Refers specifically to an ACTH secreting pituitary adenoma with resultant cortisol secretion
Cushing's Disease
General term for hypercortisolism at any level including adrenal, ectopic, or pituitary source
Cushing's Syndrome
Diagnosis of Cushing's syndrome involves a __
24-hour urine free cortisol
increased hair growth (chin, upper lip, abdomen, chest)
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome can lead to
Hirsutism and Virilization
refers to the biological development of sex differences, changes which make a male body different from a female body
menstrual irregularity, infertility, androgen excess, hirsutism, and sometimes obesity and insulin resistance
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
abrupt onset of Hirsutism and Virilization is an indication of
an androgen-secreting adrenal carcinoma
Life long problem with hirsutism and virilization is an indication of __, and is also the rarer form
Androgen-secreting adrenal adenomas
Enzymatic defects in the adrenal steroid hormone synthesis pathways leading to: inadequate cortisol +/-mineralocorticoid, classically with an associated androgen excess
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
mucle symptoms due to hypokalemia
cramping, weakness, periodic paralysis
Clinical findings of primary hyperaldosteronism
hypertension, muscle symptoms (due to hypokalemia. Often there are few clinical findings at all.
with primary hyperaldosteronism there will be high aldosterone but low __
a patient with primary hyperaldosteronism will have metabolic __
Primary Hyperaldosteronism. Solitary/Unilateral Aldosterone-Producing Adenoma
Conn's Syndrome
the adrenal medulla produces __
epinephrine, norepinephrine, dopamine
clinical findings of pheochromocytoma
the five P's:Pain (headaches), Pallor (orthostatic hypotension), Palpitations (catecholamine release), Pressure (hypertension), Perspiration
the thyroid has a __ day reserve supply of thyroxine
the thyroid synthesizes __ mcg of thyroxine per day
thyroid hormone synthesis requires a minimum of __mcg of elemental iodine/day
recommended daily intake of elemental iodine __mcg
in the thyroid thyroglobulin is stored in __
severe illness or starvation decreases
total T3, and free T3
__ is increased by estrogen, decreased by androgen
imaging modality used to monitor thyroid cancers
PET scan
What can a thyroid do
overact, under-perform, enlarge
weight loss, heat intolerance, palpitations/tachycardia
hyperthyroid history
weight gain, fatigue, lethargy, cold intolerance
hypothyroid history
rapid pulse, onycholysis, exophthalmos, thyroid enlargement, bruit, tachycardia, brisk DTR relaxation phase
hyperthyroid examination
bradycardia, dry skin and hair, periorbital edema, delayed DTR relaxation phase
hypothyroid examination
exophthalmos is seen only in __
Graves Disease
Etiology: Auto-antibody reacting with the TSH receptor. Symmetric non-tender goiter (80%) (bruit is pathognomonic), Ocular findings (30%), Pretibial myxedema exam:
Graves Disease
medical treatment for Graves Disease
PTU, Methimazole, Beta-blocker (propranolol, or atenolol)
no increased cancer risk after 50 years of __ use
radioactive iodine
favorable prognosticators for remission
small goiter, free T3 predominance, negative TSI titer, decrease in goiter size with ethionamide therapy
toxic nodule can lead to what type of fingernail pathology
when the finger nail peels away from the nail bed in the absence of trauma
Thyroid hormone leakage from destruction of the thyroid gland secondary to a viral infection (? Mumps), pain in the thyroid, fever, enlarged, very tender thyroid gland
subacute thyroiditis
