often leading to infection - commonly requires circumcision
  10. benign prostatic hyperplasia/hypertrophy (BPH)
    enlargement of the prostate gland; frequently seen in older man, causing urinary obstruction
  11. prostate cancer
    malignancy of the prostate gland
  12. prostatitis
    inflammation of the prostate
  13. spermatocele
    painless, benign cystic mass containing sperm lying above and posterior to the testicle, but separate from it
  14. testicular cancer
    malignant tumor in one or both testicles commonly developing from the germ cells that produce sperm
  15. seminoma
    most common type of testicular tumor, composed of immature germ cells
  16. nonseminomas
    testicular tumors arising from more mature germ cells that have a tendency to be more aggressive than seminomas
  17. varicocele
    enlarged, swollen, herniated veins near the testis
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Chapter 16: Male Reproductive System; Diagnostic Terms
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