Top 200 Drugs Indications

  1. abilify
    • atypical antipsychotic
    • schizophrenia, bipolar disorder
  2. actos
    • thiazolidinedione
    • diabetes
  3. adderall xr
    • cns stimulant
    • adhd, narcolepsy
  4. adipex-P
    • obesity management
    • weight reduction
  5. advair
    • corticosteroid and long acting beta-2 agonist
    • asthma
  6. aldactone
    • potassium-sparing diuretic
    • hypertension, fluid retention/edema
  7. alesse
    • combination contraceptive
    • oral contraceptive
  8. aleve
    • nsaid
    • inflammation and pain
  9. allegra
    • antihistamine
    • allergic rhinitis
  10. allegra-d
    • antihistamine and decongestant
    • allergic rhinitis
  11. altace
    • ace inhibitor
    • hypertension
  12. amaryl
    • sulfonylurea
    • diabetes
  13. ambien
    • hypnotic
    • insomnia
  14. amoxil
    • pencillin antibiotic
    • infection
  15. antivert
    • antivertigo
    • vertigo and motion sickness
  16. aricept
    • acetylcholinesterase inhibitor
    • alzheimer's dementia
  17. ativan
    • benzodiazepine
    • anxiety
  18. atrovent
    • anticholinergic
    • asthma, COPD, allergic rhinitis
  19. augmentin
    • penicillin
    • infection
  20. avalide
    • arb and thiazide
    • hypertension
  21. avelox
    • fluoroquinolone
    • infection
  22. avodart
    • 5 alpha-reductase inhibitor
    • bph
  23. bactrim
    • sulfonamide antibacterial
    • infection
  24. bactroban
    • topical antibiotic
    • impetigo, minor topical infections
  25. benicar
    • arb
    • hypertension
  26. bentyl
    • anticholinergic
    • functional and irritable bowel syndrome
  27. biaxin
    • macrolide
    • infection
  28. boniva
    • bisphosphonate
    • osteoporosis
  29. bumex
    • loop diuretic
    • hypertension
  30. buspar
    • antianxiety
    • generalized anxiety disorder
  31. byetta
    • incretin mimetic
    • diabetes
  32. calan
    • antiarrhythmic, calcium channel blocker
    • angina, htn, atrial arrhythmias
  33. cardizem
    • CCB, antiarrhythmic
    • angina, hypertension
  34. cardura
    • alpha-1 adrenergic blocker
    • bph, hypertension
  35. catapres
    • alpha-2 adrenergic agonist
    • hypertension
  36. ceclor
    • cephalosporin
    • infection
  37. ceftin
    • cephalosporin
    • infection
  38. cefzil
    • cephalosporin
    • infection
  39. celebrex
    • nsaid, cox-2 selective
    • inflammation and pain
  40. celexa
    • serotonin reuptake inhibitor
    • depression
  41. cenestin
    • hormone
    • hormone replacement
  42. chantix
    • smoking cessation agent
    • smoking cessation
  43. cialis
    • phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor
    • erectile dysfunction
  44. cipro
    • fluoroquinolone
    • infection
  45. celocin
    • lincosamide
    • infection
  46. clozaril
    • atypical antipsychotic
    • schizophrenia
  47. combivent
    • beta-2 agonist and anticholinergic
    • asthma, COPD
  48. coreg
    • BB with alpha-block activity
    • HF, HTN
  49. coumadin
    • anticoagulant
    • thromboembolic disorders
  50. cozaar
    arb, hypertension
  51. crestor
    • hmg-coA reducatase inhibitor
    • dyslipidemia
  52. cymbalta
    • SNRI
    • depression, diabetic peripheral neuropathy
  53. darvocet
    • narcotic analgesic
    • pain
  54. deltasone
    • corticosteroid
    • inflammation
  55. torsemide
    • loop diuretic
    • hypertension
  56. depakote
    • anticonvulsant, antipsychotic
    • seizures; bipolar disorder
  57. deosgen
    • combination contraceptive
    • oral contraceptive
  58. desyrel
    • SSRI
    • depression
  59. Diabeta, micronase
    • sulfonylurea
    • diabetes
  60. diflucan
    • antifungal
    • candidiasis
  61. dilacor
    • CCB
    • htn
  62. dilantin
    • antiepileptic
    • seizures
  63. dilaudid
    • opioid analgesic
    • pain
  64. diovan
  65. diovan hct
  66. dolophine
    • narcotic analgesic
    • pain
  67. duoneb
    • beta-2 agonist and anticholinergic
    • asthma, COPD
  68. duragesic
    • narcotic analgesic
    • pain
  69. dyazide
    • potassium-sparing diuretic and thiazide
    • fluid retension/edema, htn
  70. effexor
