Police explorers

  1. 10-1
    recieving poorly
  2. 10-2
    recieving well
  3. 10-3
    stop transmitting
  4. 10-4
    okay and knowledgement
  5. 10-5
  6. 10-6
  7. 10-7
    • out of service
    • (B) out of service at home
  8. 10-8
    in service
  9. 10-9
  10. 10-10
    Out of service subject to call
  11. 10-11
    transmitting too rapidly
  12. 10-12
    officals or vistors present
  13. 10-13
    weather or road conditions
  14. 10-14
    escort or convoy
  15. 10-15
    en route with prisoner
  16. 10-16
    pick up prisoner
  17. 10-17
    pick up papers
  18. 10-18
    complete present assignments ASAP
  19. 10-19
    return or returning to station
  20. 10-20
    what is your location
  21. 10-21
    • call by telephone
    • (A) advise my home what time ill come home at
    • (B) call my home by telephone
  22. 10-22
    cancel last message or assignment
  23. 10-23
  24. 10-25
    do you have contact with _____
  25. 10-27
    request want and warrant check of the person
  26. 10-28
    Registration request
  27. 10-29
    check for stolen or wanted
  28. 10-30
    • no wants on your subject
    • (C) computer unavailable
  29. 10-31
    subject has record but no wants
  30. 10-32
    • subject wanted, are you clear to copy?
    • (F) subject wanted, felony type hit
  31. 10-33
    standby, emergancy traffic only
  32. 10-34
    resume normal radio traffic
  33. 10-35
    confidential information
  34. 10-36
    correct time
  35. 10-37
    name of operator on duty
  36. 10-39
    message delivered
  37. 10-42
    pick up officer
  38. 10-45
    service your equitment
  39. 10-46
    standby, i am proceeding to a better location
  40. 10-48
    i am now ready to take information
  41. 10-49
    proceeding to ______
  42. 10-86
    Traffic check, do you have traffic for this unit/ dispatcher
  43. 10-87
    meet _____ at _____
  44. 10-97
    arrived at location
  45. 10-98
    finished last assignment
Card Set
Police explorers
10 radio codes