Chapter 9: Respiratory System; Diagnostic Terms

  1. asthma
    panting; obstructive pulmonary disease caused by a spasm of the bronchial tubes or by swelling of their mucous membrane, characterized by paroxysmal attacks of wheezing, dyspnea, and cough
  2. atelectasis
    collapse of lung tissue
  3. bronchiectasis
    abnormal dilation of the bronchi with accumulation of mucus
  4. bronchitis
    inflammation of the bronchi
  5. bronchogenic carcinoma
    lung cancer
  6. bronchospasm
    constriction of bronchi caused by spasm of the peribronchial smooth muscle
  7. emphysema
    obstructive pulmonary disease characterized by overexpansion of the alveoli with air, with destructive changes in their walls resulting in loss of lung elasticity and gas exchange
  8. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
    permanent, destructive pulmonary disorder that is a combination of chronic bronchitis and emphysema
  9. cystic fibrosis
    inherited condition of exocrine gland malfunction causing secretion of abnormally thick, viscous (sticky) mucus that obstructs passageways within the body, commonly affecting the lungs and digestive tract; mucus that obstructs the airways leads to infection, inflammation, and lung tissue damage
  10. laryngitis
    inflammation of the larynx
  11. laryngotracheobronchitis (LTB)/croup
    inflammation of the upper airways with swelling that creates a funnel-shaped elongation of tissue causing a distinct "seal bark" cough
  12. laryngospasm
    spasm of laryngeal muscles causing constriction
  13. nasal polyposis
    presence of numerous polyps in the nose (a polyp is a tumor on a stalk)
  14. pharyngitis
    inflammation of the pharynx
  15. pleural effusion
    accumulation of fluid within the pleural cavity
  16. empyema/pyothorax
    accumulation of pus in the pleural cavity
  17. hemothorax
    accumulation of blood in the pleural cavity
  18. pleuritis/pleurisy
    inflammation of the pleura
  19. pneumoconiosis
    chronic restrictive pulmonary disease resulting from prolonged inhalation of fine dusts such as coal, abestos or silicone
  20. pneumonia
    inflammation in the lung caused by infection from bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites, or resulting from aspiration of chemicals
  21. pneumocystis pneumonia
    pneumonia caused by the pneumocystis carinii organism - a common opportunistic infection seen in those with positive human immunodeficiency virus
  22. pneumothorax
    air in the pleural cavity caused by a puncture of the lung or chest wall
  23. pneumohemothorax
    air in the blood in th pleural cavity
  24. pneumonitis
    inflammation of the lung often caused by hypersensitivity to chemicals or dusts
  25. pulmonary embolism (PE)
    occlusion in the pulmonary circulation, most often caused by a blood clot
  26. pulmonary tuberculosis (TB)
    disease caused by the presence of mycobacterium tuberculosis in the lungs characterized by the formation of tubercles, inflammation, and necrotizing caseous legions
  27. sinusitis
    inflammation of the sinuses
  28. sleep apnea
    periods of breathing cessation that occur during sleep, often causing snoring
  29. tonsillitis
    acute or chronic inflammation of the tonsils
  30. upper respiratory infections (URI)
    infectious disease of the upper respiratory tract involving the nasal passages, pharynx, and bronchi
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Chapter 9: Respiratory System; Diagnostic Terms
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