
  1. the definition of inherited traits
    A characteristic that is passed from parent to offspring
  2. the definition of dominate and recessive genes
    The form of an inherited trait that masks the other form of the same trait

    A form of a trait that is hidden or masked in the hybrid generation.

    For example : in a pea plant, purple flowers are dominant and white flowers are recessive. It would take both recessive genes to make a white flower. There are more dominant traits because they tend to mask recessive traits.
  3. the definition of heredity
    The passing down of traits from parents to offspring.
  4. the definition of complete and incomplete metamorphosis
    Complete Metamorphosis - an animal that completes 4 stages of metamorphosis (egg, larva, pupa, and Adult) is said to have gone through complete metamorphosis - butterflies, bees, flies, beetles, flies

    Incomplete Metamorphosis - an animal that completes 3 stages of metamorphosis (egg, Nymph, and Adult) -grasshoppers, dragonflies, cockroaches
  5. what is a life cycle adaptions
    A characteristic that helps an organism to survive in its environment. For example adaptations that allow a woman to reproduce at that stage in her life cycle.
  6. what is the definition of adaptions
    Adaptations - Something that allows an animal to survive in their environment.
  7. what is the definition of succession
    The process of one ecosystem changing into a new and different ecosystem. For example, a dry and barren area can be mostly solid bare rock at first. Particles of dust and seeds blow from near by areas. Lichens, plants and mosses begin to grow. As these "pioneer species" grow, surrounding rock is broken down and soil is formed. Plants insects and spiders begin to move in. Decaying material creates thicker and thicker soil.
  8. what is the definition of ecosystem
    All living and nonliving things in an environment including their interactions with each other.
  9. what is a food chain
    The path that energy and nutrients follow in an ecosystem.
  10. what is a food web
    The overlapping food chains in an ecosystem.
  11. what is a producer, consumer,and a decomposer
    Producer - this is the first part of the food chain. Ex. plants Producers are organisms that use the sun for its energy source.

    Consumer - Any animal that eats plants or other animals.

    Decomposer - break down dead or decaying animals and plants (fungii, bacteria, termites and worms)
  12. what is prey,predator,scavenger
    Prey - organisms that are eaten by other animals

    Predator- an animal that hunts other animals for food

    Scavenger - consumers that eat left organisms after they have started to rot Ex. vultures, raccoons,and some crabs
  13. what is a herbivore, omnivore, carnivore???
    herbivore- a animal that only eats plants

    omnivore- an animal that eats both plants and animals

    carnivore- an animal that eats only other animals
  14. What is an animal niche?
    it is a special role that an organism plays in a community
  15. Humans and the environment?
    Humans sometimes destroy the environment with poisons and polution
  16. Natural disasters and the Environment??? Talk about it.
    • erosion can occur
    • fires can reduce forest compost
    • flooding can change things like terrain
  17. Symbiosis
    symbiosis- is a relationship between two or more kinds of organisms over time

    mutualism- is a symbiotic relationship that benefits both organisms

    parasitism - is a symbiotic relationship where one organism suffers and one benefits.

    Commensalism - a symbiotic relationship where one organism benefits and the other is not harmed.
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march 2010 science test