Chem Test 1

  1. What is the order of units from large to small?
    Kilo - Hecto - Deca - UNIT - Deci - Centi - Milli
  2. 1 m = in
    1 m = 39.37 in
  3. 1 in = CM
    1 in = 2.54 cm
  4. i km = mi
    i km = 0.62 mi
  5. 1 l = qts
    1 l = 1.06 qts
  6. 1 gal = qts
    1 gal = 4 qts
  7. 1 lb = g
    1 lb = 454 g
  8. 1 kg = lbs
    1 kg = 2.2 lbs
  9. Freezing point of H2o in f?
    32 F
  10. Boiling point in F?
    212 F
  11. Freezing point in C?
    0 C
  12. Boiling point in C?
    100 C
  13. Convert C to F?
    F = 9/5C + 32
  14. Convert F to C
    C = 5/9 (F-32)
  15. What point does F = C?
    -40F = -40C
  16. Density?
  17. Mass?
    M = d x V
  18. Volume?
    v= m/d
  19. what is exponential notation?

    102 ?

    10-2 ?
    102 = 10 x 10 = 100

    10-2 = 1/10x10 = 0.01
  20. How many elements are there? How many naturally? How many non metals?
    114 elements, 90 = naturally, 24 = non metals
  21. What is a metal?
    Shiny solids that are good conductors of heat and electricity. All metals are solid at room temp (except for Mercury).
  22. What is a non metal?
    No shiny appearance, poor conductors of heat and electricty, solid or gas
  23. What is a metalloid?

    How many and what are they?
    has properties between metals and non metals.

    7 metalloids: Buron, germanium, silicaon, arsnic, antimony, tellurium, astatine
  24. What elements make up 96% of human body?
    Oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen
  25. What is the atomic #?
    number of protons
  26. What is the mass number?
    # of protons + # of neutrons
  27. What is the atomic weight?
    average of the mass of naturally orrcuring isotopes of a particular element reported in AMU
  28. How do you find atomic weight?
    • 1. List each isotope and % it occurs in nature
    • 2. mulitply % by AMU
    • 3. add
  29. What is a row called?
  30. What is a column called?
  31. What is a shell?
    numbered, n = 1, 2, 3, 4

    2, 8, 18, 32 = # of elecrtons in each SHELL
  32. What are the orbitals? How many electrons can they hold?
    s, p, d, f

    each orbital can hold 2 electrons
  33. What is ground state?
    the lowest energy arrangement of an electron
  34. When does the size of the atom increase?
    Down a column, valence electrons are farther from nucleus
  35. When does the size of atom decrease?
    Accross a row as number of prodons in nucleus increase, the increase # of protons pulls the elecrons closer to nucleus, smaller atom.
  36. When does ionization energy decrease?
    Down a coumn as the valence e gets further from nucleus
  37. When does ionization energy increase?
    Accross a row, as protons increase
  38. What is ionization enegry?
    The energy needed to remove a e from a neurtal atom
  39. What is a cation?
    positively charged, has fewer electrons than a neurtal atom
  40. Who created atomic theory?
    John dalton, 1800s
  41. molecule?
    Smallest part of a compound that is capable of a stable independent existance
  42. What is a diatomic molecule?

    what are they?
    a molecule that can be a single atom

    o2 h2 n2 f2 cl2 br2 I2
  43. What is a monotonic molecule? What are they?
    Will not combine with anything else

    He, Ne, Ar, Xe, Rn
  44. Who discovered the elecrton?
    JJ Thompson 1897 england
  45. Who discovered the proton?
    Rutherford - gold foil experiment

    protiens mass = 1 amu
  46. Who discovered the neurton?
    Chadwick 1932
  47. What binds the nucleus together?
  48. What is the atomic #?
    • identifies the element
    • # of protons which is equal to # of elecrtons
  49. What is an isotope?
    Different form of the same element which differ in mass number b/c of different # of neurtons
  50. Level 1 = ?e-
    • 1 = 2e-
    • 2 = 8
    • 3 = 18
    • 4 = 32
  51. What is a quantum number?
    Determines the energy of electron and where they will be found
  52. What are the 4 quantum numbers?
    • 1. principle (n) major energy levels 1-7
    • 2. Secondary (l) refers to shape
    • 3. magnetic (m) - # of shaped orbital possible in an energy level
    • 4. Spin (s) each orbital may hold a max of 2 electons provide tehy have opposite spin
  53. what is hunds rule?
    An elecrton will resist pairing up in a space orbital until is its forced to do so
  54. S Shaped?
  55. P shaped?
  56. D shaped?
  57. F shaped?
  58. Max # of elecrtons in s, p, d, f?
    • s= 2
    • p=6
    • d=10
    • f=14
  59. Spectroscopic notation? how to arrange?
    • 1s
    • 2s 2p
    • 3s 3p 3d
    • 4s 4p 4d 4f
    • 5s 5p 5d 5f
    • 6s 6p 6d 6f
    • 7s 7p 7d 7f
  60. How to find orbital notaion?
    • find the highest energy level,
    • ie: 4s2 4p3
    • (| | ) ( | ) (| ) ( | )
Card Set
Chem Test 1
Chemistry test 1