Admin and General Qs

  1. Admin - Define the FIVE categoriesof Radiation Hazards on TEK?
    • Radiation to Ordnance (Electro-Explosive Devices/EED)
    • HERP - Hazards from Electromagnetic
    • Radiation to Personnel
    • HERF - Hazards from Electromagnetic
    • Radiation to Fuel
    • HERE - Hazards from Electromagnetic
    • Radiation to Equipment
    • LASER (light amplification of stimulated
    • emitted radiation)
  2. Admin - Occupational safe distances
    for emitters on TEK are listed in which ABR?
    ABR 6032 (Combat System Technical Manual) Vol 1


    NZBR 2924
  3. Admin - Which Emitters CANNOT transmit alongside without permission from the WEO, also give any power restrictions?
    • Due to high power radar tx’ns produced by the 2DR and CWI they are not to tx alongside without permission of the WEO.
    • In addition HF tx’ns greater than 500W are not permitted without authorisation from the WEO.
    • Alongside Auckland:
    • Sonar - High Power Transmission. No active high power sonar transmissions are
    • to take place in the Auckland
    • Harbour limits without the prior approval (by signal) of LC(M). The format for a request to transmit high powered is at Article 0904 of Reference C.
    • Radar - High Power Transmission. Transmissions on SPS-49 and CWI are prohibited within Auckland
    • Harbour (Article 0219 of Reference C refer). Additionally, IFF and TIR are also prohibited in accordance with Reference D. There are no further limitations with the exception of own-ship RADHAZ and relevant EMCON policies in force.
    • Rotation. There are no restrictions on rotation of emitters within Auckland with exception of own-ship RADHAZ.

    Communications. Whilst alongside at DNB there are no restrictions on communications transmissions with exception of RADHAZ onboard and on adjacent ships, buildings or cranes.
  4. Admin - Describe the ECC Organisation on TEK?
    • Maintain a current picture of the complete combat andcommunication systems;
    • Designate resources to effectively repair defects;Re-configure equipment to maintain operability;Advise command of WE system defects and their effects on the ship’s role through the WSA;
    • Maintain a DC Incident Board and advise command of effect on combat system availability, andProvide assistance to other organisations as required (evolution teams, DC parties, etc).
    • The WEWO is in charge of ECC, which is done from ECC1.
    • As I/C ofECC1 the WEWO is responsible for collating equipment casualty reports, initiating repair action and advising the WSA of the state of all WE Systems. The WEWO acts as the WSA in the event of the WEOs absence or casualty.

    • WEO - WSA
    • WEWO - Runs ECC1 (01F)
    • POET - Runs ECC2 (VLS Equip Room)
    • Personnel movements
    • Priorities for equipment rectification
    • Priorities for equipment degredation
    • Communications umongst groups
    • Segregated groups of maintainers
  5. Admin -What is contained in NZBR 7 relevant to the WEO?
    • Policy and Technical Organisations
    • Technical Administration
    • Standards and Certifications
    • Maintenance of HMNZ Ships
    • Configuration Management
    • Test and Evaluation
  6. Admin - Where would you find your responsibilities as a WEO laid down?
    NZBR 23 Ch 8
  7. Admin - What is the WEO’s Role at Action Stations?
    The WEO as the Whole Ship Advisor (WSA) is stationed in the Operations Room as a member of the Command Team and is responsible for providing the Command with non-tactical information concerning the state of the ship.
  8. Admin - aspects of RADHAZ is the WEO responsible to the CO for?
    • providing advice on:
    • Technical aspects on shipboard equipment.Hazards from Electromagnetic Radiation to Equipment (HERE). Safety distances.Permissible exposure rates. Implementation of RADHAZ procedures alongside.
    • CO is overall responsible for the Radio Hazard Organisation.XO is responsible for Advising Command on organisation for control of HERP, HERO, HERE, and HERF. Onboard continuation training.Sea Riders are briefed prior to sailing.RADAHZ Responsible Officer (RRO – WEO on a frigate) shall be accountable to the CO for:All matters concerning on/off ship hazards associated with RF.Maintaining the RADHAZ Log.Maintaining the HAZARD Stateboard.DWEO/AWEO is responsible for:Overall coordination of Ship’s RADHAZ organisation and operational aspects of RADHAZ.Ensuring all OODs/OOWs are fully conversant withRADHAZ Board procedures
  9. Admin - Describe the Explosives organisation and personnel’s responsibilities?

  10. Admin - IG(N) role
    • IG(N) uses Key performance indicators to measure
    • output of the navy against MOD requirements
  11. Admin - Name of signal used when obtaining stores from another ship?
    • Material Screen Request (MSR) can only be used
    • to rectify OPDEF/STOREDEM – situations of an urgent mater. These procedures are controlled by the Material Control Officer (MATCONOFF) which is
    • usually the SO on the senior ship (iaw NZBR 26 - RNZN Materiel Management Instructions).
  12. Admin - What is the Consequence of creating a Priority 1 job in FMMS
    It creates an OPDEF
  13. There are four levels of priorities that can be assigned when building a Standard Activity or Job. These are to be assigned as follows:
  14. Priority 1 – OPDEFs
    • Priority 2 - Other Breakdowns and Mandatory Planned Maintenance
    • Priority 3 - Planned Non Mandatory Maintenance
    • Priority 4 - Minor Unprogrammed Work

    The consequence of creating a Priority 1 job is that it will be an OPDEF. It will be assigned an O number and given priority over Mandatory Planned Maintenance
  15. Admin - What is the role of the Change Configuration Board (CCB)?
    The CCB is the authority for authorisation or rejection of proposed changes/ECPs in the RNZN for ECPs that are to be entered into the capital program.
  16. Who is on the CCB?
    • It consists of
    • ACN (CAP) or CFS,
    • GLX Branch Head,
    • DNCR or MA to MCC,
    • DNE or DNLOG,
    • And DWE, DME, DNC depending on the ECP.
  17. Admin - What is the role of the Engineering Review Board (ERB), who are the permanent members of the board and how often do they meet?
    • The ERB is the authority for authorisation or
    • rejection of proposed changes/ECPs for configuration management of product baseline ECPs in the RNZN. Projects go to the ERB before the start of the Design
    • and Development Phase.

