healthcare-associated infections
- infections acquired while in the healthcare setting with a lack of evidence that the infection was present or incubating at the time of entry into the healthcare setting
- also known as nosocomial infections
- 1/20 patients hospitalized contract
- noticed mothers giving birth in ward were less likely to develop puerperal fever if delivered by nurses instead of med students
- instituted hand washing measures and brought down level of fever
- pioneer of antiseptic surgery
- used carbolic acid for wounds and to sterilize surgical equipment
- had surgeons wear masks and gloves to prevent infection
types of HAI
- bloodstream infections - central line-associated bloodstream infection
- urinary tract infections - catheter-associated urinary tract infection
- pneumonia - ventilator-associated pneumonia
- surgical site infection
- clostridium difficile infection
most common organisms in HAI
- staphylococcus species
- enterococcus species
- candida species
- escheriscia coli
- pseudomonas aeruginosa
- klebsiella pneumoniae
- enterobacter species
- acinetobacter baunmannii
- clostridium difficile
characteristics of nosocomial pathogens
- survive for long periods on environmental surfaces
- remain virulent after environmental exposure
- ability to colonize patients
- transiently colonize hands of HCW and be transmitted
- small inoculating dose
- resistance to disinfectants
endogenous reservoir
self-infection from another site in the body
exogenous reservoir
- from another person
- from the environment
- IV fluids
- 20-40% of HAI from infection via hands
- can result from = direct patient contact, indirectly touching contaminated surfaces
- patients can also become colonized by direct contact with a surface
- direct contact: hands, fomites
- airborne: droplets, droplet nuclei
risk factors for HAI
- hospitalization for more than 2 days
- residence in long-term care facility
- home infusion therapy
- long-term dialysis within 30 days
- home wound care
- family member with multidrug-resistant pathogen
risk factors for HAI with drug-resistant bacteria
- antimicrobial therapy in preceding 90 days
- current hospitalization >5 days
- high frequency of antibiotic resistances in the community
- immunosuppression
- infections are so common considered a routine complication
- ~>50% are preventable
- one of the most common HAI in US
- risk factors - extremes of age, underlying disease, immunosuppression, cardiopulmonary disease
- those with ventilator are at highest risk
surgical site infections
- 14-16% of HAI
- increasing number caused by antimicrobial resistant pathogens
- sometimes skin only, others involve organs and are more serious
urinary tract infections
- most common HAI
- infection from catheterization most common
- many preventable with proper management of catheter
prevention of HAI
- only use catheters when needed
- follow antiseptic technique when inserting catheter and central lines, performing surgery
- disinfect equipment and hospital surfaces
- surveillance
- wash hands
systemic changes
- infection control can be cost effective
- insure surveillance uses are valid
- improve design of invasive devices
- forestalling the post-antibiotic era
- newer microbiologic methods
- successful collaboration
- quality report to congress
- medicare payments to hospitals reduced for preventable readmissions and for certain infections that can usually be prevented with good care
- american recovery and reinvestment act included money to assist states
C. difficile infections
- produces spores - can survive for many years in an aerobic environment
- leading cause of nosocomial-acquired diarrhea - usually after completing antibiotics
- reservoir in humans
- transmission with hands, fomites
- toxin mediated
three-hit hypothesis of C.dfficile
- antibiotics changes normal flora
- colonization with virulent strain
- host predisposition
diagnosis of C. difficile
- culture - often not performed
- toxin assay - poor sensitivity and specificity
- cepheid Xpert - automated machine performs PCR test to detect organism
clinical symptoms of C. difficile
- diarrhea
- colitis - diarrhea, blood and pus in stool
- toxic megacolon - paralysis of peristaltic movement, feces can consolidate in hard masses in colon
C. difficile treatment
initial - discontinue antibiotics, supportive care (hydration and electrolyte replacement), avoid anti-diarrheals, antibiotics
relapse - antibiotics, probiotics, bile sequestration, passive immunization
C. difficile prevention
- contact precautions when diarrhea present
- environmental disinfection
- timely diagnosis and isolation
- decrease unnecessary antibiotic use
- vaccine