Transient autoimmune dysfunction, sudden onset of hyperthyroidism, can be seen post-partum, enlarged, nodular thyroid
silent thyroiditis
Pre-existing untreated or inadequately treated thyrotoxicosis, Precipitating event: infection, trauma,fever, profuse sweating, tachycardia, tremulousness/restlessness, delirium/psychosis, N/V, later stupor, coma, hypotension
Thyrotoxic Crisis (Thyroid Storm)
Insufficient amount of thyroid hormone, elevated TSH, hypometabolic, increased cholesterol
__ hypothyroidism, loss of functioning thyroid tissue
__ hypothyroidism- impairment of hormone biosynthesis with compensatory thyroid enlargement, lithium therapy, iodine deficiency or excess
__ hypothyroidism- lack of TSH, pituitary or hypothalamic failure
thyroxine therapy dose is constant except with __, at which time the dose is increased by at least 50%
thyroxine therapy dose is constant except with __, at which time the dose is decreased by 20-30%
age greater than 65
thyroxine therapy dose is constant except with __
side effects of thyroxine therapy
osteoporosis, increased cardiac contractility, increased risk of atrial fibrillation, allergic reaction to dye in tablets
general term for enlargement of the thyroid gland
diffuse or nodular enlargement of the thyroid gland that does not result from an inflammatory or neoplastic process and is not associated with abnormal thyroid function
nontoxic goiter
-- thyroid enlargement that occurs in more than 10% of a population
endemic goiter
result of environmental or genetic factors that do not affect the general population
sporadic goiter
__% of the world’s population lives in a region that has iodine deficiency (primarily in Asia, Latin American, central Africa, and regions of Europe)
treatment for thyroid carcinoma
thyroidectomy by experienced surgeon
Synthroid, Unithroid, Levoxyl, Levothroid
Propylthiouracil (PTU)
Generic, know abbreviation
CLASS: Liothyronine
Hypothyroid Agent
CLASS: Liotrix
Hypothyroid Agent
CLASS: Levothyroxine
Hypothyroid Agent
CLASS: Methimazole
Hyperthyroid Agent
CLASS: Propylthiouracil (PTU)
Hyperthyroid Agent
CLASS: Insulin Lispro
Rapid acting insulin
CLASS: Insulin Aspart
Rapid acting insulin
CLASS: Insulin Glulisine
Rapid acting insulin
CLASS: Insulin Glargine
Long acting insulin
CLASS: Insulin Detemir
Long acting insulin
CLASS: Glyburide
CLASS: Glipizide
CLASS: Glimepiride
CLASS: Repaglinide
CLASS: Nateglinide
CLASS: Metformin
CLASS: Rosiglitazone
CLASS: Pioglitazone
CLASS: Acarbose
Alpha-glucosidase Inhibitor
CLASS: Miglitol
Alpha-glucosidase Inhibitor
CLASS: Sitagliptin
Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitor
CLASS: Saxagliptin
DPP-4 inhibitor
CLASS: Exenatide
Incretin mimeticGlucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) agonist
CLASS: Liraglutide
Incretin mimetic GLP-1 agonist
CLASS: Pramlintide
Amylin analog
CM complications: chronic hyperglycemia leads to:
nonenzymatic glycation of proteins & produces tissue damage
DM dx criteria
1 of these (A1c ≥6.5% ; FPG ≥ 126 mg/dL; 2 hour GTT ≥ 200 mg/dL (75g load); RPG ≥ 200 mg/dL PLUS DM sx (polyuria, polydipsia, wt loss, blurred vision), w/ confirmation of other criterion on another day (required for first 3)
Alert Values: FBS (female)
< 40 and > 400 mg/dL (DUMC = <50 and >350)
Prediabetes / IFG lab
FPG 100 - 125 mg/dL
Impaired glucose tolerance
2 hr plasma glucose (75g GTT) 140 – 199 mg/dL
Values assoc w/ diabetic retinopathy
FBS 126 mg/dL; 2 hr GTT 200 mg/dL; HgbA1c of 7%
Created when proinsulin splits into insulin & this product
C-peptide (connecting peptide)
C-peptide: used mostly in:
newly diagnosed diabetics
C-peptide: Type 1 diabetes:
decreased levels
