Gynecology cards

  1. Follicles
    • 10days prior to ovulation
    • 0.5cm
    • cystic
  2. mature follicle
    • at ovulation
    • 2-2.5 cm
    • cystic
  3. follicular cyst
    • mature follicle to ovulate or involute
    • 1-20 cm
    • cystic
    • unilateral
  4. Corpus luteal cyst
    • develop in luteal phase
    • 1.5-2.5cm
    • thick border
  5. CLC of preg
    • occurs with fertilization
    • resolve by 16 wks
    • cystic
    • unilocular
  6. functional cyst
    • develop if cyst doesn't reabsorb
    • 5-11cm
    • irregular border
    • unilateral
    • hemorrhage
    • rupture
  7. Theca luteal cyst
    • largest functional cyst
    • Increase HCG
    • trophoblastic dx
    • single/multi gest
    • ovarian hyperstimulate

    • 3-20 cm
    • multilocular
    • bilateral
    • hemorrhage
    • rupture
    • torsion
  8. polycystic ovarian dx
    • endocronological disorder
    • imb.FSH &LH
    • infertility
    • increase early preg loss
    • oligo-amenorrhea
    • hairsutism
    • obesity
    • bilateral,round ov., increase stromal echo
    • string of pearl
  9. paraovarian cyst
    • arise - wolfian duct
    • 30-40 y/o
    • 1.5-19cm
    • unilocular
  10. peritoneal cyst
    • serous fluid accumulation adhesion+peritoneal
    • cystic
  11. Brenner Tumor- epithelial neoplasm
    • Benign
    • abn. bleed, meig's syn8cm
    • Solid, cystic, outer wall calc.,
    • bilateral
  12. serous cystadenoma
    • benign
    • 40-50 y/o
    • thin watery
    • 20 cm
  13. mucinous cystadenoma
  14. thick gelationeous mat
    30 cm
  15. cystadenoma- U/S appearance
    • unilateral
    • single
    • unilocular
    • thin walled
    • multi locular
    • thin septa
    • smooth lobular wall
  16. serous Cystadenocarcinoma
    • 50% of ov. malignancy
    • bilateral
    • peri/post meno
    • malignant
  17. mucinous cystadenocarcinoma

  18. cystadenocarcinoma
    • malignant
    • peri/post meno
    • 10-30 cm
    • loss of capsular def.
    • thick septa greater 3mm
    • solid replacement of loculation
    • papillary projection
    • fixation of mass
  19. endometroid ca
    • malignant
    • associated with endo ca
    • arise from endometroisis
    • abn endo echo
    • bilateral
  20. dermoid cyst- germcell tumor
    • benign
    • endo/meso/ecto
    • 20-30 y/o
    • most freq under 20
    • asymptomatic
    • torsion
  21. dermoid U/S appearance
    • micro 40 cm
    • fatty sebaceous
    • hair ball, skin, bone, fluid level, complex mass
    • tip of ice berg
    • rokitansky protrubance
  22. teratocarcinoma- malignant germcell tumor
    • ca arise from teratoma
    • young adult
    • van have cystic and echogenic area/ shadowing
  23. dysgerminoma
    • malignant
    • primary cause of amenorrhea
    • solid, homogeneous, necrosis
  24. endodermal sinus tumor
    • young adult, asso., teratoma
    • solid, necrosis
  25. choriocarcinoma of ovary
    • aggressive
    • rare
    • prepubertal- can cause precocious puberty
    • incre. HCG
    • wide spread mets
  26. Fibroma- sex cord/stromal tumor
    • benign
    • 40-60 y/o
    • not asso. w/ estrogen
    • asymptometic
    • 5-16cm
    • solid, hypo, whorled text, attn sound
  27. Thecoma
    • benign
    • estr. prod.
    • asso. invasive endo ca.
    • abn ut bleed
    • post meno
    • meig syn
    • 30 cm, solid, hypo, attn sound
  28. sertoli leydig cell tumor
    • benign
    • 20-30 y/o
    • musculinizing
    • hair sutism, voice change, hypertrophy of clitrosis
    • amenorrhea, infertility
    • solid, hypoechoic, unilateral
  29. granulosa theca cell tumor
    • adult & juvenille type
    • low malignancy pot.
    • feminizing tumor
    • estr. prod.
    • early- precasious puberty
    • meno- redev breast, abn ut bleed, ut hyper
  30. mets tumor
    • primary- breast & GI
    • bilateral, solid
  31. krukenberg tumor
    • bilateral
    • musin secreting "signet Ring" cell
    • usually gastric & colon
    • endo ca freq in ov mets
  32. ovarian carcinoma- increase risk
    • family hx of breast ov ca
    • nullipara
    • infertility pt on clomoid
    • pt on temoxifan
  33. ovarian ca- decrease risk
    women on OCP
  34. U/S appearance of malignancy
    • complex
    • loss of definatation
    • sept>3mm
    • ascites
    • lymphadenopathy
    • mets
    • matted bowel
  35. ovarian malignancy- clinical findings
    • peri/post meno
    • pain due to pressure from mass or ascites
    • freq. urination
    • abd. distention+backache
    • GI symp
    • weight loss
    • vag bleed
  36. cystic mass
    • follicles
    • functional cyst
    • corpus luteal cyst
    • theca luteal cyst
    • poly cystic ov
    • hyerstimulated ov
    • cystadenomas
    • ov remnant syn
    • para ov cyst
    • peritoneal inclusion cyst
  37. complex mass
    • cystadenocarcinoma-m
    • dermoid-b
    • teratocarcinoma-m
    • chorio ca of ov- m
    • endometroid ca- m
    • granula theca cell- low ma
  38. solid mass
    • brenner-b
    • fibroma-b
    • thecoma-b
    • sertoli leydig cell- b
    • dysgerminoma-m
    • endodermal sinus tumor- b
    • krukenberg tumor-m
    • mets tumor-m
Card Set
Gynecology cards
Ovarian Pathology