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what are hurricanes
low pressure systems
blow toward the center
blow counterclockwize
atlantic ocean and eastern ocean called hurricane
what is needed for a huricane to form
warm water (80 F)
form from thunderstorms
high relative humidity
good off flow of upper trosphere winds
unorganized thunderstorms over the ocean
tropical waves
if they become organized and begin to rotate
tropical depression
if wind speed increase beyond 38 mph they become
tropical storms
if wind exceed 74 mph
what is more deadly for a huricane
rain storm surge
where do most storms form in june and july early season
caribbean and gulf of mexico
trocical waves off coast of africa and move west
cape verde season aug and sep
form in the southern carbbeann
late season oct to nov
whats wrong with the Saffir simpson scale
measure rotational wind speed but does not take in account for speed of the hurricane moving
more people are killed by what
does a slow or fast hurrican produce more water
storm surge factors
shape of the coastline
landscape of the contiental shelf
hight tide vs low tide
el nino
tropical winds blow east to west
pacific ocean can affect atmosphere and oceans
normal surface currents are disrupted
peroidic changes in normal atmospheric pressure and wind patterns
the southern oscillation
el nino suthern osciliation or
normal conditions in pacific ocean
trade winds blow east to west
surface cirrent follow the tradewinds e to w
warm water collects in the western pacific
sea leavel is higher in the pacific
El nino/southern oscllation
trade winds weaken
ocean equratial current weaken
equatorial couinter current strenghten and brinngs warm water to east coast of pacific
result of enso
pacific ocean warmer and wetter
heavy rains
other side of pacific are cool dry air
droughts in austrila and south asia
results of enso
westerly winds may develope
affect tropical atlanticas
little huricans due to prevaling winds
La nina
occurs when trade winds become stronger then normal
ocean equatoral currents strenghts
warmer pacific water in the W pacific ocean
results in what
cool dry eastern pacific
western warm and wet
flooding in austrlia and asia
huricanes increase in atlantic dure to easterly winds
ENSO and La nina
consider la nina to be part of the enso cycle
el nino is the
warm enso phase
la nina is the
cool enso phase
what present of ocean water moves in currents
what are the driving forces of the surface current
trade winds and westerlies, lil coriolis effiect
what are gyres
combination of coriolis effect n content distribution and basin shape large circular surface patterns
Gyres flow what in the north and in the south
N clockwize
S counterclockwise
how many gyres are there
the north equatorial current flow
east to west (warm)
gulf stream
s to n (warm)
north altantic drift
w to e (warm)
carries warm water toward europe and keep it warm
canaries current
flow n to s (cool water)
joing N Equatorial current
north atlantic gyre
warm gulf stream interacts with cold labador to generate fog
the noth atlantic has no
significant ocean currents (the sargusgo sea)
what warms up great britian and western europe
north american drift
the western us is colled by
california current
north pacific gyre collects and traps large amounts of debris
great pacific garbage patch
most garbage comes from land and is washed overboard how much
100 million tons
waves can be created how
storm winds
global winds (trade winds)
earthquakes and valcanic eruptions
moon gravety
the faster the wind the bigger the wace
wind speed
the longer the wind blows the greater the wave height
wind duration
the distance overwater that the wind blows
the point at which wace motion ends
wave depth
wave depth is how much of a wave lenght
one half
is determned in part upon the force respinsible for creating the wave
wave length
if the water depth is greater than wave depth the waves does not inter act with the ocean floor
deep water waves
it affects the ocean bottom , shallow water begins to swell and become higher and steeper
shallow water wave
potentally extreme large waves resulting from wave interaction
rougue waves
for along pycnocline due to storms stron current
internal waves
alterting rise and fall of water level with no net transport of water or energy
caused by earthquake and landslides
can form anywhere there are 2 substances with differnt densities along with pycnocline
internal waves
confined space that will slosh back and forth from a storm or landslide
long wavelength generated by due to earthquakes and landslides
initial wavelength of an avg tsunami
3 ft
are deep long and fast
wave length of a tsunami
60 to 120 miles
biggest factor of tsunami
fault motion
rush of water resembling very rapid high tides
tidal waves
are periodic shorten changes in the height of the ocean surface due to gravitational interactions
has the longest wave length of all waves
two therories on how tides work
equilibrium theory- simple model
dynamic theory- the more accurate model
what has twice the influence of the sun that affects tides
what is the dominate tide
lunar tides
two lunar tides buldge are created
high tides
how many high tides per day
outward force of inertia (centritugal effect)
one tidal buldge
causes the gravitational pull of the moon
second tide
how long is a tidal day
24 hours and 50 min
why does tides for unequally
moon is not directly over the equator
have higher tides and lower low tides, 2 twice a month, sun and moon in alignment
sping tides
moon and sun 90 degrees, smaller than normal tidal range , low tydes higher low tides 2wice a month
neap tides
real tides are longer than the theory sugests
each ocean basin has its own tidal system
problems with the equilibrum theory
two relativley equal high tides and two relatively equal low tides
semidiurnal tides
one high tide and one low tide 12 hrs appart
divrnal tides
two high tides and two low tides of differnt heights found in pacific and indian oceans
mixed tides
areas with large ranges in tidal tend to experience strong
tidal currents
rapid sea level increase due to large incoming high tides
EBR tides
incoming flood tidal current can overwhel and more upstream against a river current
tidal bures
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