    • SNRI
    • depression, panic disorder
  71. elavil
    • TCA
    • depression
  72. enulose
    • laxative
    • constipation
  73. estrace
    • hormone
    • hormone replacement
  74. evista
    • SERM
    • osteoporosis
  75. exforge
    • arb and ccb
    • htn
  76. fioricet
    • analgesic (barbiturate)
    • migraine headache, pain
  77. flagyl
    • antibacterial, antiprotozoal
    • bacterial vaginosis and intestinal infections
  78. flexeril
    • muscle relaxant
    • skeletal muscle spasm/pain
  79. flonase
    • corticosteroid
    • allergic rhinitis
  80. flovent
    • corticosteroid
    • asthma
  81. focalin
    • cns stimulant
    • ADHD
  82. osamax
    • bisphosphonate
    • osteoprosis
  83. geodon
    • atypical antipsychotic
    • schizophrenia, bipolar disorder
  84. glucophage
    • biguanide
    • diabetes
  85. glucotrol
    • sulfonylurea
    • diabetes
  86. glucovance
    • sulfonylurea and biguanide
    • diabetes
  87. humalog
    • insulin
    • diabetes
  88. humulin N, novolog
    • insulin
    • diabetes
  89. hydrodiuril
    • thiazide diuretic
    • htn, fluid retension/edema
  90. hytrin
    • alpha-1 adrenegic blocker
    • bph, htn
  91. hyzaar
    • antihypertensive
    • hypertension
  92. imdur
    • vasodilator
    • angina
  93. imitrex
    • antimigraine
    • migraine headache pain
  94. inderal
    • beta-blocker
    • antihypertensive
  95. keflex
    • cephalosporin antiobic
    • infection
  96. enalog
    • topical corticosteroid
    • inflammation and itching
  97. keppra
    • anticonvulsant
    • seizures
  98. etek
    • ketolide
    • antibiotic
  99. klonopin
    • benzodiazepine
    • seizures and anxiety
  100. lamictal
    • antiepileptic
    • seizures
  101. anoxin, lanoxicaps
    • antiarrhythmic
    • HF, atrial fibrillation
  102. lantus
    • insulin
    • antidiabetic
  103. lasix
    • loop diuretic
    • fluid retention/edema
  104. lescol
    • HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor
    • antihyperlipidemic
  105. levitra
    • phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor
    • erectile dysfunction
  106. lioresal
    • skeletal muscle relaxant
    • spascticity
  107. lipitor
    • antihyperlipidemic, HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor
    • dyslipidemia, CVD prevention
  108. loestrin FE
    • combination contraceptive with iron
    • oral contraceptive
  109. lomotil
    • antidiarrheal
    • diarrhea
  110. lortab
    • narcotic analgesic
    • pain
  111. lotrel
    • antihypertensive
    • hypertension
  112. lotrisone
    • topical antifungal and corticosteroid
    • rash and topical fungal infection
  113. lozol
    • loop diuretic
    • antihypertensive
  114. lunesta
    • hypnotic
    • insomnia
  115. lyrica
    • anticonvulsant
    • diabetic peripheral neuropathy
    • posthepatic neuralgia
  116. medrol
    • corticosteroid
    • inflammation
  117. micardis
    • angiotensin II blocker
    • antihypertensive
  118. miralax
    • laxative
    • constipation
  119. mirapex
    • dopamine agonist
    • Parkinson's disease
    • Restless leg syndrome
  120. mobic
    • NSAID
    • osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis
  121. monopril
    • ACEI
    • HF, HTN
  122. motrin
    • NSAID
    • inflammation and pain
  123. ms contin
    • narcotic analgesic
    • pain
  124. mycolog II
    • topical antifungal and corticosteroi
    • rash and topical fungal infection
  125. mysoline
    • antiepileptic
    • antiepileptic
  126. namenda
    • antipsychotic
    • alzheimer's dementia
  127. nasonex
    • corticosteroid
    • allergic rhinitis
  128. neurontin
    • antiepileptic
    • seizures, postherptic pain
  129. nexium
    • PPI
    • GERD, lucers and erosive esophagitis
  130. norvasc
    • CCB-DHP
    • HTN, angina
  131. novolog
    • insulin
    • diabetic
  132. omnicef
    • cephalosporing antibiotic
    • infection
  133. oxycontin
    • narcotic analgesic
    • pain
  134. paxil
    • SSRI
    • antidepressant
  135. Pen-VK
    • penicillin antibiotic
    • infection
  136. phenergan
    • antiemetic
    • nausea/vomitin
  137. plavix
    • antiplatelet
