Chapter 17: Female Reproductive System; Diagnostic Terms

  1. cervicitis
    inflammation of the cervix
  2. congenital anomalies
    birth defects causing the abnormal development of a female organ or structure
  3. dermoid cyst
    congenital tumor composed of displaced embryonic tissue more commonly found in an ovary; it is usually benign
  4. displacement of uterus
    displacement of the uterus from its normal position
  5. anteflexion
    abnormal forward bending of the uterus
  6. retroflexion
    abnormal backward bending of the uterus
  7. retroversion
    backward turn of the whole uterus - also called tipped uterus
  8. endometriosis
    condition characterized by migration of portions of endometrial tissue outside the uterine cavity
  9. endometritis
    inflammation of the endometrium
  10. fibroid/fibromyoma/leiomyoma
    benign tumor in the uterus composed of smooth muscle and fibrous connective tissue
  11. fistula
    abnormal passage such as from one hollow organ to another
  12. rectovaginal fistula
    abnormal opening between the vagina and rectum
  13. vesicovaginal fistula
    abnormal opening between the bladder and vagina
  14. cervical neoplasia
    abnormal development of cervical tissue cells
  15. cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN)/cervical dysplasia
    potentially cancerous abnormality of epithelial tissue of the cervix, graded according to the extent of abnormal cell formation:

    • CIN 1: mild dysplasia
    • CIN 2: moderate dysplasia
    • CIN 3: severe dysplasia
  16. carcinoma in situ (CIS) of the cervix
    malignant cell changes of the cervix that are localized without any spread to adjacent structures
  17. menopause
    cessation of mentrual periods owing to a lack of ovarian hormones
  18. oophoritis
    inflammation of one or both ovaries
  19. parovarian cyst
    cyst of the fallopian tube
  20. pelvic adhesions
    scarring of tissue within the pelvic cavity as a result of endometriosis, infection, or injury
  21. pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
    inflammation of organs in the pelvic cavity usually including the fallopian tubes, ovaries, and endometrium - most often caused by bacteria
  22. pelvic floor relaxation
    relaxation of supportive ligaments of the pelvic organs
  23. cystocele
    pouching of the bladder into the vagina
  24. rectocele
    pouching of the rectum into the vagina
  25. enterocele
    pouching sac of peritoneum between the vagina and rectum
  26. urethrocele
    pouching of the urethra into the vagina
  27. prolapse
    descent of the uterus down the vaginal canal
  28. salpingitis
    inflammation of a fallopian tube
  29. adenocarcinoma of the breast
    malignant tumor of glandular breast tissue
  30. amastia
    absence of a breast
  31. fibrocystic breasts
    benign condition of the breasts consisting of fibrous and cystic changes that render the tissue more dense - patient feels painful lumps that fluctuate in size during the menstrual cycle
  32. gynecomastia
    development of mammary glands in the male, caused by altered hormone levels
  33. hypermastia/macromastia
    abnormally large breasts
  34. hypomastia/micromastia
    unusually small breasts
  35. mastitis
    inflammation of the breast - most common in woman when breast-feeding
  36. polymastia
    presence of more than two breasts
  37. polythelia/supernumerary nipples
    presence of more than one nipple on a breast
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Chapter 17: Female Reproductive System; Diagnostic Terms
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