What are the 3 rish factors for a SCI?
- automobile accident (40%)
- contact sports
- diving into shallow water
What are 3 MOI for non-traumatic SCI?
- compression (tumor), hemorrhage, degenerative disease
- disruption of blood flow
- infection
temporary loss of function due to violent blow
spinal cord surface intact, internal damage
glia are disrupted and cord tissue is torn
7 types of secondary damage that can occur
- ischemia: microhemorrhage in SC grey matter and edema causes release of nts and inflammatory mediators which causes vasoconstriction, necrosis and glial scarring result
- inflammation: results in apoptosis
- disturbances in ion/electrolyte levels: Na/K balance (inability to generate APs), influx of Ca (triggers neuron death)
- demyelination: damage to oligodendrocytes
- scar formation
- dural scarring: causes adhesions of cord to dura
- syringomyelia: can block CSF flow and cause pressure build up
steriodal anti-inflammatory that dec secondary damage to neurological tissue, recommended within 8 hrs of injury; however may inc risk of infection, wound complications
Spinal shock
all reflexes, motor, and sensory function below level of injury absent in initial period after injury; reflexes return 1-3 days post
Neurological return
resumption of some voluntary motor and sensory function; most occurs in first year after injury
Mechanisms of neurological return
resolution of hemorrhage, re-myelination of surviving neurons, injury induced plasticity
affects thoracic, lumbar, and sacral regions
affects cervical region
How to determine motor level for each sd
lowest level myotome that scores at least 3/5 when level above scores 5/5
incomplete- sensory but not motor preserved below
incomplete- motor function preserved below level and more than 1/2 key muscles below level less than 3/5
incomplete- motor level preserved below and at least 1/2 key muscles below level at least 3/5
zone of partial preservation
used only with complete; lowest segment that has some sensory and/or motor function
Muscle tone after SCI
areflexic during spinal shock; spasticity after resolves; may have flaccidity where AHCs damaged or nerve root/peripheral nerve damage
Heterotropic ossification
bone formation within soft tissue (below neurological level); may be caused by microtrauma to soft tissue; swelling, pain, redness, inc temp
in extremities but not spine below level of injury; may be due to dec muscle action, dec weight bearing, changes in circulatory/ANS/endocrine functions
risk of contractures due to dec movement (adaptive shortening); due to muscle imbalances, spasticity, postural effects
Cardiovascular effects of SCI
disruption of sympathetic responses in injuries above T6, reduced venous return, inc risk of DVT (**risk of pulmonary embolism- leading cause of death in 1st yr post SCI)
Respiratory effects above C3
ventilator dependent
Respiratory effects at C4
require ventilation in acute stage, but may be able to breathe independently later on; can't cough
Respiratory effect C5-T12
preserve diaphragm, lose accessory muscles (altered breathing); can't cough
Other respiratory effects
risk of aspiration, pneumonia
Autonomic dysreflexia
due to disconnect between brain and autonomic reflexes in sc; sudden inc BP, pounding headache, profuse sweating above level of lesion
Management of autonomic dysreflexia
remove noxious stimuli, place pt upright to inc postural hypotensive response **medical emergency, if this doesn't dec BP, contact physician
Thermoregulation problems
- hypothermia soon after injury (loss of vasomotor tone causes excess vasodilation and heat loss)
- hyperthermia later on
GI effects
- stress ulcers in acute stage
- constipation long term
Bowel/bladder effects
- micturition center S2-4
- during spinal shock, bladder is flaccid (won't empty), need indwelling catheter
- lesion to S2-4 causes flaccid detrusor muscle (reflex loop interrupted)
- lesion above sacral levels- may have refexive bladder emptying
- inc risk of UTI
Psychogenic vs reflexive arousal
- psychogenic- input from higher brain centers via T/S
- reflexive- reflex response to sensory stimulation
Males sexual effects higher lesion
achieve reflexive erection but not ejaculation
Males sexual effect lower lesion
can ejaculate but erection more difficult
Males sexual effect cauda equina lesion
Erection and ejaculation both not possible
Female sexual effects higher lesion (above T6)
achieve reflexive arousal but not psychogenic
Female sexual effects thoracolumbar region (sparing sacral)
may have both types of arousal
Female sexual effects lower lesion
may have psychogenic but not reflexive
Other female sexual effects
menstrual cycle resumes several months after, can become pregnant although risk of autonomic dysreflexia; lesion above T10- may not notice when labor begins
Better outcomes for pts with SCI when:
younger; compression fx instead of crush fx
Biggest problem in early stage:
respiratory infection
Problem in later stages:
Phase 1 rehab
acute care; may begin out of bed activity, prevent secondary complications
Phase 2 rehab
Early rehab; inc tolerance for out of bed activity
Phase 3 rehab
intensive rehab; functional skills aimed at inc independence, mobility skills, transfers, ADLs, begin community re-integration
Phase 4 rehab
pre-discharge; activities focused on transition to home
Phase 5 rehab
continue community re-integration, continue functional skills
PT mgmt for SCI
stretching and positioning, rhythmic passive movements, prolonged standing, low frequency vibration, NMES, orthoses or casting
Indications for surgery
- deteriorating neuro status
- continuing cord compression
- gross mal-alignment
- fracture that won't reduce with traction
What levels of damage require intermittent or indwelling catheter?
- S2-4 yes
- above sacral levels maybe