
  1. Define Corrdination
    • Ability to exucte smotth accurate controlled movements
    • The cerembellus is belived to function principally in the egulation f coordination and movements initiated by the cerebral cortex.
  2. Cerebellum
    • Responsible for regulation of movement postural control and muscle tone
    • Fuctions as an error correcting mechanism
  3. Cerebellar Dysfunction
    • Dysmetria
    • Dysdiadochokinesia
    • Tremor
    • Movement decomposition/ syssynergia
    • Rebound phenomenon
  4. Dysmetria
    Inability to judge the distance or range of movement
  5. Dysdiadochokinesia
    Inabilty to do rapid alternating movements
  6. Tremor
    Involuntary oscillatroy movement
  7. Intension Tremor
    During Movement
  8. Postural Tremor
    at rest, Trunk or extremities
  9. Movement decomposition / dyssynergia
    Performed as component parts, not smooth and coorinated
  10. Rebound phenomenon
    When a limb is held isometrically agains resistance and resistance is romoved limb flies upward.
  11. Basal Ganglia
    • Initiation and regulation of gorss intentional movements
    • Planning and execution of complex movements
    • selevtive movement and the ability to accomplish automatic movement and postural control
    • Selective movement and the ability to accomplish automatic movement and postural control
    • Also important in maintaining normal muscle tone
    • Diagnosies: Parkinson's disease. CP
  12. Ganglia Dysfunction
    • Bradykinesia
    • Rigidity
    • Tremor
    • Akinesia
    • Chorea
    • Athetosis
    • Hemiballismus
    • Dystonia
  13. Bradykinesia
    Slow or decreased movement
  14. Rigidity
    • Increases muscle tone causing greater reistance to passive movement (on both sides of joint)
    • Leadpipe: uniform constant resistance felt by the examiner as the extremity is moved through a range of motion
    • Cogwheel: characterized by a series of brief relaxations or catches as extremtiy is moved passively
  15. Tremor in Ganglia
    UE, Pillrolling
  16. Ankiesia
    Decreased ability to initiate movement
  17. Chorea
    involuntary rapid irregular and jerky movements
  18. Athetosis
    slow involunatary writhing twisting and wormlike movements
  19. Hemiballismus
    Sudden jerky forcefull movement of UF and LE on one side of the body
  20. Dystonia
    • Inveolutary contraction of proximal muscles
    • Twisting, bizarre movements
  21. Dorsal Columns
    • Responsible for mediating proprioceptive input from muscles and joint receptors
    • Position sense
    • Kinesthesia
  22. Somatosensory
    • Cutaneous sensations, muscle and joint propriceports
    • input from body in contact with support surface.
  23. Maintenance of Balance
    • 1 somatosensory
    • 2 visual
    • 3 vestibular
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