700/900 PPP

  1. When are you required to have either a new or amended dispatch release?
    • All revenue flights under part 121
    • Intermediate stops lasting over 1 hour
    • Before depart fm station where unscheduled stop made
    • Acft returns to land after becoming airborne
    • Change of PIC
    • MEL items either added or cleared
    • MX Ferry permit
  2. What does the Max Flight Plan Takeoff Weight, MFPTW, provide?
    All non-rwy/arpt related weights including Structural T/O, enroute, T/O alternate, Structural landing, Zero fuel, and others
  3. What does the Primary Runway Takeoff Weight (PMRTW) take into account?
    Accounts for Accelerate-Stop/Accelerate-Go, obstacle clearance, Min T/O Climb gradient
  4. What are the limits for QNH (alt setting), compared to Planned QNH (PQNH)?
    If acutal QNH is lower than .10" below PQNH, a new TLR must be requested.
  5. When can't reduced thrust be used?
    • Anti-skid inoperative
    • Wing/or Cowl anti-ice on
    • Contaminated runway
    • Windshear warnings or downdrafts are in effect
    • Using temp from approved nearby airport
    • Airports where reduced thrust is prohibited
  6. What is the definition of a wet runway?
    Sufficient moisture on rwy surf to cause it to appear reflective, but without significant areas of standing water
  7. Minimum depth of standing water to be considered contaminated?
    1/8 inch
  8. Pre-takeoff check?
    De-iced/anti-iced, holdover time established. Conducted by flight crew from cockpit of FO inside cabn
  9. Can you depart after your holdover time has expired?
    Yes, only after pre-takeoff contamination check is performed and acft is free of contaminates
  10. How is a pre-takeoff contamination check conducted?
    No sooner than 5 minurtes prior to takeoff, a visual check of representative surface of wing performed by crew
  11. What is the representative surface checked?
    The uheated portion of the left wing
  12. Shock wave?
    Dramatic change in pressure & density over a few inches of the wing surface. Point where suersonic airflow slows back to subsonic
  13. How does the super-critical wing delay onset of Mach buffet?
    Does not accelerate airflow over top of wing. Upper surface of super critical wing is flatter & lower surface is curved, thus increasing onset of Mach buffet to a higher speed
  14. When must the PIC notify the dispatcher of a deviation from the planned release?
    • - Enroute/arrival holding > 15 min
    • - Rte dev adding > 15 min to ETE
    • - Taxi delays > 30 min beyond planned
    • - MEL/CDL items not listed on dispatch release
    • - Depletion of contingency/extra fuel
    • - Arrival at dest < min fuel
    • - Change in dest/alt WX
    • - Any change in dest/alt airport
  15. Alternate WX mins calculation?
    1 nav aid - +400' to DA; + 1 mi/1600m to vis

    2 nav aid - + 200 to higher DA of 2 approaches used; + 1/2 mi/800m to higher vis mins of 2 app
  16. Departing VFR requirements?
    • VFR conditions reported at field
    • VMC can be maintained throughout dept
    • Transponder 1200
    • Use appropriate VFR alt if level-off required
    • IFR clear required within 50NM of arpt
  17. Are special VFR operations authorized?
  18. Visual approach clearance authorized when?
    • Within 35NM of destination arpt
    • Flt remains in controlled airspace
    • VFR conditions exist (1,000ft/3SM)
    • Visual contact established with traffic to be followed or contact with arpt maintained
  19. Can live cargo be carried in FWD cargo bay?
  20. Min pavement required for a 180* turn for:
    • 75 ft
    • 80ft 1in
  21. How many PBEs required for dispatch?
    4, one for each fire extinguisher
Card Set
700/900 PPP
Flight planning,performance & preflight