Amyl Nitrate

  1. Class
    Vasodilator/Cyanide Antidote
  2. Description
    Amyl Nitrite is potent vasodilator and an antidote for cyanide poisoning
  3. Mechanism of Action
    • Amyl Nitrate causes the oxidation of hemoglobin methemoglobin. Methemoglobin reacts with cyanide ion form cyanomethemoglobin, which can be enzymatically degraded.
    • Removes cyanide from the blood.
  4. Onset of Action
    • Onset:10-30 second

    • Peak:30 second

    • Duration:3-5 min

    • Half life:NA

  5. Indications
    Cyanide poisoning (bitter almond smell to breath
  6. Contraindications
    None in treatment in cyanide poisoning
  7. Precautions
    Has tendency for abuse, hypotension.
  8. Side Effects
    • headache
    • hypotension
    • Dizziness
    • nausea
    • tachycardia
    • flushing
    • cold sweats
    • syncope
    • orthostatic changes
    • weakness
    • vomiting.
  9. Adult Dose
    Break inhalant and inhale, administer as needed
  10. Pedi-Dose
    Break inhalant and inhale, administer as needed
  11. Max Dose
    As needed
  12. Routes of Administration
  13. How Supplied
    Glass Inhalant
Card Set
Amyl Nitrate
Paramedic Drugs