World History

  1. Renaissance
    means, "rebirth" and in this context it refers to a revival of art and learning
  2. Humanism
    An intellectual movement that focused on human potential and achievements
  3. Secularism
    the basic spitir of renaissance society, meaning basically being concerned with the here and now
  4. Johann Gutenberg
    craftsman who developed the printing press, and we all know what happens next...
  5. Reformation
    the act of changing something, like the church... or the whole thing with the indurstrial revolution...
  6. Protestants
    non-Catholic Christians
  7. Peace of Augsburg
    Basically said that the German Princes would stop fighting and could each choose a religion for their subjects
  8. Theocracy
    a government controlled by religios leaders
  9. Jesuits
    • Members of the, "Society of Jesus."
    • Focused on three activities:
    • 1. founded schools in europe
    • 2. convert non christians to catholicism
    • 3. and to stop the spread of protestantism
  10. Council of Trent
    • Catholic bishops and cardinals agreed on several doctrines, including:
    • 1. the church's interpretation of the bible was final
    • 2. christians needed faith and good works for salvation
    • 3. the bible and church tradition were equally powerful authorities for guiding christian life
    • 4. indulgences were valid expressions of faith
  11. Ottoman Empire
    Turkey today, this empire were around in the 1300s and exisited until after WWI. Their leader was Osman, or Othman.
  12. Safavid Empire
    A shi' ite muslim dynasty that ruled in persia between the 16th and 18th centuries
  13. Treaty of Tordesillas
    Between spain and portugal, they agreed to honor the boundaries in S. America
  14. Tokugawa Shogunate
    brought order to japan. well liked by the people. "Take care of the people. Strive to be virtuous. never nedlect to protect the country."
  15. Mughal Empire
    The people who invaded and descended from Muslim Turks, and Afghans in Indian were lead by Timur the Lame and the Mongol conqueror Genghis Khan, they called themselves Mughals, which means, "Mongols."
  16. Conquistadors
    Spanish for, "conquerors." Went to the new world to find gold, silver and other riches. Isn't that just great?
  17. Encomienda
    a system where natives farmed, ranched, or mined for spanish landlords
  18. Columbian Exchange
    The global transfer of food, plants, and animals during colonization of the Americas
  19. Capitalism
    an economic system based on private ownership and investment of resources, like money, for profit.
  20. Edict of Nantes
    The declaration of religious toleration by france towards the Huguenots
  21. Thirty Years War
    A conflic over religion and territory and for power among European ruling families
  22. English Civil War
    Supporters and opponents of King Charles fought. Cavaliers (like the cavalier king charles spaniels... you know... the dogs that were bred to sit on people's laps and keep them warm, aka king charles' spaniels) were the side of King Charles, and the other people were Puritans.
  23. Oliver Cromwell
    Puritan general in the english civil war... his new model army defeared the cavaliers... by 1647, they held the king prisoner...
  24. Constitutional Monarchy
    where laws limit the ruler's power... like what england has atm...
  25. Scientific Revolution
    a few scholars published works that challenged the ideas of the ancient thinkers and the church, and thus it was called ScIeNtIfIc ReVoLuTiOn...
  26. Galileo
    astronomer... you know.... he's Galileo....
  27. Enlightenment
    a new intellectual movement that stressed reason and thought... also known as, "thinking"
  28. Social Contract
    Agreement by which people created a gov't
  29. John Locke
    held a different, more positive ciew of human nature, believing that people could learn from experience and tmprove themselves
  30. philosophes
    the french word for philosophers, they were like newton and stuff... said to use the core beliefs of, reason, nature, happiness, progress, and liberty
  31. Montesquieu
    french writer, devoted himself to the study of political liberty

