where does it come from?

  1. Inspection and upgrade of CGU/4E 10,000 lb tie down devices
    • FCIS
    • A.43
  2. Deficient van zelm CDS ratchets
    • FCIS
    • A.62
  3. Aircrew members shall not consume alcoholic beverages within 12 hours of takeoff.
    • AFI 11-202v3
  4. occupy assigned duty station from take off to landing unless absence is in the performance of duties
    • AFI 11-202v3
    • 5.3.
  5. no tabacco on aircraft
    • AFI 11-202v3
    • 5.23.
  6. thin coating of ice, 1/8 inch thick and lower wing surface due to fuel
    • AFI 11-202v3
  7. Oxygen, on above 10,000 MSL
    1 hr above 10k MSL
    30 min between 12,500 msl & 14k MSL
    occupant 3 hr between 10-13K MSL
    • AFI 11-202v3
    • 6.4.
  8. crew rest
    • AFI 11-202v3
    • ch 9
  9. FDP begins when member reports for a mission, briefing, or other official duty ends at engine shut down.
    • AFI 11-202v3
    • 9.4.6.
  10. max flying time
    • AFI 11-202v3
    • 9.6.
  11. if crew rest is inttruped and can't get 8 hrs sleep, opportunity for 8 hrs sleep given again.
    • AFI 11-202v3
    • 9.9.
  12. Exceptions to crew rest. continous operations when FDP is greater than 12 but less than 14, may be reduced to 10hours to maintain a 24-hour work rest cycle.
    • AFI 11-202v3
    • 9.10.
  13. what is continous operations and where do you find this
    3 or more consecutive FDPs of at least 12 hours seperated by minimum crew rest.

    AFI 11-202v3 9.10.1.
  14. restrictions on flying after compressed gas diving, altitude chamber
    • AFI 11-202v3
    • 9.11.3.
  15. minimum fuel overhead. 7k 6k on the deck.
    • AFI 11-202v3 AFSOC sup
    • 2.2.6.
  16. FDP begins when the aircrew showes for flight duties. and do initial alert activities without starting FDP not to exceed 3 hrs time.
    • AFI 11-202v3 AFSOC sup
    • 9.4.5.
  17. an alert crew can not remain on alert for more than 2 consecutive 72 hr periods. must have 12 hrs crew rest between 1st and 2nd alert.
    • AFI 11-202v3 AFSOC sup
    • 9.4.9.
  18. for members preflighting aircrat will not exceed 12 hrs.
    • AFI 11-202v3 AFSOC sup
    • 9.6.3.
  19. the basic FDP is 16 hrs with no mission events, pilot pro, FCF after 12 and air refueling above 3000 AGL after 14
    AFI 11-202v3 AFSOC sup
  20. augmented FDP is 18, no mission events pilot pro, FCF, AR after 16
    AFI 11-202v3 AFSOC sup
  21. max FDP for training and FCF is 12 hours
    • AFI 11-202v3 AFSOC sup
  22. crewmembers departing on missions away from home station get 24 hrs notification, 12 hrs personal affairs, 12 hrs crw rest
    • AFI 11-202v3 AFSOC sup
  23. PMCR 1 for every 3
    • AFI 11-202v3 AFSOC sup
  24. OST tiem zones 1 & 1.5
    • AFI 11-202v3 AFSOC sup
  25. no go pills
    • AFI 11-202v3 AFSOC sup
  26. Aircraft Anti-Hijacking
    AFI 13-207
  27. access to the toilet req 18 in space
    AFSOCI 11-203v6
  28. Max ammo
    AFSOCI 11-203 v6
  29. take off fuel is 1000 less than ramp fuel
    AFSOCI 11-203 v6
  30. consider all chaff and flares expended
    AFSOCI 11-203 v6
  31. "H" area is a 5.3 NM radius around the center of hurlburt field.
    HFI 11-201
  32. during training, defensive manuvers should not feture zero G profiles
    • HFI 11-201
    • 3.3.
  33. on water ranges clear the impact area by 5 NM
    • HFI 11-201
    • 4.10.2.
  34. lightning.
    10NM continue
    5 NM seak shelter
    • HFI 11-201
    • 6.3.
  35. Hot gun parking, withdrawl 4000 feet
    • HFI 11-201
  36. hung flare is an attempted launch, flare protruding from the dispenser.
    • HFI 11-201
    • 6.10.
