massage therapy

  1. what is the position of the ankle at the time of injuty for a lateral sprain occur?
  2. heavy percussion is contraindicated over the
  3. the study of the structure of the body is called
  4. cephalad means
    towards the head
  5. a short, severe episode is referred to as
  6. you should never massage someone who is under the influence of drugs or alcohol because the client
    • may not be in control of himself
    • may say or do something inappropiate
    • may accuse you of saying or do somethong inappropiate
  7. the point where muscles attaches to the moving bone is referrred to as the
  8. the study of the muscular system is called
  9. the number of the muscles of the human body is
    aprox 630
  10. the human body has a ______ bones
  11. the condition in wich the tendon sheat is inflamed is called
  12. a pigment produced in the skin that gives color is
  13. the most basis unit of life is the
  14. free radicals
    cause tissue damage
  15. an ion is an atom that
    could be either positive or negative charged
  16. chemical imbalances contribute to many condition including...
    depresion, diabetes, cancer
  17. excess calories are stored in our body as
  18. _____ is the study of the structure of cells
  19. the study of the skin and its pathology es called
  20. the sebaceous glands form
  21. the skin aids in the synthesis of
    vitamin D
  22. which is the most superficial layer of the skin
  23. which is a long bone
    • those which are longer than wide
    • femur, humerus,
  24. the hyoid bone is a
    irregular shape bone
  25. the ____ fuctions as a fulcum
  26. immovable joints are classified as...
  27. which term referes to the joint where two bones meet?
  28. RICE is the acromym for
    • Rest
    • Ice
    • Compression
    • Elevation
  29. the nervous system includes these 2 separate systems
    the Central Nervous system and the Peripheral Nervous System
  30. the Central nervous system consist of
    brain and spinal cord
  31. peripheral nervous system location and function
    resides outside the CNS and connect the CNS to the limbs and organs,
  32. peripheral nervous system divisions
    somatic nervous system and autonomic nervous system
  33. somatic nervous system
    associated whit the vountary control of body movements, control the skeletal msucles, recive external reception of stimuli, touch hearing and sight (visual perception)
  34. autonomic nervous system or visceral nervous system
    • affects heart rate, digestion, respiration, salivation, perspiration,
    • control visceral functions
    • involuntary actions
  35. autonomic nervous system are divided on?
    parasympathetic nervous system and sympathetic nervous system
  36. parasympathetic nervous system
    • rest and digest, the Parasympathetic NS funtion with acctions that do not require immediate reaction, SLUDD
    • Salivation
    • Lacrimation
    • Urination
    • Digestion
    • Defecation
  37. sympathetic Nervous system
    • flight or fight repsonse
    • help to maintain homeostasis
    • respond to emergency situations
  38. the study of the nervous system is called
  39. dopamine is a
    neurotransmitter and a hormone
  40. natural opiate produced by the brain to diminish pain
  41. melatonin and serotonin are produced in the
    pineal gland
  42. the subdural space contain
    interstitial fluid
  43. the fight or flight responce is controled by the
    adrenal gland
  44. _____ regulate reproduction in females
  45. sex celles are also called
  46. HGH is the acronym for
    human growth hormone
  47. insuline is secreated by the
  48. circadian rhythm
    human clock, is a roughly 24 hours cycle in the biochemical, physiological or behavioural processes of livin entities.
  49. the female gonads are the
  50. the body metabolism is controlled by the
  51. the body main line of defence agains infections or illness are the
  52. blood types
  53. the smallest blodd vessels that carry oxygenated blood are the
  54. the largest artery in the body is the
  55. a compleate shutdown of the heart is the
    • cardiac arrest,
    • is the cessation of normal circulation of the blood due to failure of the heart to contract effectively,
  56. a genetic conditionthe result in a lack of clotting factors in the blood is
  57. hypertension is the condition of
    high blood presure, which can lead to H/A, somnolence, confusion, visual disturbances
  58. an excessively rapid heart beat is known as
  59. the function of lymph is to
    • drain excess interstial fluid
    • transport lipids and vitamins
    • protect the body though immune response
  60. immunity is acquired as the result of a vaccine called
    active artificially acquired immunity
  61. the popliteal lymph nodes are located
    behind the knee
  62. the lymphatic tissues that are coverd by a membrane and located on either side of the thoat are the
  63. fluid accumulation resulting in swelling is know as
    lymph edema
  64. AIDS is the acronym for
    acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
  65. the voice box is the
  66. the air left in the lung after maximum exhalation is
    residual volume
  67. small sacs in the lungs that fill with air are the
  68. the dome shape muscle between the thoracic and abdominal cavities that control breathing by relaxing and contracting is the
  69. the larger air passages in the lungs are the
  70. the trachea is commonly know as the
  71. the study of the digestive systems is know as
  72. bile is secreted
  73. mastication is
    the process of chewing food
  74. muscles of mastication
    • masseter, temporalis, medial pterygoid, lateral pterygoid,
    • mandibular nerve
  75. the opening from the stomach to the intestine is the
    pyloric sphincter, lets food pass from stomach tothe duodenum (small intestine)
  76. the organ that secrete insuline
  77. binge eating (uncontrolable eating) and purging (laxative) are known as
    bulimia nervosa
  78. the sac that holds urine before it is expelled from the body is the
    urinary bladder
  79. there are ____ uretrers in the body
  80. the tubes that transport urine from the kidneys to the bladder are the
  81. a mechanical filtering of the blood to treat kidney failure is called
  82. the structures of the urinary system are the
    kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, urethra
  83. gonads are refer to
    testis and ovaries
  84. example of secondary sex characteristcs include the
  85. the most common bacterial sexually transmitted disease is
  86. genital herpes is caused by
  87. the pair of structures near the prostate gland that manufacture semen are the
    seminal vesicles
  88. gametes are produced by
    both the ovaries and the testes
  89. ________allows us to move wothout thinking about it
  90. improper biomechanics can cause
    • injury
    • poor posture
    • carpal tunnel syndrome
  91. the factors that affect how or how much a bone is going to move are the
    • position of the joint
    • resistance encountrered
    • effort required
  92. SOAP is the acronym for
    • subjective
    • objective
    • assessment
    • plan
  93. informed consent should be obtained from each client, you should obtain it
    before doing any work on the client
  94. touching and feeling the muscles for sings of tautness or trauma is referred to as
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massage therapy
questions and answers for massage therapy examns