envi. science

  1. How did the green revolution boost crop yields from the 1940's to 1990s?
    Developed crop varieties that produced more food per acre?
  2. Monoculture agriculture benefits the environment by
    decreasing the land needed for agriculture
  3. Which of the following is an example of natural selection (not through the intentional action of humans) that has occurred in modern agriculture?
    insects becoming resistant to insecticides
  4. Integrated pest management (IPM) controls crop pests by
    A balanced mix of supporting natural predators, biocontrd, crop rotation, and minimal pesticide use when needed.
  5. Which of the following statements about genetically modified organisms (GMOs) is true?
    GMOs contain genes from two or more species that would neverbe combined in nature.
  6. Raising animals in feedlots (concentrated animal feeding operations)
    contributes more carbon to the atmosphere than if the animal feed (usually corn and soybeans) were eaten directly by people.
  7. One main goal of sustainable agriculture is to raise crops using methods that
    do not deplete soil faster than it forms
  8. Which of the following practices does very little to control soil erosion?
    Surfacce irrigation provided by streams
  9. Desertification of soil
    can be caused by overgrazing
  10. Which process not only controls erosion but also can help to replenish soil nutrients?
    crop rotation
  11. Erosion usually begins when
    the vegetation is removed either naturally or by man.
  12. How does the conservation Reserve Program(CRP) try to protect soil for future agriculture?
    the CRP pays farmers not to grow crops on land not well suited for crop production.
  13. Which of the following was NOT a contributing factor in the Dust Bowl?
    Massive industrial agriculture operations disturbed the soil with large, petroleum-powered equipment.
  14. Over time, pesticides become less effective because
    pests evolve defenses against pesticides.
  15. The practice of integrating biocontrol, crop rotation, alternative till age methods, and chemical use is called
    integrated pest management.
  16. The lack of sufficient nutritional elements the body needs is
  17. How is biological control used for battling pests?
    it is a strategy that uses the predators of crop pests for pest control
  18. Recombinant DNA used to make GM organisms is
    DNA that is patched together using DNA from multiple organisms
  19. Which of the following statements about pollinators in modernagriculture is true?
    Although bees are the most important pollinators, wasps, moths, butterflies, birds, beetles, flies, and even bats also pollinate crop plants.
  20. as applied to genetiacally modified organisms, the precautionary principle says that
    we should not use GMOs untill we know what the effect will be on the environment
  21. Salinization can reduce the productivity of agricultural land. What can be done to prevent salinization?
    plants crops that do not require irrigation
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envi. science