  37. water range clearing,
    • HFI 11-201
    • Attachment 29
  38. Crew compliment. only one LM required
    AFI 11-2AC-130 v3 3.2.
  39. should the aircraft remain on alert for more than 72 hours, do a complete preflight
    • AFI 11-2AC-130 v3
    • 3.9.6.
  40. two main tank indicators may be out provided they are not symmetrical tanks or on the same wing. use dip stick
    • AFI 11-2AC-130 v3
  41. if the tank gages are out and have to be dipped, you must land with 8k lbs fuel
    • AFI 11-2AC-130 v3
  42. aircraft will not depart on pressurized flight unless the door warning light system for the cargo ramp in operative.
    • AFI 11-2AC-130 v3
    • 4.3.7.
  43. aircraft no flown with crew ent door or crew ent door light malfunction.
    • AFI 11-2AC-130 v3
  44. aircraft will not be flown pressurized with cargo ram lock malfunction.
    • AFI 11-2AC-130 v3
  45. aircraft gross weight, 155000, 165000 waived by Operations group commander or COMAFSOF, 175000 by HQ AFSOC/A3
    • AFI 11-2AC-130 v3
    • 5.1.
  46. personal notes in checklist up to date.
    • AFI 11-2AC-130 v3
    • 5.2.3.
  47. All occupants will be seated with seat belts fastened during taxi, takeoff and landings, except flight examiners, instructors, mission commanders, crewmembers performing scanner duties, flight engineers, aerial gunners and loadmasters performing required duties
    • AFI 11-2AC-130 v3
    • 5.9.2.
  48. taxi criteria
    25 feet of obstructions without wing walkers
    10 feet with wing walkers
    home station on taxi lines, 10 feet.
    • AFI 11-2AC-130 v3
    • 5.18
  49. aftter landing and clearing the runway, with approval of the pilot, LM may open the aft cargo door and lower ramp to 12 in above horizontal.
    • AFI 11-2AC-130 v3
    • 5.18.4.
  50. reverse taxi, use loading lights, retracted landing lights, NVGs or other source, stop no less than 25 feet from obstruction even with wing walker.
    • AFI 11-2AC-130 v3
    • 5.19.3
  51. ERO, cargo door and ramp for more than 10 people.
    • AFI 11-2AC-130 v3
    • 5.26.
  52. do not onload or offload throught the crew ent door, ramp or troop door at the same time.
    • AFI 11-2AC-130 v3
  53. wear flight gloves for take off, landing and when operating in a combat environment.
    • AFI 11-2AC-130 v3
    • 6.1.
  54. need, ID tags, RAB, reflective belt, tool kits, headset, helmet and oxygen mask, flashlight
    • AFI 11-2AC-130 v3
    • 6.2.
  55. weat helmet contingency missions, aft of 245 while guns are config for live fire.
    • AFI 11-2AC-130 v3
  56. helmet visors should be lowered or eye pro worn by all personnel aft of FS617 (40mm) when any door is open.
    • AFI 11-2AC-130 v3
  57. must fit parachut prior to all weapons delivery, combat and contingency missions.
    • AFI 11-2AC-130 v3
    • 6.3.
  58. -1 preflight is good for 72 hours provided the aircraft is sealed or continously monitored by SQ personnel.
    • AFI 11-2AC-130 v3
    • 6.17.
  59. aircraft engine fire extinguisher system fulfills the min protection req for engine start.
    • AFI 11-2AC-130 v3
  60. thunderstorms within 10, immediate engine start and departure, 5NM cease all activities.
    • AFI 11-2AC-130 v3
    • 6.21.7.
  61. during engine start, the ramp wil be down for emerg egress.
    • AFI 11-2AC-130 v3
    • 6.21.8.
  62. min Oxygen on board for takeoff is 10 L
    • AFI 11-2AC-130 v3
    • 6.22
  63. LPU sized and avail for overwater flights, worn whenever below 2000 feet over water
    • AFI 11-2AC-130 v3
  64. anti exposure suits, water temp below 60, 60-51 with unit or mission commander approval.
    AFI 11-2AC-130 v36.22.4.
  65. Personnel aft of the 40, in flight with door open will wear a parachute or restraint harness. Restraint harness below 1000 AGL
    • AFI 11-2AC-130 v3
  66. flight deck 7 BMC 9
    • AFI 11-2AC-130 v3
  67. only instructors or evaluators and crewmembers upgrading to these positions use the fold down seats for takeoff landing.