    believed that britain was the best-governed and most politically balanced country of his day
  32. Rousseau
    another philosophe, this one was committed to individual freedom, saying that "Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains."
  33. Enlightened Despots
    the philosophes tried to convince monarchs to rule justly, and some monarchs emvraced the new ideas and made reforms that reflected the Enlightenment spitrit. they became known as the enlightened despots, despot means, "absolute ruler."
  34. Catherine the Great
    Ruled Russia from 1762 to 1796, and was well known as being educated, and for reading the works of the philosophes. she exchanged many letters with Voltaire, and ruled with absolute authority but also sought to reform Russia.
  35. Estates General
    an assembly of representatives from all three estates to approbe a new tax. held at Versailles.
  36. National Assembly
    Third Estat delgates named themeselves this, and and they passed laws and reforms in the name of the french people...
  37. Jacobins
    Followers of Jacobin, thought that the government needed change... radicals... aka the Jacobin Club
  38. Robespierre
    build a "republic of virtue" by wiping out every trace of france's past
  39. Napoleon
    took over france, was thrown out, then took over again, then was thrown out... military genious, you know... that short guy that was a real B***h...
  40. Napoleonic Code
    Set of laws, which eliminated many injustices
  41. Continental System
    supposed to make continental Europe more self-sufficient, intended to destro the brit's commerical and industrial economy
  42. Congress of Vienna
    a series of meetings in vienna, to set up policies to achieve the goal of European order
  43. Concert of Europe
    A series of alliances devised by Metternich
  44. Bolivar
    a wealthy Venezuelan creole, and a brilliant general
  45. Nationalism
    the belief that people's greatest loyalty should not be to a king or an empire
  46. Industrial Revolution
    greatly increase in output of machine-made products
  47. Entrepreneur
    a person who organizes, manages, and takes on the risks of a business
  48. Adam Smith
    a professor at the University of Glasgow, Scotland, defended the idea of a free economy, or free markets
  49. Marxism/Socialism
    the factors of production are owned by the public and operate for the welfare of all
  50. Suffrage/Plebiscite
    the right to vote
  51. Charles Darwin
    Servival of the fittest
  52. Social Darwinism
    a social theory that said that the counrties with the better armies, etc.. who can wipe out the other countries will be the ones who survive...
  53. Berlin Conference
    laid down the rules for the division of Africa
  54. Sepoys
    Indian soldiers
  55. Raj System
    British rule of india? kinda confused on this one...
  56. Boxer Rebellion
    The widespread frustration finally erupted into violence, the poor peasants and workers resented the special privileges granted to foreingners went boom.
  57. Meiji Dynasty
    • "enightened rule"
    • emperior = Musuhito
  58. Monroe Doctrine
    "The american continates are henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any European powers."
  59. Militarism
    the policy of glorfying military power and keeping an army prepared for war
  60. Triple Alliance
    Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy
  61. Triple Entente
    France, Russia, and Britain.
  62. Treaty of Versailles
    Treaty between Germany and the allies at the end of WWI
  63. League of Nations
    Using Wilson's 14th point, the treaty created a League of Nations, whose goal was to keep peace among the nations around the world.
  64. Bolsheviks
    the more radical side, they were the ones who started USSR and communism... i think...well, im pretty sure...
  65. Lenin
    Leader of the Bolsheviks, was named Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov...... so you can see why he changed his name... and he basically took control of the Bolsheviks... he ended the czarest regime...all that stuff...
  66. Totalitarianism
    total and complete governmental control.... the gov't controls every aspect of your life... so really fun...and stuff...
  67. Hongwu
    commanded the rebel army that drove the Mongols out of China in 1368, first Ming emperor
  68. Copernicus
    You know, that weird guy that finally told people that the sun was the center of the solar system and not the earth.
  69. Francis Bacon
    The guy that first fried pork- just kidding, he's actually more important than that, he's the guy that thought up the scientific method.
  70. Mercantilism
    you pertty much export more than import....
  71. Imperialism
    a policy in which a strong nation seeks to dominate other countries politically, economically, and/or socially
  72. Industrialism
    an economic system built on large industries rather than on agriculture or craftsmanship
  73. patrons
    People who support artists- especially finacially.
  74. Colonialism
    exploitation by a stronger country of weaker one
  75. Absolutism
    having an absolute monarch (a king/queen that has unlimited power)
  76. Inquisition
    a roman catholic tribunal for investigating and prosecuting charges of heresy- especially the ones in Spain during the 1400s
  77. Suleyman
    Ottoman leader... that's about all I can tell you...
  78. Medici Family
    Those creepy people that would do anything to get power, and would pay artists to paint stuff, then put their name by it saying that they paid for it to make them look better...
  79. Jeremy Bentham
    associate his name with utilitarianism. DO IT NOW. THINK OF HIS NAME, THEN THINK OF UTILITARIANISM...! lol.
  80. What song was I listening to when I wrote this question!?

    A. Someone Who Cares - Three Days Grace
    B. Sound the Bugle - Brian Adams
    C. The (After) Life of the Party - Fall Out Boy
    D. Not Good Enough for Truth in Cliches - Escape the Fate
    E. None of the Above
    Well, it's C of course! Lol.
  81. Ignatius Loyola
    Founder of the Society of Jesus
  82. 95 Theses
    When Martin Luther said, "Bye bye" to the church, he posted 95 things he hated about it, and it pissed people off...
  83. Describe the economic aspect of the Reniassance:
    Merchant class got very wealthy, which made more banks pop up. This is where the Medici come in, they support the artists, which gives the reniassance its reniassance-i-ness.
  84. Describe the Italian city states:
    The leaders were patrons, which lead to the renissance
  85. Who were some of the individuals in the reniassance?
    Shakespere, monet, etc.
  86. Describe the reformation:
    Martin Luther posted the 95 hates.
  87. Where do protestants get their name?
    Protestant, protestors, etc.
  88. Describe the explorers?
    Eouropeans are wealthy from coming to the new world
  89. Where was the Ottoman Empire?
    In the saudia arabian peninsula
  90. How did the Ottomans treat the people of Constantinople?
    Well, they were tolerant, and allowed the people of Constantinople to continue to practice christianity
  91. Who were the big three?
    Ottomans, Mughul, and Safavids
  92. What were the effects of the exploration?
    Expanded trade, chultures destroied, and leads to the slave trade.
  93. What was the incan trade route like?
  94. What caused conflicts between the mughals and the Hundus?
    The hindus wasnted self-rule.
  95. What was the justification for imperialism?
  96. What caused the rise of france and england?
    Basically an england kind wanted rule over england
  97. What were some of the causes of the slave trade?
    break down of traditional society, moved from patriachial to matriarchal; tribes start to fight with eachother
  98. Who did the boxers rebel agains?
    The chinese
  99. what happened between the Brits and the Sepoys?
    They had a bit of a rebellion, and the brits took political control, and this time era is called the Raj
  100. What was midevil belief in the church like?
    The didn't question the church, then because of the enlightenment they started to, which led to the inquestion, which was people being brought before the church people and you know what happens now...
  101. Who was oliver cromwell?
    A puritan who lead an army, and beat King james
  102. Who were some of the absolutionist?
    Hery and elizabeth of england, catherine of russia. louis of france, etc
  103. Who should you associate the reign of terror with?
  104. What were the effects of the Treaty of Versallies?
    The land was redistributed, and the germans harbor feelings of guilt.
  105. Congress of Vienna was to stop what?
    People from being like Napolean.
Card Set
World History
World History for 11th grade