C-peptide: Type 2 diabetes:
normal or high levels
C-peptide: can be used to identify:
gastrinoma spread or malingering (low C-peptide with hypoglycemia may reflect abuse of insulin)
Glucose Testing: Venous serum: benefits / reflects
Benefit of independence from hematocrit
Glucose Testing: Venous serum: reflects:
reflects tissue glucose
Glucose Testing: Capillary: benefits
Rapid, no centrifugation required, home monitoring
Glucose Testing: Urine: Requires:
normal renal glucose threshold
Random plasma glucose (RPG or RBS):
Any time of day without regard to last meal
Fasting blood glucose (FPG or FBS):
No caloric intake for at least 8 hours
Oral glucose tolerance testing (OGTT or GTT):
Timed blood draw after oral load of a specific amount of glucose
Meds that increase glucose
diuretics, estrogens, beta blockers, corticosteroids
Meds that decrease glucose:
acetaminophen, alcohol, propanolol, anabolic steroids
Factors affecting Glucose & Glucose Tolerance
Meds; Activity level; stress; Liver dz; Hormonal tumors; Pancreatic disorders; PG
Types of stress that increase glucose
trauma, acute illness, general anesthesia, burns
O’Sullivan or 1 hour GTT
50g oral glucose with blood draw in 1 hour (normal < 140 mg/dL)
2 hour GTT
75g oral glucose with blood draw in 2 hours
3 hour GTT
100g oral glucose with blood draw just prior to oral load (fasting) and then at 1, 2 & 3 hours
2 hour GTT Interp: FPG (mg/dL)
Normal GTT <100; Impaired Glucose Tolerance 100-125; DM ≥ 126
2 hour GTT Interp: 2 hrs after glucose load
Normal GTT <140; Impaired Glucose Tolerance 140-199; DM ≥ 200
3 hour GTT Interp: Normal
Fasting <95 mg/dL ; 1 hr <180 mg/dL; 2 hr <155 mg/dL; 3 hr <140 mg/dL
3 hour GTT Interp: Abnormal =
2 or more values above reference range
3 hour GTT Interp: Equivocal =
1 value above reference range
Diabetic control correlates highly with:
pt education & motivation
Monitoring Diabetic Ctrl: Urine testing (downside):
Delayed information
Monitoring Diabetic Ctrl: Blood glucose testing
Current status; Self-monitoring recommended by ADA; Continuous monitoring systems available
Monitoring Diabetic Ctrl: Glycosylated hemoglobin (A1c): upside:
Long term control
Monitoring Diabetic Ctrl: Fructosamine
Good for some populations
Home Blood Glucose Monitoring: most common =
Fingerstick; Other sites (forearm/thigh) used, but may have 20 min lag time compared to finger
Home Blood Glucose Monitoring: Helps guide self mgmt of:
exercise, diet & meds
Home Blood Glucose Monitoring: upside:
Improves blood glucose control through immediate patient feedback
HbA1c: In normal people:
3-6% of hemoglobin is glycosylated in the form A1c
HbA1c: Provides info:
that spot blood checks may miss; info about LT glycemic ctrl (previous 8-12 wks)
HbA1c: Normalizes:
within 3 weeks of normoglycemic levels
HbA1c & RBCs:
Older RBCs have higher HbA1c levels; pts w/ episodic or chronic hemolysis who have larger proportion of young RBCs might have spuriously low levels
HbA1c monitoring
Does not require fasting; Goal < 7% HbA1c; Lowering by any amount will improve health outcomes
If HbA1c if > 7% :
adjust therapy
HbA1c: If good DM control:
check HbA1c 1-2 times yearly
HbA1c: If suboptimal DM control:
check HbA1c every 3 months
Fructosamine reflects:
hyperglycemic period within the last few weeks
Fructosamine gives info about:
short term glycemic control
Fructosamine: useful for:
patients with chronic hemolytic anemias that cause shortened RBC life span; Limited use in pts w/ low serum albumin (nephrotic state or hepatic disease)
Fructosamine: Normal values:
vary in relation to serum albumin (1.5-2.4 mmol/L when serum albumin is 5 g/L)