    • AFI 11-2AC-130 v3
  68. aircrews requird to fly 18K MSL will pre-breathe 100% Oxygen for 30 min prior to passing 14K MSL
    • AFI 11-2AC-130 v3
    • 6.38.4.
  69. protection level C
    armed crewmembers before begining preflight or onload
    • AFI 11-2AC-130 v3
    • 7.5.2.
  70. LM will supervise on/offloading of ammo, markers and flares
    • AFI 11-2AC-130 v3
    • 13.3.4.
  71. read fuel directly from the gauge
    • AFI 11-2AC-130 v3
    • 13.12
  72. baggage loaded in CRC, wheel well, above the 40/105 ASHS and ramp.
    • AFI 11-2AC-130 v3
    • 13.13.2.
  73. MK6/MK25 signal smoke
    • AFI 11-2AC-130 v3
  74. aerial gunner and loadmasters hadle munitions
    • AFI 11-2AC-130 v3
    • 15.3.
  75. adequate lighting for up/download
    • AFI 11-2AC-130 v3
    • 15.3.2.
  76. 150 lb fire ext between #3,4, WP needs water and firefighter gloves.
    • AFI 11-2AC-130 v3
    • 15.5.
  77. at no time will an object be passed over 40mm
    • AFI 11-2AC-130 v3
  78. 105mm througth troop door, all otehr can be ramp or troop door
    • AFI 11-2AC-130 v3
  79. crew chief, FE, LM must operate ramp and door
    • AFI 11-2AC-130 v3
  80. parking rest with munitions on board.
    • AFI 11-2AC-130 v3
    • 18.1.
  81. not req to use 100% oxygen below 18K MSL. increased ability to detect smoke and fumes
    reduced effects of dehydration
    enhancced interphone comm
    AFI 11-2AC-130 v3 1SOG sup
  82. hang flare check
    AFI 11-2AC-130 v3 1 SOG sup
  83. 7k overhead, lan with 6k
    AFI 11-2AC-130 v3 1 SOG sup
  84. check in between 1430 and 1600
    • AFI 11-2AC-130v3/Chapter 10/SUP
    • 10.4.1.
  85. go DNIF, notify scheduler and FM
    AFI 11-2AC-130v3/Chapter 10/SUP
  86. last SQ read file and FCIF on orders
    AFI 11-2AC-130v3/Chapter 10/SUP
  87. total people on board will not exceed the number of seats avail. 21
    AFI 11-2AC-130v3/Chapter 10/SUP
  88. LM ensure enough drinking water on board
    AFI 11-2AC-130v3/Chapter 10/SUP
  89. crew ent door is primary exit, right troop door is second.
    AFI 11-2AC-130v3/Chapter 10/SUP
  90. 300 feet evac, unless ammo is aboard and possibility of fire exists then go 2500.
    AFI 11-2AC-130v3/Chapter 10/SUP
  91. gunner/LM will shutoff the oxygen shutoff valve
    AFI 11-2AC-130v3/Chapter 10/SUP
    AFI 11-2AC-130v3/Chapter 10/SUP
  93. the EWO will ensure all crewmembers recieve a face to face brief about threats
    AFI 11-2AC-130v3/Chapter 10/SUP
  94. 105 boomer, IR, TV and visual scanners will look for structural dammage. If ground test valve access pannel is open, land and close then continue.
    AFI 11-2AC-130v3/Chapter 10/SUP
  95. at no time will anything be allowed to rest against the right scanners window or LM bubble.
    AFI 11-2AC-130v3/Chapter 10/SUP
  96. ramp and door, right troop door may be opened in flight for LM training during non critical phases of flight.
    AFI 11-2AC-130v3/Chapter 10/SUP
  97. crewmembers will wear a parachute or restraint harness when performing duties near an open exit. also anyone aft of the 105mm
    AFI 11-2AC-130v3/Chapter 10/SUP
  98. gunners/LM inspect the gun deck to ensure no munitions residue is left.
    AFI 11-2AC-130v3/Chapter 10/SUP
  99. all crewmembers will complete written exams prior to the end of their second month of eligibility
    AFI 11-2AC-130v3/Chapter 10/SUP
  100. chart C re-accomplished when
    -modifications made and no calculated or actual weight and balance are avail
    -more than 5lbs or .1% MAC
    -69 months
    -suspected to be in error
    - unsat flight charistics are reported
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