    • CVD, PAD
  138. plendil
    • CCB
    • antihypertensive
  139. premarin
    • estrogen hormone
    • hormonal imbalances
  140. prevacid
    • PPI
    • GERD, ulcers and erosive esophagitis
  141. prilosec
    • PPI
    • GERD, ulcers and erosive esophagitis
  142. Prinivil, zestril
    • ACEI
    • hypertension
  143. pristiq
    • antidepressant
    • MDD
  144. procardia XL
    • CCB-DHP
    • antihypertensive, angina
  145. proscar
    • 5-alpha reductase inhibitor
    • BPH, alopecia
  146. lexapro
    • antidepressant
    • depression
  147. proventil
    • beta-2 agonist
    • asthma, COPD
  148. provera
    • progestin
    • hormone replacement
  149. pyridium
    • urinary tract analgesic
    • pain, buring, urgency & frequency with UTI
  150. reglan
    • antiemetic
    • NV, reflux and gastroparesis
  151. relafen
    • NSAID
    • inflammation and pain
  152. remeron
    • antidepressant
    • depression
  153. requip
    • dopamine agonist
    • Parkinson's disease, Restless leg syndrome
  154. restoril
    • BZD
    • insomnia
  155. reyataz
    • protease inhibitor
    • HIV
  156. risperdal
    • atypical antipsychotic
    • schizophrenia; bipolar disorder
  157. seroquel
    • atypical antipsychotic
    • schizophrenia, bipolar disorder
  158. sinequan
    TCA, depression
  159. singulair
    • leukotriene receptor antagonis
    • asthma, allergic rhinitis
  160. skelaxin
    • muscle relaxant
    • skeletal muscle spasm/pain
  161. soma
    • muscle relaxant
    • skeletal muscle spasm/pain
  162. spiriva
    • anticholinergic
    • COPD
  163. strattera
    • CNS agent
    • ADHD
  164. synthroid
    • thyroid hormone
    • thyroid stimulating hormone replacement
  165. tegretol
    • anticonvulsant, antimanic
    • bipolar disorder, seizures, trigeminal neuralgia
  166. tekturna
    • antihypertensive; renin inhibitor
    • HTN
  167. tessalon
    • antitussive
    • cough
  168. Theo-Dur
    • theophylline derivative
    • asthma, COPD
  169. tofranil
    • tricyclic amine
    • antidepressant
  170. topamax
    • antiepileptic
    • seizures
  171. toprol XL
    • beta-adrenergic blocker
    • HF, angina, HTN
  172. trileptal
    • anticonvulsant
    • seizures
  173. tylenol with codeine
    • narcotic analgesic
    • pain
  174. ultracet
    • narcotic analgesic
    • pain
  175. ultram
    • narcotic anlagesic
    • pain
  176. valium
    • anti-anxiety, BZC
    • anxiety
  177. valtrex
    • acyclic purine nucleotide
    • antiviral
  178. vasotec
    • ACEI
    • hypertension
  179. viagra
    • phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor
    • erectile dysfunction, pulmonary hypertension
  180. voltaren
    • NSAID
    • inflammation and pain
  181. vytorin
    • antihyperlipidemic; HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor
    • dyslipidemia
  182. vyvanse
    • CNS stimulant
    • ADHD
  183. wellbutrin SR, XL
    • antidepressant
    • depression; smoking cessation
  184. xalatan
    • antiglaucomic
    • glaucoma
  185. xanax
    • anti-anxiety, BZD
    • anxiety
  186. xopenex
    • beta-2 agonist
    • asthma, COPD
  187. yasmin
    • oral contraceptive
    • prevention of pregnancy
  188. zanalfex
    • alpha-2 adrenergic agonist
    • muscle spasticity
  189. zantac
    • histamine h2 antagonis
    • active ulcers, hypersecretory conditions, reflux
  190. zaroxolyn
    • quinazoline diuretic
    • antihypertensive
  191. zestoretic
    • antihypertensive
    • hypertension, edema
  192. ziac
    • cardiovascular agent; beta-adrenergic blocker/thiazide
    • hypertension
  193. zithromax
    • macrolide antibiotic
    • infection
  194. zocor
    • antihyperlipidemic; HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor
    • dyslipidemia, CVD prevention
  195. zofran
    • selective 5-HT3 receptor antagonist
    • antiemetic
  196. zoloft5-H
    • SSRI
    • antidepressant
  197. zovirax
    • antiviral
    • herpes infection
  198. zyprexa
    • antipsychotic
    • psychoses
  199. zyvox
    • oxazolidinone
    • antibiotic
  200. percocet
    • narcotic analgesic
    • pain
Card Set
Top 200 Drugs Indications
Top 200 Drugs Indications