VOIP ch 13

  1. the media functions are separated from call-signaling functions
    Used in large trunking gateways and residential gateways
    • Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP)
    • H.248/MEGACO
  2. call the call agent
    Handles call signaling
    Media Gateway Controllers (MGCs)
  3. Controlled by the MGC
    conversion of TDM to RTCP streams
    media gateway
  4. uses UDP
    Uses Session Description Protocol (SDP)
    only two type of media (audio data)
    Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP)
  5. when the MGCP connection are grouped into a call
    term day call
  6. device that is tramsmitting data
  7. requested or recieved the data
  8. an interface on an MG that terminates a circuit originating from a public switched telephone network (PSTN) Need what?
  9. an announcement server endpoint that plays/streams the announcement based on a command from the call agent. Need What
  10. endpoint is identified by an endpoint-identifier that has two components
    • domain name
    • local name
  11. an association between two endpoints with the purpose of transmitting data between them.
    point to point
  12. by connecting the endpoint to a multipoint session.
    multipoint connection
  13. *Create a connection on each endpoint that will be involved in a call. what is is designated by*
    Connection ID
  14. links all connections that are associated with a call. This identifier enables accounting or billing mediation to occur for calls
    unique call identifier
  15. assign call identifers which are unique for each
    call and are globally unique throughout the system
    call agents
  16. links all connections that are associated with a call. This identifier enables accounting or billing mediation to occur for calls.
    call identifiers
  17. The transactions are composed of a command and a
    mandatory responce
  18. as called by ITU
  19. as called by IETF
  20. terminates the device transmitting or reciving the call
    H.248 or MEGACO
  21. its connection centric
  22. endpoint centric
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VOIP ch 13
VOIP ch 13