    It consists of CFS, the CFS HODs, and EC Support Manager (FMMO),.

    Members normally meet on a monthly basis
  18. Admin - What are the major maintenance periods for an ANZAC Ship? What is the duration of each? How
    often are they scheduled? What type of maintenance would be conducted during each period?
  19. Admin - Work Specifications have eight levels of status that may be assigned to them, give a brief explanation of each level?
    • The Work Specifications provide a detailed description of the individual items of contract work. It is used as a contract between the RNZN and the contractor (BFL).(Originator) Work spec raised by ship.
    • (Level 1) Work spec edited by Spec Section, work raised.
    • (Level 2) Work spec edited by SM, new work raised.
    • (Level 3) Work spec tendered to contractors for costing.
    • (Level 4) Quote received for by SM.
    • (Level 5) Contractor undertakes work.
    • (Level 6) Contractor completes work.
    • (Level 7) Repairer provide invoice for work.
    • (Level 8) Invoice payment accepted by section planner
  20. Admin - What is a work permit and why are they used? What is the RNZN form name?
    • RNZN 161 – RNZN Work Permit.
    • Work permits are used to control work that is ongoing on a ship.
    • Also is a contractual document.It uses different colours for different VTF work centres such as weapons, radio, plumbing, etc…
    • It consists the following sections:Details of workApproval of work permit (inc. tag out) (Ship Staff)Completion of work(contractor)Tag inCompletion of work (Ship Staff)
  21. Admin - Where is the demarcation between the MEO and the WEO it electrical power supplies?
    • At the load centre breaker, or
    • The last valve before the equipment
  22. Admin - What does AMPs stand for?
    Asset Planning Management Planning System
  23. Admin - Two different budgets for the RNZN
    The RNZNs budget is split into an Operational and Capital Budget

    Operational items are items that have a life of less than one year: repairs to capital assets, personnel pay and allowances, fuel, ammunition, and maintenance

    Capital funding is allocated for enhancement of capability and infrastructure. Assets (worth more than $5K) that have a life of more than one year and will be used over a number of years are capital (ie fixed assets eg ships, generators, software, buildings). It also includes enhancements of the service potential of existing fixed assets (eg quality, quantity, life)
  24. Admin - How is capital funding split?
    Capital funding is divided into the capital programme (major, minor, and discretionary).
  25. Admin - Description of Capital (Major)
    • Capital Programme – Major: covers capability and
    • infrastructure capital projects that have an estimated cost of $7M or more including GST (also projects less than $7M but change the the OC of the RNZN).
    • The CP-major is also referred to as the long term development plan (LTDP).
    • These projects must be approved at a MOD level, or cabinet if $15mil or greater
  26. Admin - Description of Capital (Minor)
    • The Capital Programme - Minor covers capability
    • and infrastructure projects which have an estimated cost of between $100K excluding GST and $7M inclusive of GST
  27. Admin - Description of Capital (Discretionary)
    • The Capital Programme - Discretionary covers
    • capability and infrastructure projects which have an estimated capital cost of between $5K excluding GST and $100K inclusive of GST
  28. Admin - What is a FAFA?
    • Fixed Asset Funding Application (FAFA) is
    • used to describe and justify the purchase of
    • a fixed asset between $5K and $100K (Capital Program – Discretionary).
    • Minor Force Development Proposal (MFDP). Application to describe and justify the
    • purchase of a fixed asset between $100K and $7M.

    • Force Development Proposal (FDP). Application
    • to describe and justify the purchase of a fixed asset for the Capital Program - Major
  29. Admin - What is a COSAL?
    Consolidated On Board Spares Allowance List. This is a unique list for each ship of all stores required to be carried. COSAL amendments are sent to the Ships by NSD and amended in PA by the POSA
  30. Admin - What are the different classifications of stores items?
    ASET Class (asset). These are major assemblies and sub assemblies (radar, turret, Angus fire-pump), over $5000 in value at time of procurement and repairable. ASET items are recorded in a Fixed Asset Register (FAR).

    DAIU Class (non-consumable). Items that require further accounting when receipted. A DAIU classification is applied to items which are repair-able.

    CONS Class (consumable). Items of a consumable or disposable nature, these items are consumed in use.

    Skeleton Class. A temporary classification pending full codification, initially created as a Permanent System Control Number (PSCN) or Defence Logistics Accounting Number (DLAN).
  31. Admin - What are the different parts that a cost centre is can be split up into?
    • Revenue: Reso, Housing, Hiring equipment, etc.
    • Personnel: Paye, Super, ACC, Allowences, etc.
    • Capital: Assets, Capital charge, etc.
    • Operational: Fuel, Non-capital ($5k and less than one year).
  32. Admin - Name the different ways that we can obtain stores?
    • Onboard Stores
    • Procurement Automation (PA) as a Purchase Order (PO)
    • OPDEF
    • MA
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Admin and General Qs
Admin and General Qs