Cells- Biology

  1. Tiny structure that performs a specialized function (or job) in the cell

  2. Holds and protects the genetic information of the cell.
    Nucleus (6)

  3. WHere proteins are made
    Ribosome (4)

  4. Controls what enters and leaves the cell
    cell membrane (9)

  5. Provides added structure and support to plant cells. Found outside the cell membrane.
    cell wall (8)

  6. Pathway for proteins
    endoplasmic reticulum (5)
  7. Modifies, sorts, packages and ships out proteins to where they are needed.
    Golgi Apparatus
  8. Contains digestive enzymes to break down old cell parts/waste.

  9. Site of photosynthesis. Uses the suns energy to make food energy (glucose).
    Chloroplast (7)

  10. Site of cellular respiration. Uses food energy (glucose) to make usable energy (ATP)
    mitochondria (3)

  11. Storage area for water and nutrients
  12. Framework of filaments and fibers that supports the cell structure.
  13. Long whip-like tail tht helps with movement.
  14. Many small hairs that helps with movement.
  15. Helps with cell division
  16. What are 3 organelle plants have that animal cells s=dont have?
    Cell wall, chloroplasts and large central vacuole
  17. What are 3 organelles animals have that plant cells do not.
    Lysosomes and centrioles.
  18. Do plant cells have mitochondria, chloroplasts, both, or neither?
  19. Do animal cells have mitochondria, chloroplasts, both, or neither?
    Mitochondria only.
  20. What is the heirarchy of an organism (beginning with atoms)?
    atoms, molecules, macromolecules, organelles, cels, tissues, organs, organ systems, organism
  21. What is the basic unit of life?
  22. These three statements make up the ________ ___________. 1. All living things are made up of cells. 2. Cells are the basic structure and function of an organism. 3. ll cells come from preexisting cells.
    cell theory
  23. What are 4 organelles ALL cells have?
    Cell membrane, DNA, ribosomes, cytoplasm
  24. Very small cells without a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles.
  25. Larger cells with a nucleus and membrane bound organelles.
  26. What is the only example of a prokaryote?
  27. Microscope that uses light and two separate lenses to magnify a very thing image. Can magnify up to 2000x (our only go up to 400x).
    Compound light microscope
  28. Microscope that uses light and binocular lenses (2 eyepieces) to magnify a larger object. Can magnify up to 50x
    Stereomicroscope (dissecting microscope)
  29. Image in inverted (upside down and backwards) when using this microscope
    Compound light microscope.
  30. How is total magnification determined?
    ocular lens x objective lens
  31. If the ocular lens is 10x and the objective lens is on 4x, what is the total magnification?
  32. Area seen when looking through the microscope
    Field of view
  33. What happens to the field of view as you switch to a higher power?
    gets smaller
  34. On which power is you image smallest but field of view largest?
    scanning power
  35. Microscope that uses electrons to show the surface of an object (magnifies up to 100,000x)
    Scanning electron microscope
  36. Microscope that shoots electrons through a thin object so you can see the inside (magnifies up to 200,000x)
    Transmission electron microscope
  37. What si a problem with using the electron microscope?
    Specimen must be dead.
  38. Larger knob on the side of the microscope that can only be used with scanning and low powers.
    Coarse adjustment knob
  39. Smaller knob on the side of the microscope that is used mostly on high power.
    Fine adjustment knob.
  40. Controls the amount of light shining on an object.
    Iris diaphragm.
  41. Eyepiece (10x) lens you look through.
    Ocular lens
  42. Where the objective lenses are attached. Rotates to change objective lenses.
    Revolving nosepiece.
  43. Where your bottom hand should be when carrying a microscope.
  44. The part your other hand should hold while carrying a microscope (not the base)
  45. 3-4 lenses with different magnifications that can be changed to see more or less of your specimen.
    Objective lenses
  46. Where the specimen/slide is places for viewing.
  47. Put the following organisms in order from more primitive to more recent: aerobic prokaryotes, anaerobic prokaryotes, eukaryotes
    anaerobic prokaryotes, aerobic prokaryotes, eukaryotes
  48. Theory that eukaryotic celsl formed from smaller prokaryotes moving inside the larger prokaryotes and they formed a beneficial relationship with one another.
    Endosymbiotic Theory
  49. Wht do mitochondria and chloroplasts both contain that helps to support the Endosymbiotic Theory.
  50. Without oxygen
  51. With oxygen.

  52. Is the picture an animal or plant cell and how do you know?
    Plant cell because it has a cell wall, chloroplasts, and large central vacuole.
Card Set
Cells- Biology
Biology Unit 4- Cells