Medical Terminology II

  1. Puerperium
    Time after childbirth that lasts approximatly 6 weeks, during which the anatomical and physiological changes brought about by pregnancy resolve and a woman adjusts to the new or expanded responsibilities of motherhood and nonpregnant life.
  2. Amni/o
    Amnion (amniotic sac)
  3. Hyster/o, metri/o, uter/o
  4. Mamm/o, mast/o
  5. Men/o
    Menses, menstruation
  6. Nat/o
  7. Oophor/o, ovari/o
  8. Salping/o
    Tube (usually fallopian or eustachian)
  9. -arche
  10. -cyesis
  11. -gravida
    Pregnant woman
  12. -para
    To bear (offspring)
  13. -tocia
    Childbirth, labor
  14. -version
  15. Adnexa
    Accesory parts of a structure
  16. Atresia
    Congenital absence or closure of a normal body opening, such as the vagina.
  17. Choriocarcinoma
    Malignant neoplasm of the uterus or at the site of an ectopic pregnancy.
  18. Corpus luteum
    Ovarian scar tissue that results from rupturing of a follicle during ovulation and becomes a small yellow body that produces progesterone after ovulation.
  19. Dyspareunia
    Occurrence of pain during sexual intercourse.
  20. Endocervicitis
    Inflammation of the mucous lining of the cervix uteri
  21. Fibroids
    Benign uterine tumors composed of muscle and fibrous tissue; also called leiomyomas (myomas) and fibromyomata uteri.
  22. Menarche
    Beginning of menstrual function
  23. Oligomenorrhea
    Scanty or infrequent menstrual flow
  24. Pyosalpinx
    Pus in the fallopian tube
  25. Abruptio placentae
    Premature separation of a normally situated placenta
  26. Dystocia
    Difficult labor, which may be produced by the large size of the fetus or the small size of the pelvic outlet.
  27. Eclampsia
    Most serious form of toxemia during pregnancy. Signs of eclampsia include high blood pressure, edema, convulsions, renal dysfunction, proteinuria, and in severe cases, coma.
  28. Parturition
    Process of giving birth
  29. Placenta previa
    Condition in which the placenta is attached near the cervix and ruptures prematurely, with spotting as the early symptom.
  30. Insufflation
    Delivery of pressurized air or gas into a cavity, chamber, or organ to allow visual examination, remove an obstruction, or apply medication.
  31. Cerclage
    Suturing the cervix to prevent it from dilating prematurely during pregnancy, thus decreasing the chance of a spontaneous abortion. The sutures are removed prior to delivery.
  32. Glucagon
    Hormone produced by pancreatic alpha cells that increase the blood glucose level by stimulation the liver to change stored glycogen (a startch form of sugar) to glucose. Glucagon opposes the action of insulin and is used to reverse hypoglycemic reactions in insulin shock.
  33. Glucose
    Simple sugar that is the end product of carbohydrate digestion. Glucose is the primary source of energy for living organisms.
  34. Insulin
    Hormone produced by pancreatic beta cells that acts to remove sugar (glucose) from the blood by promoting its storage in tissues as carbohydrated (glycogen).
  35. Crin/o
  36. -dipsia
  37. Acromegaly
    Chronic metabolic disorder characterized by a gradual, marked enlargement and thickening of the bones of the face and jaw.
  38. Diuresis
    Increased formation and secretion of urine
  39. Glycosuria
    Presence of glucose in the urine or abnormal amount of sugar in the urine.
  40. Graves disease
    Multisystem autoimmune disorder characterized by pronounced hyperthyroidism usually associated with enlarged thyroid gland and exophthalmos (abnormal protrusion of the eyeball).
  41. Hirsutism
    Excessive distribution of body hair, expecially in women.
  42. Hypervolemia
    Abnormal increase in the volume of circulation fluid (plasma) in the body
  43. Hyponatremia
    Abnormal condition of low sodium in the blood.
  44. Insulinoma
    tumor of the islets of Lagerhans of the pancrease
  45. Afferent
  46. Blood brain barrier
    Protective mechanism that blocks specific substances found in the blood stream from entering delicate brain tissue
  47. Efferent
  48. Neurilemma
    Additional sheath external to myelin that is formed by schwann cells and found only on axons in the peripheral nervous system
  49. Kinesi/o
  50. Lept/o
    Thin, slender
  51. Lex/o
    Word, phrase
  52. Radicul/o
    Nerve root
  53. Sthen/o
  54. Ton/o
  55. -asthenia
  56. -esthesia
  57. -lepsy
  58. -taxia
    Order, coordination
  59. Pachy-
  60. Agnosia
    Inability to comprehend auditory, visual, spatial, olfactory, or other sensations even though the sensory sphere is intact
  61. Ataxia
    Lack of muscle coordination in the execution od voluntary movement
  62. Dyslexia
    Inability to learn and process written language dispite adequate intelligence, sensory, ability, and exposure
  63. Guillain-Barre syndrome
    Autoimmune condition thst causes acute inflammation of the peripheral nerves in which myelin sheaths on the axons are destroyed, resulting in decreased nerve impulses, loss of reflex response, and sudden muscle weakness
  64. Herpes zoster
    Painful, acute infectious disease of the posterior root ganglia of only a few segments of the spinal or cranial nerves (shingles)
  65. Huntington chorea
    Inherited disease of the CNS characterized by quick, involuntary movements, speech disturbances, and mental deterioration
  66. Neurosis
    Nonpsychotic mental illnwaa rhat triggers feelings of distress and anxiety and impairs normal behavior
  67. Psychosis
    Major emotional disorder in which conact with reality is lost to the point that the individual is incapable of meeting challenges of daily life
  68. Parasthesia
    Sensation of numbness, pricling, tingling, or heightened sensitivity. Parasthesia can be caused by disorders affecting the CNS, such as stroke, transient ischemic attack, multiple sclerosis, transverse myelitis, and encephalitis
  69. Reye syndrome
    Acute encephalopathy and fatty infiltration of the brain, liver, and, possibly, the pancrease, heart, kidney, spleen, and lymph nodes. Reye syndrome is usually seen in children younger than 15 and who had and acute viral infection. Mortality rate as high as 80%. The use of aspirin by children experiencing chickenpox or influenza may induce reye syndrome.
  70. Sciatica
    Severe pain in the leg along the course of the sciatic nerve felt at the bade of the spine, down the thigh, and radiating down the leg due to a compressed nerve.
  71. Syncope
    Temporary loss of conscousness due to the sudden decline of blood flow to the brain. (fainting)
  72. Adnexa
    Tissues or structures in the body adjacent to or near a related structure
  73. Humor
    Any fluid or semifluid of the body
  74. Perilymph
    Fluid that very closely resembles spinal fluid but found in the cochlea
  75. Tunic
    Layer or coat of tissue
  76. Ambly/o
    Dull, dim
  77. Blephar/o
  78. Core/o
  79. Cycl/o
    Ciliary body of eye; circular; cycle
  80. Dacry/o
    Tear; lacrimal apparatus
  81. Glauc/o
  82. Goni/o
  83. Irid/o
  84. Ocul/o, opthalm/o
  85. Opt/o, optic/o
    Eye, vision
  86. Phac/o
  87. Presby/o
    Old age
  88. Scot/o
  89. Ot/o
  90. -acusia, -cusis
  91. -opia, -opsia
  92. -tropia
Card Set
Medical Terminology II
Medical Terminology II