Knowledge Dis. #2

  1. Characteristics of Slow Wave Sleep (SWS)
    • synchronized EEG of low frequency, high amplitude
    • night terrors
    • no sleep paralysis (sleep walking)
    • lower heart and respiration rate
  2. Characteristics of REM sleep
    • desynchronized EEG, similar to when awake
    • eyes move rapidly
    • dreams occur
    • sleep paralysis
  3. What happens to sleep patterns with age?
    The older a person is, the less slow wave 'deep' sleep
  4. Trends in sleep through the evening
    REM sleep increases and SWS decreases
  5. Stages of sleep
    • Awake: beta
    • Drowsy: alpha
    • Stage 1: theta
    • Stage 2:mixed
    • Stage 3: delta waves
  6. 3 types of insomnia
    • sleep onset: >30 mins to fall asleep
    • sleep maintainence: wake up a lot at night
    • early awakening: wake up with <6 hrs of sleep
  7. Issues with pharmacological treatments of insomnia
    The body is able to develope drug tolerance, so people begin to take more sleeping pills as the body compensates. Doses can increase over time, and people may be unable to 'fall asleep' w/o the aid of drugs
  8. Dangers of narcolepsy and REM w/o Atonia
    Physically dangerous, can cause problems with everyday tasks (narcolepsy)
  9. Narcolepsy
    Sleep attacks; fall directly into REM sleep
  10. Sleep Paralysis
    • Inability to move after awakening
    • hypnagogic: awake but still dreaming
    • hypnopomic: hallucinations
  11. REM w/o Atonia
    dreaming during REM sleep, but no inhibitions of movement
  12. 5 categories of psychoactive drugs
    • Stimulants
    • Narcotics
    • Hallucinogens
    • Sedatives
    • Depressant
  13. An example of a DEPRESSANT
  14. An example of a SEDATIVE
  15. An example of a HALLUCINOGEN
    Cannibus (marijuana)
  16. An example of a NARCOTIC
  17. An example of a STIMULANT
  18. Opiates impact on the dopamine system
    • increases dopamine in the nucleaus accumbens
    • dopamine binds to the ventral tagmental area and disinhibits dopamine
  19. Cocaine's impact on the dopamine system
    • prolongs action of dopamine in the nucleus acumbens
    • inhibits the reuptake mechanism
  20. amphetamine's impact on the dopamine system
    • increases dopamine in the nucleus accumbens
    • causes spontaneous dopamine release
    • inhibit reuptake of dopamine
  21. 3 Characteristics of Addiction
    • lack of control
    • preoccupation that affects normal life
    • inability to stop despite consequences
  22. 3 factors contibuting to relapse
    • drug priming
    • stress
    • enviromental cues
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Knowledge Dis. #2
UH270 Test 2 questions