Wordly Wise Vocab 1-5

  1. acolyte

    somone who assists a priest or minister
  2. bibulous

    given to or marked by the consumption of alcohol
  3. coalesce

    fuse or cause to grow together

    mix together different elements
  4. covert



    a covering used to hide something
  5. declaim
    • verb
    • to speak against, protest

  6. delineate

    • to describe in great detail
    • trace shape of
  7. demagogue
    • noun
    • a political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular passions and prejudices
  8. ecomium
    a formal expression of praise
  9. obdurate
    • adj
    • stubbornly persistent in wrongdoing
  10. prescience
    • noun
    • the powere to foresee the future
  11. protagonist
    • noun
    • main person in a novel
  12. sedulous
    • adj
    • marked by care and persistent effort, diligent
  13. trechant
    • adj
    • characterized by of full of force and vigor
  14. utopia
    • noun
    • a perfect state, in its moral, political and social aspects
  15. valedictory
    • noun
    • a speech said at graduation

    • adj
    • of relating to an occasion or expression of farewell
  16. absolve
    • verb
    • let off the hook
  17. adumbrate
    • verb
    • give to understand, hint

    describe roughly or briefly
  18. apothegm
    • noun
    • a short pithy instructive saying
  19. aspersion
    • noun
    • a disparaging remark

    an abusive attack on a person's character or good name
  20. coadjutor
    • noun
    • an assistant to a bishop
  21. congential
    • adj
    • present at birth, but not necessarily hereditary
  22. elan
    • noun
    • enthusiastic and lively
    • strong eagerness
  23. germane
    • adj
    • relevant and appropriate
  24. hiatus
    • noun
    • a missing piece
    • a natural opening
  25. immure
    • verb
    • lock up in jail
  26. ineluctable
    • adj
    • impossible to avoid and evade
  27. internecine
    • adj
    • characterized by bloodshed and carnage
  28. invoke
    • verb
    • cite as an authority

    summon to action

    request ernestly
  29. prototye
    • noun
    • a standard example
  30. quadrennial
    • adj
    • occuring every four years
  31. amalgam
    • noun
    • a combination or blend of different things
  32. antediluvian
    • noun
    • a very old person

    • adj
    • extremely old
  33. apothecary
    • noun
    • someone who is trained in preparing drugs
  34. ascetic
    • noun
    • someone who practices self denial

    • adj
    • practicing self denial
  35. beneficent
    • adj
    • doing or producing good
    • generous in assistance to the poor
  36. charlatan
    • noun
    • one who attracts customers with tricks and joke
  37. denizen
    • noun
    • a plant that grows in a certain area
    • person who inhabits a particular place
  38. doyen
    • noun
    • a person who is the senior member of the group
  39. flora
    • noun
    • all the plant life in a particular region or period
  40. imbibe
    • verb
    • to take in liquids
  41. nostrum
    • noun
    • a medicine whose effective is not sure yet
  42. obviate
    • verb
    • to get rid of
    • prevent from happenning
  43. perennial
    • noun
    • a plant lasting for three seasons or more

    • adj
    • lasting three seasons or more
  44. putative
    • adj
    • commonly accepted as true
  45. savant
    • noun
    • someone who has been admitted to membership in a scholarly field
  46. approbation
    • noun
    • official approval
  47. benighted
    • adj
    • lacking enlightenment or knowledge or culture

    overtaken by night or darkness
  48. bourgeois
    • noun
    • member of middle class

    • adj
    • belonging to middle class
  49. credo
    • noun
    • any system of priciniples or beliefs
  50. empirical
    • adj
    • derviced from experiemnt and observation rather than theory
  51. expatiate
    • verb
    • to elaborate
  52. iconoclast
    • noun
    • someone who attacks cherished ideas or beliefs
  53. indigence
    • noun
    • a state of extreme poverty
  54. laudable

    worthy of praise
  55. mandate
    • noun
    • a document that has a command from official

    • verb
    • to make mandatory
    • assign authority to
  56. ostensible
    • adj
    • represented or appearing as such; pretended
  57. recalcitrant
    • adj
    • marked by stubborn resistance to authority
  58. regurgitate
    • verb
    • to feed through process of vomititing
  59. risible
    • adj
    • provoking laughter
  60. archaic
    • adj
    • little evolved from or characteristic of an earlier ancestral type
  61. carouse
    • noun
    • a merry drinking party

    • verb
    • to engage in drunken merry making
  62. chicanery
    • noun
    • the use of tricks to deceive someone
  63. contentious
    • adj
    • likely to cause controversy
  64. dissemble
    • verb
    • behave unnaturally of affected
    • make believe witht the intent to decieve
  65. egregious
    • adj
    • really bad
  66. execrate
    • verb
    • curse or declare to be evil
  67. fealty
    • noun
    • the loyalty that citizens owe to their country
  68. microcosm
    • noun
    • a mini model of somethin
  69. paroxysm
    • noun
    • a sudden uncontrollable attack
  70. pecuniary
    • adj
    • relating to or involving money
  71. rectitude
    • noun
    • righteousness as a consequence of being nonorable and honest
  72. stratagm
    • noun
    • an elaborate scheme to deceive or evade
  73. stultify
    • verb
    • cause to appear foolish

    prove to be unsound mind
  74. vendetta
    • noun
    • a feud in which member of the oppsosing parties murder each other
Card Set
Wordly Wise Vocab 1-5
combined vocab 1-5