Post Op.txt

  1. The post operative phase
    Begins with the admission of the patient to the recovery area and ends with a follow up evaluation in a clinical setting or at home
  2. What are 2 things that PACU monitors after surgery
    • anesthesia complications
    • surgery complication
  3. vital signs are assessed on a post op patient. Which vital sign is most important
    Respiratory rate, depth, and rhythm
  4. A low respiratory rate may indicate
    anesthetic- or opioidanalgesic–induced depression
  5. Rapid, shallow respirations may indicate
    signal shock, cardiac problems, increased metabolic rate, or pain.
  6. what is the typical IV fluid administered after anesthesia
    D5 .45% NSS
  7. When should the nurse report an abnormally low urine output
    less than 30 cc/ hour
  8. What is the treatment for pts with nausea and vomiting after surgery
    • “side-lying, HOB up position
    • “antiemetic medications to be given
  9. Who performs the first dressing change?
    the physician
  10. What is the post op progressive diet
    NPO to liquids to soft to house meals
  11. During the post op period, what conditions do all pts remain at risk for?
    pneumonia, shock, cardiac arrest, respiratory arrest, deep vein thrombosis, and GI bleeding
  12. When a pt is admitted to the PACU, what is the first thing that needs to be assessed?
    • patent airway
    • adequate gas exchange
  13. The pulse ox should be above what percentage?
  14. What isotonic solutions are used to promote fluid replacement in the PACU
    • lactated Ringer's (LR),
    • 0.9% saline
    • 5% dextrose with lactated Ringer's (D5/LR)
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Post Op.txt